Archived The Crashes!

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Lesser Noble
Apr 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, recent weirdness has hit Ithania and Teled Methen, they keep on crashing.
My friends "The RDR team" have found out why, any locking/removing of locks crashes the world for a second. I have not found out why, but the way is clear... /lock or /cremove crashes the world.
I'm sorry for posting this publically but I've not found a place to post this in private, I hope no one abuses this and only learns to not lock/remove locks for the period that this is beeing fixed. Either way, you can't lock anything or unlock anything in Ithania or Teled Methen.

Sincere the people of RDR (Btw all credit for this goes to captaindoju for finding this)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Things like this have happened in Regalia, timing out and the sort. It might be the same reason.
Hello, recent weirdness has hit Ithania and Teled Methen, they keep on crashing.
My friends "The RDR team" have found out why, any locking/removing of locks crashes the world for a second. I have not found out why, but the way is clear... /lock or /cremove crashes the world.
I'm sorry for posting this publically but I've not found a place to post this in private, I hope no one abuses this and only learns to not lock/remove locks for the period that this is beeing fixed. Either way, you can't lock anything or unlock anything in Ithania or Teled Methen.

Sincere the people of RDR (Btw all credit for this goes to captaindoju for finding this)

Thank you for the report.

We are aware of the issue, but due to the holidays Cay is unavailable to look into the issue at the moment.
We are having restarts approximately every 12 hours to temporarily assist in the issues of crashing.
Cayorion should be able to look into the issue more in depth once Christmas has passed.
This has happened to me in Ellador aswell. Not sure if it is the same reason, just seemed like a good place to put up this information :D