The Claws Of Union


Wolf of the Veer
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, United States of America
"In nomine Spiritus sancti, quod de qua Synodus pertractabit."
"In the Name of the Holy Ghost, which the Synod is to take up."


Artistic representation of Ser Yvrize, Noble Heron of Knights slaying a voidbeast circa 203 A.C.



The Claws of Union is a new organisation that covers guarding of the Synod and control of the Unionist Feudal levies, in other words, they are the Synodical army and guard. Any blades-man or fighter who wants to be a soldier under the Synod should strive to be a Faith Hand, which fulfil the roles of bodyguards, soldiers and event servants of the Reverends of the Synod. The Sword's Legatus who leads all the Sword's Legionarius, is also responsible as the person for summoning the Warmeet in case of mobilisation of the Synodical military. Men and women of all standing, regardless of experience are taken—so long as they can wield their weapon of choice to a basic level.

No matter what background a Hand comes from, they are always afforded extensive further training. Given the current Legatus, the thoughts and philosophies of the Villiers-Eclaire are quite prevalent within The Claws of Union. The Claws are steadfast in their resolute and dedication to the Synod, sure to act as the first and last order of defence for Unionism in Regalia and elsewhere in the world.


Sword's Legatus
The proud leader and commander of The Claws of Union, and General of the Synodical Feudal levies. The Sword's Legate is responsible for the entirety of The Claws of Union.
- Ser Theodore Vandervelde

Sword's Praefectus
The Sword's Praefectus acts as the senior military advisory to the Legatus, and while usually not a knight like that of Centurions, they are more experienced in tactical and command schooling, and as such, act almost as a second Legatus, in terms of filling in s a General where the Legatus sends him and can not be himself. Praefectus are experienced at training new recruits and local forces as well as establishing defenses.
- Ser Caligulus Augustulus Vespasian Tiberius

Sword's Centurions
The Sword's Centurions are a senior grade rank in the Claws of Union's army. The most senior centurion is known as the Primus Pilus and they advise the Legatus. The Centurions function similar to a Decanus when guarding, but on the field of battle, hold a higher rank, commanding 100 men. As a result, when guarding, the Centurion and the Decanus are equal in rank, but in the army during battle, a Centurion can command up to ten Decanus. It is expected for a Centurion to be an experienced Holy Knight with a record of deeds in service to the faith.
- Ser Edward Krupp

Sword's Decanus
Sword's Decanus are the junior officers of The Claws of Union. Tasked with much of the same responsibilities as the Sword's Legionarius while also overseeing their command. It is expected for a Decanus to be experienced Holy Knights or soldiers with a particular proclivity for the faith. On the field of battle, they command up to 10 men.
- - Ser Loke av Nystrom

Synod's Legionarius
The Sword's Legionarius are the stalwart foundation of The Claws of Union, the private soldier per se. They are tasked with guarding and protecting the Reverends of the Synod as well as being the soldiers of their army, and unquestionably so. They are Holy warriors of the Synod, but more so than anything devoted servants to the Spirit. They are expected to carry out orders of the Decanus, Legatus and Reverends without question and with blind loyalty to the faith.
- Ser Ciro Malafronte
- Ser Siyasinov Ivan Yakovich

Scholar Domus
A Scholar Domus is both the ceremonial and religious expert of the Claws of Union assigned to a warrior with experience on the battlefield and is occasionally present to raise morale of the Synod's Legionarius, offer intelligent discussion to the various officers of the Claws of Union. Whilst they have no input in the workings of the Claws, their counsel is often requested for a variety of reasons, from religious text, to prayer before battle, as well as oversight of burial of the fallen in battle. They are the the Claw's religious expert and connection to the Spirit's knowledge.
- Lady Veronika Elipolous

Hero of the Anvil
The Hero of the Anvil or Heros de Incude is a prestigious positional rank of the Claws of Union responsible for the forging of armour and weapons for the Synod's Army. Each one follows a half forge, half ceremonial process of first creating a weapon or armour piece, then engraving it with a Unionist verse or the motto of the Claws of Union, "In nomine Spiritus sancti, quod de qua Synodus pertractabit." or "In the Name of the Holy Ghost, which the Synod is to take up." before treating the piece with holy water provided by the Synod and performing a prayer. Members of this rank also repair armour and weapons when they are damaged.
- Lady Karoline Vandervelde

