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The Capture Of All'oa Nu'ssaja


The Storyteller
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
On the stage in the Azure Plaza, right in front of the Aletta Keep, stands a man and a woman flanked on either side by two Sentinels in Bluesteel armor and donning blank, silvery masks. The square was also surrounded by armed individuals of the same appearance. The man and woman could be easily recognizable as Cecile Ravenstad and Fiske Eberlin, Lesser Vigils of the Azure Order. Off to the side stands Erwald Ravenstad, and Nyx Richter, each of them holding an arm of the Death Mage, All'oa Nu'ssaja. The Death Mage was not free, of course, in fact she was covered in Bluesteel restraints. Her hands were bound in Bluesteel cuffs connected to a heavy apparatus at her belt, and her feet were similarly bound but allowing minimal movement. Around her neck and up to her mouth also appeared to be some kind of elaborate collar to prevent casting of any sort. The man spoke up:

"Attention, people of Regalia! Today the Azure Order announces that we have captured the infamous Death Mage, All'oa Nu'ssaja! Through the efforts of our Sentinels and Sorcerers under the coordination of the Lesser Vigils, we were able to find and capture this vile Black Mage and will be sending her to the Spire for experimentation."

The man stopped and the woman piped up afterward, saying:

"After the swift death of Ichabod, it is unfortunate that we cannot provide you with the same sort of show, but it has been deemed that experimentation on this Death Mage could assist in managing future encounters with her disciples who still plague the Slums! We will be disposing of her after we squeeze every last drop of information out of her. For now you can all rest easier, knowing that this woman will spent the rest of her years locked away in the Azure Spire. Should you have any information pertinent to our investigation into her associates, I urge you to come forward. Spirit Guide all our steps as we, the Azure Order, continue cleaning our streets of these Vermin."

Afterwards the Death Mage was immediately carted away to the Spire under heavy guard.
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