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The Blood Hunts


Mar 22, 2018
Reaction score

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-=[ The Lothar Order posts an official publication ]=-
A new tidal wave of Vampires has beset the City. Bloodlines of varying Courts have entered into the fray anew, and so, the Lothar Order rises to meet the ensuing horde of Afflicted. Thus, Purger-Knight and Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov announce a new initiative; The Blood Hunts. Meant to target growing Vampiric insurgency within the City through means of inquisition, raids, and purgings. Bloodlines, if allowed to fester within the city, risk a spiraling outbreak against the lethal infection.

The primary location of patrol and targets will be the City-Side. The base of operations being the Purity District, where the majority of Lothar Blood Hunts will begin and end.

The following locations are declared safe havens to "Blood Hunts", or untouchable locations that the Lothar seek to avoid given obvious deterrents and dangers. However, should a need arise, Lothar will venture into these locations if it means high-value targets. [excluding rosaria given as they kicked their ass last time]​
  • ◈⊰ Crookback
  • ◈⊰ The Sewers
  • ◈⊰ Floral Court
  • ◈⊰ Fairbanks
  • ◈⊰ Rosaria Circle

- OOC -
PM me on Discord to set up Lothar x Vampire violence. If not, see us in the streets! >:)