Sword's Ducis De Classemque
The Ducis de Classemque, also known as the "Ducis" or in common, "The Leaders of the Fleet" are usually captain's of the navy or such schooling in service to the Claws of Union. They command their own ships or small task force of their own and specialize in escort missions, naval engagement, marine deployment, and naval bombardment.
- Captain Maxence Vandervelde

This list comprises those who dishonoured the Oaths they pledged to, the Synod, Holy Spirit, or fellow members of the Claws of Union. All dishonoured, regardless of prior rank are listed here, along with a reason for being such. In some cases, dishonoured members can be redeemed through holy acts or servitude, though this does not apply to all.
- Olivier de Letoirneau:
Left the Order 12 hours after taking the Oaths.
Heretical Targets
Heretical targets of the Claws of Union are Major threats to the lives of Unionist, the church, or the holy spirit. As such, they are made infamous public targets.
- Currently: None

Honoured Souls
Honoured souls are those that have lost their life either while on duty as a guard or in combat while serving the Synod's Army. Those members of the Claws of Union that are seen as honourable also may find their name on here even if they pass away while off duty, but still were an active member of the order.
- Ser Jason van der Veer

The Claws of Union use tactics tried and true to devastating effect. Relentless harassment is a known favourite of the prior Legate Ser Angelo dei Marchesi. It's often heard by peers his admiration for force concentration, shock tactics, attrition and scorched earth tactics, which very much reflects the attitude of many of the members' approach to single combat also. It is less often heard, but still true nonetheless his respect for the tactics used by members of The Black Sepulchre. Shield-walls and large flanking forces have been used in the past. The current Legate Ser Theodore Vandervelde follows many of the old Doctrine of his respected predecessor will adapting specialization in shock and surprise tactics as well as elite and covert style operations due to both his Viridian and Black hand experience.

- - -

OOC Information

As a new organisation, you will strive to make a lasting impact on role-play in your new position with the hopes in bringing another layer of interest to Unionist RP. Expect to be guarding events, attending military meetings and various training scenarios like capture the flag, dueling, and group crowd control and military tactics.
As an addition, many evolution of ranks, events and so much so as the fine detail of the culture of this organization will be occasionally added to spice up not only rp but things you can rp about as an attribute to your character as a result of having or being a part of the Claw of Union.

An example being all knights carrying around a cylindrical wooden capsule of holy water in which to apply upon their blade before combat, to purify it before it sheds blood in the name of the Spirit.

Application template
Character Name:
Character Application:
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
Last edited:
Application template:
IGN: MrOof1
Discord: MrOof1#4364
Character Name: Jason van der Veer
Character Application: Here! (It's approved, but he forgot to edit the tag)
Letter to Sword's Legate:
To the Sword's Legate,

I am Jason van der Veer, formally known as Jason Carwell, a Knight of the Viridian Order, and Baron of Norreck. I wish to help defend the Synod from the great evils that wish to try and tear it down. I am cursed as a Witchblood, but that does not stop me from doing my duty to help protect the Synod.

Spirit Bless and Protect
Jason van der Veer
IGN: Ottorintsu
Discord: Octavio#9123
Character Name: Olivier de Letoirneau
Letter to Sword Legate:
To the Legate von Bruhl,

I thank you for the opportunity presented to me at the Willow. It was a gleeful coincidence, really - And fortunate enough that such occasion happened as I were seeking a purpose to draw my blade for. As I've made clear as we spoke, albeit briefly due to both our preoccupations, is that I am more than willing to assist you in this cause.

Allow me to join you in your holy crusade.

Spirit keep you,
Ser Olivier de Letoirneau
Knight of Bloodcast

Last edited:
Application template:
IGN: MrOof1
Discord: MrOof1#4364
Character Name: Jason van der Veer
Character Application: Here! (It's approved, but he forgot to edit the tag)
Letter to Sword's Legate:
To the Sword's Legate,

I am Jason van der Veer, formally known as Jason Carwell, a Knight of the Viridian Order, and Baron of Norreck. I wish to help defend the Synod from the great evils that wish to try and tear it down. I am cursed as a Witchblood, but that does not stop me from doing my duty to help protect the Synod.

Spirit Bless and Protect
Jason van der Veer

To Ser Jason Van der Veer,

I shall accept you into this order as a Faith Hand. Should you prove you effectiveness and loyal pious nature, you shall do fine.

Sword's Legate, Theodore von Bruhl

IGN: Ottorintsu
Discord: Octavio#9123
Character Name: Olivier de Letoirneau
Letter to Sword Legate:
To the Legate von Bruhl,

I thank you for the opportunity presented to me at the Willow. It was a gleeful coincidence, really - And fortunate enough that such occasion happened as I were seeking a purpose to draw my blade for. As I've made clear as we spoke, albeit briefly due to both our preoccupations, is that I am more than willing to assist you in this cause.
Allow me to join you in your holy crusade.

