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The Confession


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Follow-up thread: Corruptions and Payrolls

"To all the concerned citizens of Regalia.

I am Edward Jarsdel. The patriarch of my noble last name, the Chief Executive Officer of Jarsdel Business Company, the owner of the Jarsdel's Jarrot Pub on the main street you lot have your drinks from, and the leader of an organized crime syndicate that has been silently storming your streets for the past couple of months.

I hereby confess to every crime I have ever committed during my time in this city. I am a man far from innocence, and most of you know this by now. I am responsible for countless murders of both filthy slum dwellers and pompous city whoresons alike. I am responsible for limitless brutal beatings, maimings, humiliations and tortures of both innocent men and those who opposed me, or my family's name. I am responsible for leading an organized crime ring and terrorizing the streets. I am responsible for the destruction of many rivaling gangs. I am responsible for the murder of the Beggar cocks**ker Jochund Gottieu who thought himself bigger than me.

But I am not guilty nor responsible of touching that mischievious whorewife in any demeaning way. I had many murdered, even killed with my own hands. I beat your friends half to death, I did all of this without a droplet of mercy in my mind. Pray to your religion twice before you put your head down on your bed that Edward Jarsdel won't come knocking down your f**king door.

However, I must state with all my honesty, that all my confessions and guilts are shared with people who so unfairly trick you lot into belief and confidence of friendship. I have plotted with those of nobility. I have plotted with House Harhold until they found no more use in me. I had Augustin Reinard beaten like a dog in an alley so he would be intimidated into joining the Western League. I had Jocelyn von Duerr cornered on a street and a knife held to his throat so he would take off the statement of insanity on Vivienne Harhold's name. I have done all of this on the orders of Hengest Harhold. When I was no longer of any use to them, they offered my flesh to their filthy hounds.

Your oh-so-justiful Lord Commander of Hightowers, Edmond Du Pont? I plotted with him! I have been in the same rooms as him and I ordered his whipped arse around. The guards who are supposed to be protecting your sons and wives? I had them on pay roll! They looked the other way when I committed my crimes. Every citizen report ever made against my name always ended up in my hands. So don't any of you ever believe that you are safe in this city, for I have walked among you all this time with my hands free. I gave buildings to the flames and walked out of my cell two minutes later. I have had my enemies put in cells for bullshit reasons and hung them with a noose while your guards delightfully stood watch. I have been un-f**king-touchable.

While the lot of you placed confidence in your punished beliefs of safety and relief, I ruled the streets of Regalia and the slums alike with my men. I am a criminal, yes, I admit! But so are the people you put your trust in! They are nothing different than me, they're merely /socially accepted/ criminals!

Now I want you to see that you will never be f**king safe in this city. It lacks justice, it lacks fairness, it lacks sense of morals, and I have abused each of these flaws in order to bring myself into comfort and rich. Know that I once walked these streets, smiled to your faces, provided you drinks and behaved to be a kind man, while I had your friends whipped to death, drowned alive, beaten senseless, bagged into dark halls, and killed without mercy. All of this, I was able to do, thanks to your corrupt system! I thank the law charters of Regalia with all my heart for allowing me this power!

My family is not to be charged with these crimes, for I have dug my grave alone! I chose this life on my own accord! My sister Freya Jarsdel did everything she could to escape the life I have brought upon them, so much that she became one of the /only/ fair guardsmen of Regalia and fought for your safety with her life on the line. Therefore, don't hold any of my dear siblings or family against these charges. It is me, and me alone, who chose this corrupt way of living.

Now, I shall be sitting in my office in my rich estate that I built with the corpses of your people, sipping expensive wine that I bought with the coin I stole from your friends pockets, and waiting to see what the next move of your law system will be towards someone who bent it over and f**ked it in the arse.

Edward F**king Jarsdel."

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Harrison Jarsdel's head spun as he read the confession made by his favorite nephew. The older man slid a hand up to his bare chest as he rested in his bath while his other hand grasped onto the parchment with shaking fingertips.
"What have you done?"
Hengest Harhold offers no comments on the announcement, besides from a look of calm wrath.

