The Crimson Bulwark - Rosendahl Guard


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
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Originating from the unforgiving coasts of Brissiaud, those of the Bulwark are seasoned warriors who have devoted themselves to the noble House Rosendahl. The order was formed in the grand duchy of Petange under the watchful eye of Germain Rosendahl, and has since migrated to the Regalian capital alongside their liege lord. Members of the Crimson Bulwark serve various functions, the most prominent being the protection of Rosendahl members and their assets. Those of the Bulwark are also employed to serve as champions to the house and may be called upon to deliver swift justice to those who act against their sworn lord.



A depiction of "Crimson Knights" who serve as agents in the realm of Petange.


Rankings and Organization
  • Liege Lord - The patriarch of the Rosendahls, who carries ultimate authority over the organization. Although duties are most often delegated to the kommandant or officers, the patriarch must be respected and obeyed at all times.
    • His Grace Jamie Rosendahl
  • Kommandant - The right hand on the Rosendahl head who oversees assignments, commands the troops, and manages the guard. Although the patriarch is the supreme authority of the order, the Kommandant may issue demotions/promotions and perform all of the same tasks that His Grace can.
    • Kommandant Lucien Rosendahl
  • Kommunder - Bulwarks who reach the rank of kommunder perform the same duties as officers and hold the same jurisdiction. However, in the complete absence of the Liege Lord and the Kommandant (meaning that both are entirely inaccessible), they carry executive authority.
    • Vacant
  • Officer - Directly underneath the kommandant, these loyal guardsmen have proved their merit as both warriors and as leaders. Scrutinized heavily, those who hold the rank of officer are generally tasked with larger operations and are often called upon by the family.
    • Vacant
  • Sergeant - A step up from the standard rank of retainer, those who hold this position carry added authority and are most always the ones to lead group trainings. Although sergeants do hold slightly more jurisdiction over regular guardsmen, their duties largely remain the same.
    • Arabella Ashdown
    • Julius Cormac
  • Retainer - Conventional combatants who make up the majority of the Bulwark. Their duties revolve around escorting Rosendahl family members, assisting officers in major assignments, participating in group trainings, and keeping the peace at Rosendahl-led events.
    • Michael Brett
    • Anna Caladwen
    • Mortibus Umbra
    • Ulric Theraben
    • Dederick Nordahl
    • Nikita Pyotovich
    • Mac Syllbess'aos
  • Recruit - Otherwise known as trainees, this rank serves as a trial for aspiring members. They defer to all of the above. Those who wish to make a name for themselves in the organization strive to attend all major meetings and trainings, and are encouraged to speak with those higher-up to prove their worth.
    • Meadow Hayes
    • Red Borgham
    • Hratchett Jormungandr
    • Lionel Celyreos
    • Nenet Kra'zzla
    • Nat'zu Aldane
    • Ciaran Aithne
    • Roxas Reaga
    • Jake Morgen
Specialized Ranks
  • House Champion - The holder of this position is called upon to represent the family during competitions and melees, and is often regarded as one of the highest combatants. Anyone can challenge the champion at any time to overtake the role, and a manor in the Rosendahl lands is provided for the champion.
    • Julius Cormac
  • Crimson Knight - Elite guardsmen who receive a room in all major Rosendahl keeps and have their names written in the history books. Holders of this title have given their life entirely to House Rosendahl and have done exceptional deeds during their service.
    • Vacant


A call to arms administered by a previous Rosendahl ruler.


Guard Responsibilities
Although the subsequent list serves as the primary goals of the order, individual members may be delegated specific tasks to fulfill, and it is common for guards to receive different assignments depending on their rank and experience as a Bulwark member.
  • Patrolling/guarding Rosendahl events and holdings.
  • Accompanying Rosendahl members across the capital and during gatherings.
  • Training both recruits and the younger Rosendahl family members.
  • Completing specific tasks assigned by the patriarch.
  • Unique opportunities involving the military.
In return for fulfilling these duties, members can expect to receive a number of fun opportunities including sparring tournaments, formation trainings, hunts, and more!

Organization Rights
  • Rights to wear A cuirass/chest-plate of plate armor of any kind (arms/neck/head may not be armored)
  • Rights to wear a chain-mail skirt/hip-guard, no further armor (legs/feet may not be armored)
  • The right to bear weapons in open carry, but not military grade
  • The right to defend any member of a Noble household from aggression
  • The right to perform citizen arrests on attackers against said Nobles
  • The right to transfer citizen arrests to City Guard Authorities

Member Application
  1. Character Name:
  2. Character Race/Gender:
  3. IGN:
  4. Character Proficiencies:
  5. Access to skype/discord?:
  6. IC Letter to the Order:
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  1. Character Name: Keanu Hath
  2. Character Race: Ailor
  3. IGN: SpookyOli
  4. Skype: Yep
  5. IC Letter to Patriarch:
Dear Ser Rosendahl,