Spirit keep you,
Ser Olivier de Letoirneau
Knight of Bloodcast

To Ser Olivier de Letoirneau,

Your sincerity and eagerness to serve the faith and act as a vanguard to the synod is admirable. I welcome you as a Faith Hand. May you serve well and advance through your experiences.

Sword's Legate, Theodore von Bruhl.
Application template
IGN: Nixces

Discord: You've got it dude

Character Application: Frankie Laurent

Letter to Sword's Legate:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings, I am aberrant Frankie Laurent under the Witchblood curse. Despite my curse I feel as if I could be of assistance to your order, as well as hold past experience to do such. I've served in my home town shortly in Brissiaud straight after schooling and guarded in Ithania as well. I've also had experience in the holy-city from working under the Inquistion of and on for some time now before fully resigning months back. I could promise good work to your order, and hope this letter reaches you in good health.

-Frankland Laurent.
A letter shortly thereafter was delivered to the von Bruhl estate, the envelope was emblazoned with the symbol of a rooster, and upon opening read:

Ser Theodore,

I see you've taken up the position we once fought for not so long ago. Whilst I have retired from the city to pursue my life in Montania once again, I wish you the best of luck. Word of the going ons within the capital have already reached us down south and I can see that thus far your decisions have been sound. I can think of no better man for the job, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. Do stay safe, and tread carefully in this tumultuous political environment. Do not fear to ask the Reverends for advice, amongst their company are some very wise men. Again, best of wishes and Spirit pray you keep your wits and determination about you; and I urge you do not make the same mistakes your forebears did--it's sure to be an interesting time in the city.

Spirit bless and sincerest signings,
Angelo dei Marchesi.
Application template
IGN: Nixces

Discord: You've got it dude

Character Application: Frankie Laurent

Letter to Sword's Legate:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings, I am aberrant Frankie Laurent under the Witchblood curse. Despite my curse I feel as if I could be of assistance to your order, as well as hold past experience to do such. I've served in my home town shortly in Brissiaud straight after schooling and guarded in Ithania as well. I've also had experience in the holy-city from working under the Inquistion of and on for some time now before fully resigning months back. I could promise good work to your order, and hope this letter reaches you in good health.

-Frankland Laurent.
To Frankland Laurent,

It is a pleasure to see another of exceptional skill desire to serve the faith and the well being of the people of this Empire. We already hold one witchblood in our ranks, and so, you will be in some company. I shall accept you into our ranks. When soonest applicable, I shall hold your induction at the Cathedral in Regalia. I'll send you a letter with a list of the Oaths.

Spirit's Blessings, Legate Theodore von Bruhl of the Claws of Union.
A letter shortly thereafter was delivered to the von Bruhl estate, the envelope was emblazoned with the symbol of a rooster, and upon opening read:

Ser Theodore,

I see you've taken up the position we once fought for not so long ago. Whilst I have retired from the city to pursue my life in Montania once again, I wish you the best of luck. Word of the going ons within the capital have already reached us down south and I can see that thus far your decisions have been sound. I can think of no better man for the job, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours. Do stay safe, and tread carefully in this tumultuous political environment. Do not fear to ask the Reverends for advice, amongst their company are some very wise men. Again, best of wishes and Spirit pray you keep your wits and determination about you; and I urge you do not make the same mistakes your forebears did--it's sure to be an interesting time in the city.
Spirit bless and sincerest signings,
Angelo dei Marchesi.

Ser Angelo dei Marchesi,

I thank you for your blessings as I stand on the shoulders of the giant whom came before me. Your pathfinding in the leading of the Claws of Union will allow me to endeavor upon a stronger backbone as we navigate our future. You shall always be the first Legate of this Order, and I imagine for many Legates to come, be the model for our duties. I shall do all in my power to live up to such.

Spirit's Blessings, Legate Theodore von Bruhl of the Claws of Union.
IGN: Antimreoir
Discord: You got it.
Character Name: Veronika Eliopolous
Character Application:
Letter to Sword's Legate:
Sword's Legatus, Theodore von Bruhl

I write you this letter in humble request to permit me entry into your Claws of Union, I am Veronika Eliopolous, Baroness of Pnevmatos and proud Ritualist of Sanktism, I feel that my capabilities shall come into much use in your organisation. You may test my capabilities as you wish, and I will accept whatever verdict may be made.

