Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
at home
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[The following note would be pinned up all over the slums of Regalia, and nowhere else.]
To the Hungry, the Endangered, and the Ambitious of Regalia.

Be you a Beggar, a wayward Child, a Dealer, a Light-fingered lad, one of the Devout Few -- or even a delicious Cake.
Be you a
thief, a mercenary, a simple man of combat, a healer, a smithy, an alchemist, a spy, a barkeep or a chef.
Be you an
Ailor, a Dwarf, an Allar, a Hassal, a Cielothar, a Yanar, a Slizzar, or even a Rashaq.

We can
help each other out.

Are you in need of money? A house? Combat training? Alchemical supplies?

Get in contact with us. We can arrange a mutually beneficial deal.
We have what you need. And we're willing to give it to you.

Are you in need of protection? Long-term access to discounted healing, supplies, weaponry?

Get in contact with us. You can join up for free, and there is no subcription fee. We ask very little, and you'd benefit from long-term advantages that few others can claim to benefit from. You would have the full support of the Society and its members. All you need do is get in touch. We'll handle the rest.

And best of all -- we're not exclusive. In fact, we recommend that you join up with some of the other organisations out there. They also offer great benefits, and are full of great people. We are fully neutral and will not take any action against or enter competition with gangs, clergies, covens, cults, tribes, families etc. If you run such an organisation, please also get in touch. We would love to set something up.

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The Concerned Society is a fairly vague organisation that's designed as a large network of criminals that all help each other out, in spite of their differences. It's not like gangs or cults in that it does not pay its members, and nor does it compete with other organisations, perform heists or muggings or participate in gang wars or anything like that. It could almost be considered legal if you overlook all the moral ambiguity that tends to linger around it.

There is no set hierarchy, but an implied system is in place:

The Head
Fairly self explanatory. The Head leads. There isn't as of yet a committee or anything like that in charge, just a singular man that dictates the actions of the organisation. He demands very little (especially when it comes to respect). He believes that reverence and respect must be earned. He is fair and just. He would never hurt us. We love the Head. We love the Society.
All hail the Almighty Leader.

Members that are trusted enough and skilled enough to handle some paperwork and administrative/managerial work. These guys tend to build up quite the reputation within the Society as the people that can take your business from you, rip it up into little pieces, burn it, and then make you eat it. Often friends with the Head, and allowed to pick from a small group of thuggish personal guards. Normally mysteriously wealthy and fortunate in all aspects of their lives. Very morally questionable.

Members that offer discounted (or preferably free) services to the members of the Society. They are rewarded the more they discount their services, but generally they receive a set of specific benefits that will help out their business. What are these benefits, you say? Perhaps you should ask the Officials. Or even the Glorious Leader Head. The Suppliers are often alchemists, healers or smithies, but could be many other things (for example combat training instructors, thieves, or even courtesans).

The Rest
The average members of the Society. They receive moderate protection and access to discounted wares and will be able to make use of the Society's base (yet to be secured) as a 'hangout', should they wish. They will also have a chance to train in various crafts and combat styles under our Suppliers or even the Head. They may choose to fully devote themselves to the cause and become an employee, reaping the added benefits (woo free stuff), and working for the Society as a guard, for example.
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Get in touch!
Do you want to make a deal? Use this template.
Character Name: (What' your character name/what would they say their name was?)
Username: (What's your Minecraft username?)
IC Letter: (Tell the Awe-Inspiring Leader what you need and what you might offer in return.)

Do you want to join up? Use this template.
Character Name: (What' your character name/what would they say their name was?)
Username: (What's your Minecraft username?)
Skype: (Not necessary, but recommended for Employees.)
Supplier, Employee or other?: (What position are you applying for?)
Skill: (What useful skill(s) does your character possess, if any?)
IC Letter: (Tell the Truly Admirable Leader why you want to join up, and what you can do for the Society.)

Are you in charge of some other organisation? Hit me up in a convo and we can work something out.
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some of the unfortunates that have already gotten themselves mixed up in this crap/might do soon
@LlamaDelBae @Cain_et_Abel @MadamAries @Rosylocks