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"You know, that's a lot of words. Mmm, maybe I'll make someone else read it to me," Marie replied upon noticing the crowd gathered with it.
Senobia stood nearby as she read over Darcie's shoulder, something that she knew probably annoyed her but still did it anyway. She'd grow slightly pale at what was said in the paper before closing her eyes with a slow breath and simply gave a quiet nod in response to Darcie."...Si, it is." She'd turn her gaze elsewhere, an almost somber look to her.
"The accusations of a confessed murderer hold no ground. He's desperately clutching for recognition, like a cornered animal. If he was such a powerful man in the crime industry, he would not have given in so easily. I'm dissapointed." The woman commented, brows furrowing in frustration. "I'd bloody give him a good beating myself if I were able."
Leufred stared down at the parchment, after the initial shock of the language the Jarsdel patriarch used overcame him. He could only manage two words, bent a single question.
"Edmond, why?"
A boy would be standing on a pedistal within the slums, reading off the 'Kingpin' Edward Jarsdel's testimony when Nace joined the crowd of sewer dwellers. He merely shook his head, "He turns his back on his own. He's nothing of the man people said he was... not now, not ever"
Ruban stood stone face for a moment as the paper was read to him by a fellow mutt. Once the woman completed her reading the Crimson eyed man released a sflower.. then a light chuckle.. Followed with a hysterical laugh. The mutt did his best to spit out his words but nothing but croaks and laughter escaped his lips for the following moments, getting a thwack on the head with the paper from the woman "Shut up" she'd scoff. "Heyā€” pah. Damn queer boy" Ruban uttered as he lumbered off to collect a bottle of mead to pre-celebrate, giggling and sflowering every few moments along the way.
Another @Nesstro
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Nevarth Heilen stared down the the parchment in his hands with gently glowing eyes behind his spectacles. Going to find his sister, he'd shove it into her face.
Hank looks disappointed. Really, very sad.

"No more Jarsdel drinks! And possibly no more Frey-ya! This is a BAD DAY."

She retreats to the shame corner to sweep away its dust bunnies, and then to try and play with Garbage.
Camilla looked to see the letter, after reading she furrowed her brows at the comment about Edmond especially. "Useless people should not get a pedestal to throw out false information, it's somewhat annoying to see people trying to reck Hengests and Edmonds name, I'll wish death upon those who do.." she said angrily pacing off.
Merina sighed and rubbed her hands together,"Guess an end to something is near, Eddie."
The Emperor blew a couple of bubbles from his mouth just under the waterline as he was told of the news by the Palace Steward. He rose from the pool and nodded to the Steward: "Another noble that sets a pitcher fire at their own feet. I wonder how long it takes this one to beg for forgiveness that will never come when the fire creeps up his legs."
Lazaruz read the words without more than a second guess of the man's lies. The people had no reason to believe this man, nor did he.
Jean wonders why he's never seen, heard or felt the effects of being ruled by a street tyrant.
A simple shrug and a feeling of disbelief, the Devout looked over the confession as a smile crept onto their face, "Know what, Eddie? Never thought you had the balls to confess. But void, are you stupid." Maddis said to themself after hearing the news.
Follow-up thread: Corruptions and Payrolls

"To all the concerned citizens of Regalia.

I am Edward Jarsdel. The patriarch of my noble last name, the Chief Executive Officer of Jarsdel Business Company, the owner of the Jarsdel's Jarrot Pub on the main street you lot have your drinks from, and the leader of an organized crime syndicate that has been silently storming your streets for the past couple of months.

I hereby confess to every crime I have ever committed during my time in this city. I am a man far from innocence, and most of you know this by now. I am responsible for countless murders of both filthy slum dwellers and pompous city whoresons alike. I am responsible for limitless brutal beatings, maimings, humiliations and tortures of both innocent men and those who opposed me, or my family's name. I am responsible for leading an organized crime ring and terrorizing the streets. I am responsible for the destruction of many rivaling gangs. I am responsible for the murder of the Beggar cocks**ker Jochund Gottieu who thought himself bigger than me.

