• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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The Crown Apothecary Presents: The Eulenmaske

Dearest citizens of Regalia,

It is during these most unfortunate and painful times that we, the proud citizens of Regalia, must stand together in the face of adversity. Regardless of birth, origins, or political standing, it appears we are all equal when dealt the oftentimes cruel and merciless hand of nature. Not always do our best intentions produce the effects we hope, but this is the fault of not one or any; the Scholar's Court will be remembered for their many rights in medical history, not for their unfortunate missteps. Sickness is a wild and unpredictable demon, and one who unfortunately does not discriminate between the righteous and the evil.

Here at the Crown Apothecary, we extend our sincerest prayers to those experiencing blight at the hands of this disease, and dearest thoughts for those who may have lost loved ones. We wish to do our part to assist in the swift remedy of this unfortunate incident.

Therefore, we are happy to announce the creation of the "Eulenmaske", a tough, weatherproof headpiece specifically designed to inhibit the spread of this disease. Comprised of cured and disinfected bull leather, amber-tinted lenses to protect the eyes, and a hardened leather beak that clasps securely over the nose and mouth, the Eulenmaske is the most advanced protective device to date.


~* An oil pastel sketch of the Eulenmaske is shaded here.

Eulenmaske was created with discretion, style, and maneuverability in mind. It can therefore be worn by most Humanoid races from toddler age, all the way up to the brawniest of Imperial Guards, with the use of a handy adjustable strap. The beak of the Eulenmaske is easily removable for the inclusion of white vinegar, mint, witchhazel, and other air cleansing herbs.

The Eulenmaske is available from the Crown Apothecary for a low, affordable price of 20r per piece! The apothecary gains no profit from the sale of these devices, and all regals go towards to the cost of materials and the swift development of a permanent cure.

While staff here at the Crown Apothecary wish you utmost health during this time of sickness and travesty, our hard-working medical charters of the Crown City Sawbones and the Morbus Imperium are always ready to assist the needy. Resist the urge to touch other individuals if you are confirmed sick, and seek medical treatment from any of the city's medical organizations as soon as possible.

May the Spirit guide us to a stable, healthy future.
- The Crown Apothecary Team.


- = OOC Information = -
  • The Eulenmaskes are 20r IC, but are FREE for the taking OOCly! The skin is a collaboration between @ElderShrub and @Eccetra, and is available in two eye styles. You are welcome to save the skin and paste it onto your character (though an IC post here or ingame is always appreciated).
2x2 pixel eye style: https://i.imgur.com/zp4t82s.png

3x1 pixel eye style: https://i.imgur.com/aODrQ23.png

NOTE: For the image above I removed the final line of pixels to suit my aesthetic. This is easily done!
  • The Eulenmaske follows the same principal found on the original progression page, in that it reduces the chance of illness contraction by 70%.
  • The alchemical products listed here (or indeed any product in lore) will only be effective in treating the symptoms of the disease. Once contracted, your character will need to continuously apply the medicine to reap its effects, and they will still be carriers.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5][COLOR=#336600]Holly | she/her | 24 | UK[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=#336600][B]Gemini | INFJ | True Neutral[/B] [B][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/7ht9P2K.png[/IMG] [/B] [/COLOR] [SPOILER="my babies"]...
View all 5 featured items

Alongside our new Eulenmaske, the Crown Apothecary is offering the following medicines at half price. Each one has shown to be effective at reducing the troublesome and often traumatic symptoms of Zerlo's Illness, Conditions Prime through Two:​
  • Rubyflower Extract - For the general relief of bodily discomfort.
  • Witchhazel Oil - For the relief of itchiness and painful rashes.
  • Tallassan Gel - For the relief of lacerations caused by scratching.
  • Springblossom - Assists in realigning the four bodily humors; may clear infection quicker.
  • Ogrebait Extract - For the relief of distressing psychological symptoms.
  • Qorijjian Auzar - For the relief of distressing psychological symptoms.
  • Melodin - For the relief of mucus buildup and sinus irritation.

- The Crown Apothecary Team.
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As the Rosendahl shuffled along main street, the gentle sway of the Crown Apothecary's missive caught his eye. Ambling towards the notice board, Jamie perused the document with a brow lofted in interest. A snort escaped the Rosendahl's throat as he finished his examination.

"Yet another admirable pursuit from the apothecary. Nonetheless. Unfortunate misstep? I dare say the Dakkar would beg to differ."
Walking away with a couple of masks in hand, Garth kept a cheery look on under his fox looking mask. With the sound of his cane accompanying his every step, he'd look about the others in the streets who beared no masks. "Idiots." The Viduggla then about his day, sending letter, flower, and mask to a certain Wodenstaff.
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Wilvern picked up his mask. 'Is this necessary?' He asked, slipping on the mask..Surprisingly loose.

Aaron saw people wearing them, and didn't care to stare. What had he done recently? Nothing. He didn't do anything. His 'career' had gone down the drain and he was down on money. Are the masks really worth it? Maybe. He'd have to wait and see.

Jack bought one, and took it home and admired it. There were pro's and con's, he thought to himself. He threw it down on the table which stood in the middle of his living room. It was small, round and brown made of fine wood. He couldn't be bothered to think of the disease now..He was too tired.
Aoibheann sat crosslegged on the lounge in her home, the mask set in front of her and a small crest fallen look on her face. The mask looked interesting that is for sure, though a tad frightening. She'd wear it despite the slightly disturbing appearance as she values her health, but they could've designed it to look a tad less frightening....
Ryia adjusted the plague mask on her face, behind it a grim expression passing over her as she rethought of the way she'd gained the mask. A corpse- killed by other means than the disease- had been in the Slums across the ground. The Etonian had had no use for the object at the time, a disbelief that the plague was truly that bad- until the next morning when she'd woken the alley with a rash forming on her neck and spots on her face that she had examined in a cracked mirror. So, while it might seem funny, Ryia pulled on her gloves and double checked the mask- not as a percaution against the plague, but as a way to hide the fact that she were already infected.
Marcus Bigge

Marcus Bigge would grasp his mask which he purchased before his seclusion, moving to strap it around his head, soon rising out of his chair after. He walked forward towards the main entrance of the estate, sighing before he grasped the door handle and tugged the door open. Marcus then set forth towards the tavern, ending his seclusion in that estate.
Ji Jeung
The Ch'i gives the vendor a tight-lipped smile, pushing the Regals across the counter. He takes the mask with careful hands, being careful not to damage it, however frail it may be, and gently slides it on. He blinks, thanks the man behind the counter, and heads on his way.
Berwin entered the apothecary, the Cielothar, still not accustomed with, money and stuff, took him about an hour to actually purchase a mask.. When he did, he work it over his head, thinking he was safe now, from the infection, atleast that's what his friends said