Lady Veronika Eliopolous,
Baroness of Pnevmatos.
IGN: Antimreoir
Discord: You got it.
Character Name: Veronika Eliopolous
Character Application:
Letter to Sword's Legate:
Sword's Legatus, Theodore von Bruhl

I write you this letter in humble request to permit me entry into your Claws of Union, I am Veronika Eliopolous, Baroness of Pnevmatos and proud Ritualist of Sanktism, I feel that my capabilities shall come into much use in your organisation. You may test my capabilities as you wish, and I will accept whatever verdict may be made.

Lady Veronika Eliopolous,
Baroness of Pnevmatos.
Lady Veronika Elipolous,

It would appear you bring a wide variety of skills to the table when it comes to both your combat ability and religious knowledge and so I find myself agreeing that you'd serve the Claws of Union well. That said, I hereby accept you as our yet to be named Holy expert rank.

Spirit's Blessings, Sword's Legatus Theodore von Bruhl of the Claws of Union.
Added Hero of the Anvil as a position.

Hero of the Anvil
The Hero of the Anvil or Heros de Incude is a prestigious positional rank of the Claws of Union responsible for the forging of armour and weapons for the Synod's Army. Each one follows a half forge, half ceremonial process of first creating a weapon or armour piece, then engraving it with a Unionist verse or the motto of the Claws of Union, "In nomine Spiritus sancti, quod de qua Synodus pertractabit." or "In the Name of the Holy Ghost, which the Synod is to take up." before treating the piece with holy water provided by the Synod and performing a prayer. Members of this rank also repair armour and weapons when they are damaged.

Added Honoured Souls as a listing. (Not one you want to make willingly.)

Honoured Souls
Honoured souls are those that have lost their life either while on duty as a guard or in combat while serving the Synod's Army. Those members of the Claws of Union that are seen as honourable also may find their name on here even if they pass away while off duty, but still were an active member of the order.
Application template
IGN: Puagrace
Discord: Puagrace#8301
Character Name: Karoline Vandervelde
Character Application: NA (yet)
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
Greetings, I Karoline Vandervelde would love to forge your needs that may come in time. I will be fully dedicated to give you my best craftsmenship.
IGN: Nidakk
Discord: You have it mate
Character Name: Caligulus Augustulus Vespasian Tiberius
Character Application: I talked to you about this
Letter to Sword's Legatus: Did that ICly
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
Application template
IGN: Puagrace
Discord: Puagrace#8301
Character Name: Karoline Vandervelde
Character Application: NA (yet)
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
Greetings, I Karoline Vandervelde would love to forge your needs that may come in time. I will be fully dedicated to give you my best craftsmenship.
A note be added to the letter and it sent back. The note read as follows,

"Karoline, you're my wife, you didn't need to send a letter. That said, I sent it back to let you know you're now our Hero of the Forge. It's not much of a debate you're great forge maiden. Oh, and could you bring me my lunch, I may have forgotten it, again. Please and thank you! Send our children my love."
IGN: Nidakk
Discord: You have it mate
Character Name: Caligulus Augustulus Vespasian Tiberius
Character Application: I talked to you about this
Letter to Sword's Legatus: Did that ICly
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
General Tiberius,

It was a great pleasure to make your acquaintance and I look forward to working with you. Your experiance and skills are much needed in the order and I hereby grant you a trail run as a Sword's Centurion. Normally I do not give such ranks and all go through a ranking process, however, as you've fought in wars my father has, you clearly are more valuable as a officer.

- Sword's Legatus Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde of the Claws of Union.
IGN: _Owlet
Discord: You have it
Character Name: Maxence Vandervelde
Character Application:ühl.63062/#post-777655
Letter to Sword's Legatus:


I wish to provide my aid within the Claws Union. I trust my sailing experience and ownage of a ship, could be beneficial to the Claws as well as my swordsmanship.

-Maxence Vandervelde
Captain of the Black Armada
IGN: _Owlet
Discord: You have it
Character Name: Maxence Vandervelde
Character Application:ühl.63062/#post-777655
Letter to Sword's Legatus:


I wish to provide my aid within the Claws Union. I trust my sailing experience and ownage of a ship, could be beneficial to the Claws as well as my swordsmanship.

-Maxence Vandervelde
Captain of the Black Armada
Captain Vanderverde,

I've seen the report on your resent work at the front. Your experiance is paramount on our preliminary efforts in the colonies to attempt stabilization as well as our deployment to the Kathar front. The need for at least a few ships is present and so I welcome you cousin to the Claws of Union.

