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The Cowardice Of Ravens


The Cowardice of Ravens

Ravens, are cowardly creatures, who scavenge off the remains of others. They hover over our heads, taunting us with their pride, and yet when the time comes they pick corpses clean and dirty themselves with foul deeds.

It is the same with those who blight the lands of the Peirgarten family. Those who hold themselves above our heads with words of high honor but actions of the most disgraceful sort. As Regalia is braced for war do they march their forces to the Elves or the Songaskia, to aid the cause of Union? No. They pick at corpses and march their armies against their brothers and sisters, Ailor like you, to scavenge what they can while the rest have their backs turned.

They march on false claims, of a title that is not theirs. Or have they forgotten Percival II's estrangement from the Emperor and death at the hands of bandits? And they threaten their neighbors during a time when most are looking outward. These scavenging cowards who spill the blood of their brothers are not welcome among true brave Ailor. The Peirgarten family has faith that these traitors to the Imperial Spirit and their unjust slaughter will be brought to heel.

To the common folk of Lorhauser and all Brissiaud, the Peirgarten family stands with you against the tyrants and opportunistic cowards. Keep fighting. A cowardly raven can not withstand the might of the Imperial Spirit who will rain vengeance upon those who commit fratricide. We have not forgotten you. Do not let their poisoned words put fear into your hearts. Stand proud and strong.

To the Rosendahl family and all Nobility, would you bend knee to these scavengers who loom over you with their threats? Do you sit idle as they swallow each of you with more fabricated claims, and petty fights? To those who do not wish to see our great Empire defamed by cowards and scavengers, stand with the Peirgarten family in any way you can. We will not bend to ravens.

To the Ravenstad Family. Run. Run far away. Run with your head low because your false claim will not be recognized. Your name will be spat on for decades to come as those who committed fratricide against the Imperial Spirit in our time of need.​

Richarr Ravenstad cracked a wry smirk as he read over the proclamation. The young man would offer out an exasperated sigh, as he placed down the parchment of Perigarten words.

"The woman proclaims her own lands to be a corpse? Hath she truly such low esteem in her own stock? - my cousin is not a perfect man.. though a strong one he is. The people of the Archipelago need strength, in these times of war. They need effective rule.. Not corpses. Perhaps this small pause in Ravenstad war effort will be fruitful, once the thousand men of Lorhauser adopt our standard."

Richarr would comment idly at the noticeboard, as he stood beside a Ravenstad houseguard.
Conf read the letter aloud to his own pet Raven, named Brenia. The bird tilted its head, before repeating the last word "Need. Need need need! Seeds?" He sighed, not knowing what he had expected really, before moving over to grab a small handful of seeds from the pouch for the bird, which pecked eagerly at them.