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The Citizens' Edit - Issue Seven


The Everwatcher :powerful:
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness
The Citizens' Edit papers show up as expected, with the bulk of the copies appearing in the Willow


First Public Meeting of The Steigenfrit Institute of Research & Medicine Proves Unproductive
In order to attempt to learn about the nature of the Clicker threat, a group of the "best and brightest" alchemists and researchers of the Holy City gathered to perform tests on samples of Clicker flesh. Perhaps due to the level of stress due to the importance of their job, they yielded little useful information, at least publically. To the untrained observer, such as myself, it appeared that they spent most of the time pouring Url blood and other alchemical mixtures on things. One such mixture was haphazardly poured on an eye that contaminated the whole thing, and another alchemist was surprised to find that a substance that reacts to dead flesh reacted to the dead flesh of a Clicker. They eventually came to the conclusion that the Clickers are not Void creatures, evidence which contradicts literally every other source of information. Personally, I place the blame on the stress the researchers must have felt and a few rouge alchemists who seemed to act without getting confirmation.

Clickers Spotted all Around the Archipelago: Nobles Strike Back!
For a while, the people of the Holy City were left wondering if the Clickers were only found in Regalia, however, we now know that the Clickers are attacking all over the Archipelago. After an emergency meeting that my employee fell asleep at and thus could provide me with no useful data, the Nobility have developed a plan and have begun to push the Clickers back. This will not be an easy fight, but it is one I believe we can win. In this time of great tribulation, remember to work as hard as you can to support the cause. The Clickers have not yet overrun a whole province and Spirit willing, they will not. While I do not have exact numbers, it would appear that all the Nobles were able to reduce the infestation of Clickers in their lands or that of their allies and given enough time, the Clickers will be beaten back into the horrid depths from which they emerged. For the Clickers' strength can not compare to the sheer force of will of all the races that inhabit Aloria that has prevailed over our adversaries time and time again.

The Parable of the Regal by Reverend Wilhelm Hiberson
A group of friends went to the tavern one day to have a drink. One of them paid for the drinks and gave the regals to the bartender. The bartender kept one of the regals as payment and went on his way.
The bartender went to the slums of the city to purchase cheap opium and paid the dealer in regals, one of them being the same regal the bartender earned that day. The dealer then purchased poison from another dealer with the intent of malice. The second dealer took the regals and went on his way. Chased by guards, the second dealer dropped the regals and ran away.
Later, a commoner went on his way and spotted something in the dirt and mud. After he wiped the filth off, he discovered that it was a shiny regal. The commoner smiled, and took the regal with him, for after all, a regal is a regal, regardless of what it went through.

Concluding Thoughts
In conclusion, dear reader, though the times seem grim, do not lose hope. For every failure is a step closer to success and every success drives the demons back.

No other special title​

(OOC Note: GIVE ME CONTENT OR GIVE ME DEATH. Tag me if you want a subscription.)