But I am not guilty nor responsible of touching that mischievious whorewife in any demeaning way. I had many murdered, even killed with my own hands. I beat your friends half to death, I did all of this without a droplet of mercy in my mind. And I will keep doing it until I no longer walk these streets. Pray to your religion twice before you put your head down on your bed that Edward Jarsdel won't come knocking down your f**king door.

However, I must state with all my honesty, that all my confessions and guilts are shared with people who so unfairly trick you lot into belief and confidence of friendship. I have plotted with those of nobility. I have plotted with House Harhold until they found no more use in me. I had Augustin Reinard beaten like a dog in an alley so he would be intimidated into joining the Western League. I had Jocelyn von Duerr cornered on a street and a knife held to his throat so he would take off the statement of insanity on Vivienne Harhold's name. I have done all of this on the orders of Hengest Harhold. When I was no longer of any use to them, they offered my flesh to their filthy hounds.

Your oh-so-justiful Lord Commander of Hightowers, Edmond Du Pont? I plotted with him! I have been in the same rooms as him and I ordered his whipped arse around. The guards who are supposed to be protecting your sons and wives? I had them on pay roll! They looked the other way when I committed my crimes. Every citizen report ever made against my name always ended up in my hands. So don't any of you ever believe that you are safe in this city, for I have walked among you all this time with my hands free. I gave buildings to the flames and walked out of my cell two minutes later. I have had my enemies put in cells for bullshit reasons and hung them with a noose while your guards delightfully stood watch. I have been un-f**king-touchable.

While the lot of you placed confidence in your punished beliefs of safety and relief, I ruled the streets of Regalia and the slums alike with my men. I am a criminal, yes, I admit! But so are the people you put your trust in! They are nothing different than me, they're merely /socially accepted/ criminals!

Now I want you to see that you will never be f**king safe in this city. It lacks justice, it lacks fairness, it lacks sense of morals, and I have abused each of these flaws in order to bring myself into comfort and rich. Know that I once walked these streets, smiled to your faces, provided you drinks and behaved to be a kind man, while I had your friends whipped to death, drowned alive, beaten senseless, bagged into dark halls, and killed without mercy. All of this, I was able to do, thanks to your corrupt system! I thank the law charters of Regalia with all my heart for allowing me this power!

My family is not to be charged with these crimes, for I have dug my grave alone! I chose this life on my own accord! My sister Freya Jarsdel did everything she could to escape the life I have brought upon them, so much that she became one of the /only/ fair guardsmen of Regalia and fought for your safety with her life on the line. Therefore, don't hold any of my dear siblings or family against these charges. It is me, and me alone, who chose this corrupt way of living.

Now, I shall be sitting in my office in my rich estate that I built with the corpses of your people, sipping expensive wine that I bought with the coin I stole from your friends pockets, and waiting to see what the next move of your law system will be towards someone who bent it over and f**ked it in the arse.

Edward F**king Jarsdel."

Lyl growled at the notice. "How could someone of noble standing betray the city in such a way? And all because of the laws put in place, and the people controlling them? I think this demands for a change in the guard management." She said, beginning to wander off. "If I see that snake, he is dead."
Sister Dread too was not so pleased. "Been working with a Noble? Just another slaver probably. Will feel all the better betraying them when the time is right." Before heading to the rest of the Cult of the Eight to give them the news.
Leon takes the flier from the wall and reads it fully before leaving it, he thinks over of what the message read's "Hmm, only the devout few and this gang is left." He said to himself as he walked away
Aaron grinned. 'He's confessed to everything! Bloody everything and in doing so has exposed his co-conspirators! He'll be dead soon if he doesn't watch his step, they'll come for him!'
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Ul'rog couldn't contain his laughter as he had the letter read to him. Slapping his knee while his beer-gut bounced with every breath. "Brahahah! He's gonna- And the trial- His eyebrows! Braaahahahah!". He took a second to regain himself, wiping away a single tear as he let out a long drawn out breath. "Aheheh. Oh man, ain't that the way the cookie crumbles."
@HobblingHobbit @Kihle @Narrju @DivineBoxer