- Sword's Legatus Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde of the Claws of Union.
IGN: Mistles
Discord: Mistles#3649
Character Name: Loke av Nystrom
Character Application: -In Progress-
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
To the Sword's Legatus,

My name is Loke av Nystrom, I am a firm believer in the Spirit and the Synod itself.
It would be an honor to be a part of the Claws of Union to help protect those who are in need of it within the Synod, and to spread and enforce our beliefs wherever necessary.
I specialize in Front Line Combat, so if ever this organisation needs a front line commander, I would be fully willing.

Yours Sincerely,
Loke av Nystrom
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
IGN: Mistles
Discord: Mistles#3649
Character Name: Loke av Nystrom
Character Application: -In Progress-
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
To the Sword's Legatus,

My name is Loke av Nystrom, I am a firm believer in the Spirit and the Synod itself.
It would be an honor to be a part of the Claws of Union to help protect those who are in need of it within the Synod, and to spread and enforce our beliefs wherever necessary.
I specialize in Front Line Combat, so if ever this organisation needs a front line commander, I would be fully willing.

Yours Sincerely,
Loke av Nystrom
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
To Ser Loke av Nystrom,

After reading on your credentials, I feel it applicable to accept you into the Claws of Union. At a later point in the week, I shall induct you into the order as you recite the oaths at the cathedral. Till then.

Spirit's Blessings,
Sword's Legatus Theodore Vandervelde
IGN: Testation
Discord: testation#8312
Character Name: Siyasinov Ivan Yakovich - AKA, Vanya
Character Application: plop
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
The letter seemed to have been penned by another, does this man not know how to write?
You look closer, and start to read.

Sword's Legatus,

I've heard word of the Synod needing devoted men, willing to fight for a better cause. Well, I am that man. I come from a land far from here, Mirnoye. I am a proud Vladno Ailor man, whose devoted his life to Unionism. I can tell you, the Spirit is within me. I've recently come to your Holy City in need of work, and coin, though I am no mercenary, or sword for hire. I am quite the brute, you see. Not only is my stature a weapon, but I can put up a rather good fight. I will now await your response.

Spirit Bless,
Letter translated, and penned by Robert Neri, Student of
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
IGN: Testation
Discord: testation#8312
Character Name: Siyasinov Ivan Yakovich - AKA, Vanya
Character Application: plop
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
The letter seemed to have been penned by another, does this man not know how to write?
You look closer, and start to read.

Sword's Legatus,

I've heard word of the Synod needing devoted men, willing to fight for a better cause. Well, I am that man. I come from a land far from here, Mirnoye. I am a proud Vladno Ailor man, whose devoted his life to Unionism. I can tell you, the Spirit is within me. I've recently come to your Holy City in need of work, and coin, though I am no mercenary, or sword for hire. I am quite the brute, you see. Not only is my stature a weapon, but I can put up a rather good fight. I will now await your response.

Spirit Bless,
Letter translated, and penned by Robert Neri, Student of
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming

You heard correct, good sir. The Claws of Union is always looking for those skilled and willing men whom are devout in their pursuit and service of the faith. I shall alot you in as a Sword's Legionarius and through your efforts, watch your growth within the order. Whenever applicable, we should meet so that I may induct you rightfully so and provide your weapon with holy cleansing.

- Sword's Legatus, Sir Theodore Vandervelde
IGN: Mistles
Discord: Mistles#3649
Character Name: Loke av Nystrom
Character Application: -In Progress-
Letter to Sword's Legatus:
To the Sword's Legatus,

My name is Loke av Nystrom, I am a firm believer in the Spirit and the Synod itself.
It would be an honor to be a part of the Claws of Union to help protect those who are in need of it within the Synod, and to spread and enforce our beliefs wherever necessary.
I specialize in Front Line Combat, so if ever this organisation needs a front line commander, I would be fully willing.

Yours Sincerely,
Loke av Nystrom
@Zombiel3ait @GoldWolfGaming
Ser Nystrom,

We are always glad to have more officers within the Claws of Union, guiding holy men to swift victory in the name of the holy spirit. I shall grant you the rank of Sword's Decanus as your schooling sees fit though consider it a trial until we test you in a live scenario. When applicable, we shall meet so that I may induct you into the Claws of Union and cleans your blade with holy water.

-Spirit's Blessings, Sword Legatus Ser Theodore Vandervelde