I, Keanu Hath, would like to apply as a house guard for you and your family. I've been looking for work and thought it would be a good idea to join the likes of the other guards. I am not the best at fighting yet, but I will start training to be, and if I happen to get the job, I will be motivated to get better and better.
Keanu Hath​
  • Edited organization name and history
  • Reshuffled individual positions
  • Added more information
We're still recruiting! :)
Character Name: Miles Chase
Character Race: Ailor
Skype: yes I have Skype
Fighting ability: no school but good at eavesdropping
IC letter to Patriarch

Dear Lord Rosendahl
I'm Miles Chase and I'd like to apply to be one of your house guards. I'm a hard worker and I've been looking for work to do and I would like to join the Rosendahl guard and wear your colors. I'm a decent fighter I've been on my own most of my life so I had to be a good fighter to defend myself on the streets, and I will protect you with my life need be. I'm good with daggers I have excellent aim and I'm very good at acquiring information.
Miles Chase
Chase Rathelm and Ciaran Aithne have joined the ranks!
  1. Character Name: Meadow Hayes
  2. Character Race/Gender: Ailor, Female
  3. IGN: x_Blu_x
  4. Skype?: Yes
  5. IC Letter to Order:
Dear Sir Rosendahl,
I have received an invitation to join the House Guard as was hoping that it was still open. I would like to be apart of your staff and help in anyway I can. I will protect your family however I am able to, even if that means putting my own life on the line. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I will put my skills to use as I stand by your side. Thank you for inviting me and I send my best regards.

Meadow Hayes.​
Really basic revision to the ranking system. We're still actively hiring!
Character Name: Verinda Hassal
Character Race: Ailor
IGN: Luminousa
Discord: Yes! No skype though.
IC Letter To Patriarch:

To Ser Rosendahl,
I'd be honored to work for the House and be a Guard. It is my exceptional duty that I shall be called to do. I'm a skilled swordsman, merely do I inherit from my passing Father, and I do wish to be around your side and protect the wonderful people of Regalia. It is my duty that I need to fulfill. The clothes you shall give to me will be the ones I wear each day to remind me of pride and strength. May the future hold something bright for you and for your House as you protect the living streets of Regalia.

Signed By: Verinda Covona Hassal
Dated: April 10, 306 AC
1. Character Name: Jacob Cormac
2. Character Race: Ailor
3. IGN:ATHICCBIHFTW (Will be changed soon.)
4. Skype: Yes will give other information through msg.
IC Letter To Guard Below

To Sir Rosendahl,

I have received an invitation to join the honorable House Guard of Rosendahl and would be honored if given the opportunity to serve and protect your prestigious family.

I will defend with honor and passion as I have many times before, my ambitions and personal quarrels will be set aside when duty calls. I would like to give my thanks for this opportunity. You my word that I will give all I have, every second of everyday for taking a chance on an ambitious Velheimer. For Honor And Glory.
Julius Cormac
  1. Character Name: Aedan Gillian
  2. Character Race/Gender: Ailor / Male
  3. IGN: ANT1D0T3
  4. Character Proficiencies:
- Minimal formal combat education
- Basic self taught defense
- Kinda good at more passive things / listening, observing, quick learner
  1. Skype?: I have Skype, but I would prefer discord.
  2. IC Letter to Order:

To Ser Rosendahl,

Thank you for your kind invitation to join this House Guard. I would be honored to help you guard to the best of my ability. Though I personally do not have much training in combat, I am willing and ready to learn, as well as gathering needed information. I promise to defend this House with my life and skills, as all others.

Aedan Gillian
  1. Character Name: Dederick Nordahl
  2. Character Race/Gender: Ailor / Male
  3. IGN: Socializm
  4. Character Proficiencies: +20 in Longsword, +18 in Small Shield, +17 in Battle Command
  5. Skype?: No, sorry
  6. IC Letter to Order:
Sir Rosendahl,
I, Dederick Nordahl, wish to apply for a post on this House Guard. As a Bloodcast knight, I have many years of experience and would be deeply honored to serve an esteemed noble house such as yourselves. With my life, I promise to uphold and defend the House to the best of my ability.

Dederick Bartholomeus Nordahl
  1. Character Name: Hratchett Jormungandr
  2. Character Race/Gender: Ailor, Male
  3. IGN: Elbrus_Withengar
  4. Character Proficiencies: Sword and Shield combat training from his brother,
  5. Skype?: No, I prefer Discord.
  6. IC Letter to Order
Sir Rosendahl,
In response to your kind letter, I shall be applying for a position in The Crimson Bulwark. My family has, as you noted, some skill in combat, and if that would help keep Regalia and this house safe, I will do my part.
Many thanks,
Hratchett Jormungandr
Character Name: Michael James Brett
Character Race/Gender: Ithanian/Ailor Male
IGN: TroyBoyGenius
Character Proficiencies: Amazing with just about any weapon given to him. While his skill may be great, his choice is to retain where he learned his fighting style and how he became an avid warrior.
Skype?: No account. You can find me on Discord. Username is trust_no_1.
IC letter to Order: Greetings, sir. After receiving your letter, I reviewed it as thoroughly as possible. I am greatly honored at your request and would be even more honored to serve under you. I am officially applying for a position on the Crimson Bulwark. I have also ready the vacancy and roster. If I may, out of respect, I will apply as an Officer, if my experience allows that. If not, I will happily take place as one of your Retainers or, possibly, a Seargent. As you rightly guessed, I have many years of experience under me and an expansive knowledge of combat. It would be my pleasure to apply my skills to your family.

