The Crookback Catacombs


The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA

The Crookback Catacombs


In-Character Information (IC)

The latest earthquake caused great changes in Crookback Bay. The old monastery overlooking the water was one of the hardest hit. The quake struck while the monks were all gathered together for their simple dinner. Their timing was terrible, because it was at that very moment half the monastery broke loose and slid off the cliffside and into the ocean below. All of the monks went with it. By the next morning, a new religious order had already taken up residence in what was left of the monastery.

The Church of the Helping Hand offer many new services to the people of Crookback Bay and Regalia. Their latest venture is the opening of the Crookback Catacombs for new burials. Deep beneath the Church of the Helping Hand in Crookback Bay lies the twisted passages of the Crookback Catacombs. For generations, the dead of Crookback Bay and Regalia have been stored, stacked, and memorialized in this tangled network of caverns.

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Out of Character Information (OOC)

I want to create a place where people can memorialize and remember the characters who have left us. For a small (or otherwise) burial fee, my character, the Knave of Rats will handle all of your character's or your friend's character's final needs. This will buy you a custom-sized casket as well as a burial plot to mourn a character. Each burial plot will come with a sign and a small (or otherwise) memorial. Burial sites are available on a first come, first serve basis. Free burials are available, though the bodies will be placed in our public ossuary.


Burial Application

Please note: Besides filling out this application you must also contact (or have someone else contact) Knave of Rats in-character for measurements, casket sizing and IC processing.
  • Character Being Buried:
  • Cause of Death:
  • Date of Death:
  • Headstone Text:
  • Special Requests for Burial Site:
  • Offered OOC Regal Payment:
Ya'll already know we gotta get miss vampire queen a grave, just facts.
  • Character Being Buried: Merith Wyrmwood.
  • Cause of Death: Murder. Hunted and killed by the then Greywitch Commander Leufred.
  • Date of Death: October 27th, 306 A.C.
    • Date of Birth: October 23rd, 1 A.C.
  • Headstone Text: "A beloved Desprincess and Leader. We miss you."
    • If you can't fit it on a sign, feel free to shorten it to 'A beloved Desprincess and Leader'! I know signs can be a pretty tight fit!
  • Special Requests for Burial Site: Merith was a coven leader, 'Desprincess, Merith Wyrmwood.' She's a big name for the crime community, and a lot of people recognize her name immediately, or at the very least the Coven she lead. So it'd be preferable if her burial site was special in some way! Perhaps even separated from the others, in its own little corner of the caverns. It's all creative freedom really, so long as it's evident this was an important figure- because, well, she was!
  • Offered OOC Regal Payment: 550-600r.
If more people offer to help pay for it, the regal payment will be upped!
  • Character Being Buried: Leufred du Brierust
  • Cause of Death: Hunting Accident.
  • Date of Death: February 7th, 307 A.C.
  • Headstone Text: To the Great Commander, a Good Leader. (I'm not picky, I'm not great with these kinds of things so you can feel free to put something better or tweak it.)
  • Special Requests for Burial Site:
    • Firstly; Keep in mind this is just to have a place for people to remember Leufred as his family likely has him buried somewhere else. This is more so just to have a sign and in game place for people to interact with if they want. So this is less of an IC thing and more of just something that we want to do to see Leufred remembered some place.
    • Secondly; It would be nice to have a nice grave with like maybe some green ribbons and such for him since he was the Commander of the Greywitches and Leader of the Thorn Company. Not picky, just want something nice. Green.
  • Offered OOC Regal Payment: 200r.
I've finished both of these memorials and am ready to do more. There is always room for one more.

Apply today!

  • Character Being Buried: Fortissimo ( x )
  • Cause of Death: Slain.
  • Date of Death: 4/19/308 A.C.
  • Headstone Text: "A wise person. They will be remembered by all."
  • Special Requests for Burial Site: Some flowers, though nothing too specific. I'm all for creative freedom!
  • Offered OOC Regal Payment: 50r! Sorry it's all I have, eheh.