The Celso Family


slaps pie+
Jul 24, 2016
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The Celso Family.



The Celso family is an old gypsy family stretched far and wide through both Montania and Vulturo, most active in the county of Valle di Rovigo in Montania. The family has strong Dressolini roots, but have branches stretching as far as Gallovia. They identify with their nomadic travelling culture more than anything else. The main branch of the family breeds and sells horses, but the men often cheat and scam and it is not uncommon for the women to become dancers. The family does not have heraldry, banners or sigils as they've never had a particular use for them--they do however have a motto: "Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter, it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark." a reference to the importance of horses in their culture.


Children of the Celso family are often told by their parents tales of magic and mysticism, of dragons and great warriors and incredible journeys across Aloria, they are great lovers of vocal tradition and boast a great many story tellers and bards. It is not uncommon for young adults to leave the safety of the troupe and travel the archipelago before returning to their family. Due to the sporadic nature of the family and how it is split between two separate provinces upbringing tends to be quite different depending on the troupe. They often do not attend school of any kind with few exceptions, nor do they ever live in one place for too long, moving at the very least three times a year and living on horse back and caravan. They are often taught dressolo and commons by their parents and some children are even taught to read and write if their parents know how.

Children are often taught to hunt, trap and gather by there parents as well as how to farm fowl as a quintessential part of their way of life, some children are taught to wield swords on horseback and on foot, typically in the style of Stealthmark. It has been rumoured that there are a great many mages in the Celso family, not that this has been proven of course.


The majority of the family have curly brown hair, rarely blonde, that they tend to grow out. All members of the family have bright hazel eyes, sometimes even appearing orange-ish or green in the sun. Celso men tend to be quite tanned and traditionally handsome, albeit with rather feminine features at times.


Reasons for applying:
Three References:
Character Name:
Character Visual Info:
Character Skill Info:
Character Personality Info:

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I'm really interested in joining, unfortunately I don't have enough time right now to write up an app.
Yes, but it still requires an application on this thread, just not a character sheet. Until the two weeks are up, if you want to continue playing the character after the two weeks you will then be required to write a character sheet.

We must have had a misunderstanding. I was referring to the app on this thread, not as in a Character Sheet.
Can I reserve Evidio Celso? I'm going to be retiring one of my characters later tonight, so I'll apply then.
Might I be able to reserve Arebella Celso? I have an idea for a Suspective Fall mage. I will try to get an app made soon!
  • IGN: Wilvahelm.
  • Character name: Django Celso.
  • Character Age: 19.
  • Character Race: Ailor.
  • Position you're applying for: 1st Cousin.
  • In-game Punishments: None.
  • How active are you per week: I'd say I spend 2 hours a day on Massivecraft (that being RP for the entire time).
  • How long have you rp'd: 2 years.
  • Why do you deserve the position: Honestly, I do not deserve the position anymore than your next roleplayer. All want to do is open myself up to fresh and new roleplay, just like any other person.
  • Why do you want to play a Celso: I wish to join your family for a multitude of reasons. The thread grabbed my attention since I was looking out for a roleplay family that was a little different. I especially wanted to play a Dressolini character for the first time; this seemed like the best opportunity. I also want to re-engage in a community where I can RP and meet a whole lot of new people. I feel like this is would be a good step up for me RP-wise and a great experience all around.
  • Skype: Yes.
  • Time Zone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
  • RP references (Three): @Manatee_ , @NZ_Phoenix , @Biggums9001 (I haven't gotten a complete conformation from Biggums, however he has vouched for me previously, I am 99% sure that he'd be ok with being a reference).
IGN: SpinSpinDizzy
Character name: Contanza Celso
Character Age: 23.
Position you're applying for: 1st Cousin.
In-game Punishments: I have none, and I hope it stays that way.
How active are you per week: I am on nearly everday. Sometimes health and work prevents me, though.
How long have you rp'd: 4 months. This would be my first family Rp.
Why do you deserve the position: I feel like I can offer good IC interactions, as well as a fun OOC environment.
Why do you want to play a Celso: At first, I was disinterested, but, then I saw Gypsy. I absolutely adore Gyspy history and culture. I'm kinda a nerd about it.
Skype: I'll give over PM, if that's okay.
Time Zone: Central US time.
RP references (Three): I will use none. I believe in me.
  • IGN: Myujin
  • Character name: Remy d'Amboise
  • Character Age: 24
  • Position you're applying for: Nico's brother
  • In-game Punishments: None
  • How active are you per week: A lot, I'm less active on tuesdays and thursdays though.
  • How long have you rp'd: 4 years (3 months in Massive)
  • Why do you deserve the position: I believe I'm a good roleplayer and also capable to interpret Nico's brother. We can discuss more about it on skype if you want.
  • Why do you want to play a Celso: I'm interested in the family's backstory and culture.
  • Skype: You already have it.
  • Time Zone: CT
  • RP references (Three): you already know how I roll boi
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Janurary 1, 2018:
@Belgrade and I are going to start recruiting again for Celso.
If you are interested in joining, merely just apply and I'll hit you up with the details.
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  • IGN: SergeantDelta
  • Reasons for applying: Nitesho, interest in the general character and family of Evidio drew me in and recent comment drew me to application, as well as having a character that steps out of my norm.
  • Three References: @MrH_ , @JarrettdaCarrot , @Nitesho
  • Character Name: Kichirou Celso
  • Character Visual Info: Straying away from typical Celso traits, Kichirou is a full-blood Ch'ien-Ji and a distant cousin of Evidio. (2nd or third what I think. Or even adopted.) Hence his small stature only standing at 5'5 and a toned build. Coal black hair, with strong cheekbones and a large back tattoo of a bear. He has distinguishable look from his other family members.
  • Character Skill Info: Darkmark, +10 acrobatics, +10 dagger, +10 sneaking, +10 shortsword,
  • Character Personality Info: Kichirou is typically a rather laid back bro like of family member. He's quite a drinker but also a war dog, he has no involvement or really even care for religion. He sees his moral compass as one that's truly neutral really swinging to whatever he feels to at the moment. He interacts with his family with grace and even more kind behavior. To lovers and children, his standards raise, however.
  • @Nitesho
IGN: Last_Link
Reasons for applying: I don't know.
Three References: No.
Character Name: Qybur Celso
Character Visual Info:
Character Skill Info: Darkmark +40 shortsword +10 dagger +15 sneaking +5 Pavisa Crossbow
Character Personality Info: Angry old dude that shoots dogs when they come onto his yard.
IGN: Last_Link
Reasons for applying: I don't know.
Three References: No.
Character Name: Qybur Celso
Character Visual Info:
Character Skill Info: Darkmark +40 shortsword +10 dagger +15 sneaking +5 Pavisa Crossbow
Character Personality Info: Angry old dude that shoots dogs when they come onto his yard.