Michael James Brett
  1. Character Name: Anna Caladwen
  2. Character Race/Gender: Atlalar, Female
  3. IGN: Ailethi
  4. Character Proficiencies: Trained with a Pavisa, along with mainly blades.
  5. Skype?: Yes, along with Discord.
  6. IC Letter to Order:
Sir Rosendahl,
I send greetings to yourself with an interest of protecting your home and family. Though I have not conversed with you personally, I have heard good word about yourself and your House through the lovely Jacob Cormac. I will be willing to fight in order to protect those who have given me an opportunity, no matter the quarrel. My loyalty will never budge, no matter which situation thrown into. I would be honored to be able to defend your lovely family.

Spirits Bless,
Anna Caladwen.
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Ranks have been reshuffled, with various promotions and demotions. We're still actively hiring!
  1. Character Name: Red Borgham
  2. Character Race/Gender: Male Ailor-Rashaq
  3. IGN: RedPandie74
  4. Character Proficiencies: Archery, Chivalry
  5. Access to skype/discord?: I have access to Skype and Discord.
  6. IC Letter to the Order:
To Sir Rosendahl,
After receiving and reviewing your letter I feel that it should be obvious for one to accept your offer. I will give no other than my courage and loyalty to your family.
Thank you,
Red Borgham
  1. Character Name: Jake Morgen
  2. Character Race/Gender: Ailor/Male
  3. IGN: DominicMorgen
  4. Character Proficiencies: +24 Shortswords, +10 Acrobatics, +10 Dagger
  5. Access to skype/discord?: Discord. Ponce added me.
  6. IC Letter to the Order:
    I am Jake Morgen, I came here to join you all. Quit the Winslough guard.
  1. Character Name: Nat'zu Aldane
  2. Character Race/Gender: Orc/Male
  3. IGN: Israphel__
  4. Character Proficiencies: +15 Battle Command, +15 Medicine, +25 Unarmed Boxing, +25 Unarmed Fighting, +10 Improvised Weapons, +10 Smithing, +10 Black Powder/ Wanted to list all of them :>
  5. Access to skype/discord?: Discord is arman123#9014
  6. IC Letter to the Order: Hello, I am Nat'zu Aldane. I have come to join you in search for work, once I join I plan to dedicate myself to whatever I have to do. I will pledge my life to your saftey.
  1. Character Name: Nat'zu Aldane
  2. Character Race/Gender: Orc/Male
  3. IGN: Israphel__
  4. Character Proficiencies: +15 Battle Command, +15 Medicine, +25 Unarmed Boxing, +25 Unarmed Fighting, +10 Improvised Weapons, +10 Smithing, +10 Black Powder/ Wanted to list all of them :>
  5. Access to skype/discord?: Discord is arman123#9014
  6. IC Letter to the Order: Hello, I am Nat'zu Aldane. I have come to join you in search for work, once I join I plan to dedicate myself to whatever I have to do. I will pledge my life to your saftey.
I'm happy to accept this application! I'll begin a PM with you shortly.
Character Name: Natasha Anlyth
Character Race/Gender: Ailor, Female
IGN: ClearlyANerd
Access to skype/discord?: Both
IC Letter to the Order:
Dear Sir Rosendahl,
I wish to join the House Guard as I believe I can work hard to achieve anything asked of. I plan to work as hard as possible. Your letter and Jake Morgan speaking of your order have interested me entirely. I do hope I can work for you.
This is temporarily rejected as there is no character proficiencies as the application states. Feel free to re-apply though with all details!
Character Name: Natasha Anlyth
Character Race/Gender: Ailor, Female
IGN: ClearlyANerd
Access to skype/discord?: Both
Character Proficiencies: +8 Quick fingers, +6 Improvised, +11 Thin Blades
IC Letter to the Order:
Dear Sir Rosendahl,
I wish to join the House Guard as I believe I can work hard to achieve anything asked of. I plan to work as hard as possible.
Character Name: Natasha Anlyth
Character Race/Gender: Ailor, Female
IGN: ClearlyANerd
Access to skype/discord?: Both
Character Proficiencies: +8 Quick fingers, +6 Improvised, +11 Thin Blades
IC Letter to the Order:
Dear Sir Rosendahl,
I wish to join the House Guard as I believe I can work hard to achieve anything asked of. I plan to work as hard as possible.
Accepted! Pm me with details and I'll get you added!