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The Beacon’s Words (bards Of Eternian)

Should there be more Bards

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Dec 16, 2019
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A notice in light airy script is nailed to the various taverns and performance venues within the City and oddly some portions of the Undercity. The words would be written in crimson ink.

I begin with an apology,
Notices have proven a increasingly cliche within the Holy City, but as I lack the ability to be multiple places at once. I resort to this and humbly ask the public's pardon for adding to the deluge of notices.

I am Alucard Alfonse, Beacon of Eternian's Bardic Song

I stand with titles earned by bardic dedication and experience: Master of Violin, High Crimson Dancer, Player upon the Spell Bound stage, and Choir-man of the Endless Song.

I have come to regalia to spread the tenets of The Red Bard. The tenets which I hope even those brothers and sisters of other faiths might find useful to their ends. Our faith is in personal betterment and in semi-reverence but the two needn't be taken together.


Mortal is the flesh but immortal is its Art
In contrast to those cults which preach the exaltation and advancement of physical strength. The Bards of Eternian preach the advancement of the Creative Form as the physical degrades and ages. For even as Nelfin wizen and Urls age, Art lasts eternal ever changing and ever praised far beyond the days of its creator.

  • Seek to always be creating and to always be improving your art forms.
  • Cultivation of the Physical is allowed but must be secondary. To the cultivation of the Creative.

Let Art bind hearts and minds
but let the creator be unbound

In contrast to some cults, The Bards of Eternian welcomes the powers of Illusion, creation, and minimal types of control. We allow the usage of spells and practices which might alter the minds of audiences. For the purpose of artistic enhancement and not for ends which would wholly deprive people of freedom.
  • Abilities and skills which alter perception or slightly control a person's self experience. Are allowed for performances and events to enhance Art.
  • Dragons, mind controlling Afflictions, and all forms of mind control not related to Artistic Performance/work are disavowed by the Bard of Eternian. Though no specific tolerance or intolerance beyond caution is enforced.

Art is chaos and order
infinite future and finite history
Keep none from joining its song

The Bards of Eternian take special joy in teaching art to others. As Eternian himself showed me the endless weaving, so to must I help others find passion and joy. All Bards have different purposes and all have potential to learn something within the infinite types of expression.

  • Do not deny the chance to teach others bardic and artistic ways. Even the masters must always be seeking new art forms to master and fall in love with.
  • The willingness to teach comes with the freedom of price. A bard sets his pay, for all clients know that bards are many and over pricing is simply a opportunity to find different teachers.

Give to the Emperor what is the Emperor's, but give to the Bard what is the Bard's

"Give to the Emperor what is the Emperor's"
Just as the Bard requires a dutiful audience so does the Empire require due acknowledgement. As a former Curate, I acknowledge that the power wielded by Unionism is real in the sense of manifestation. That The Spirit is a powerful being which can effect the world of Aloria. Yet the Cult doesn't believe its power requires subservience and along this line the Emperor and Nobility must be respected. For many are Patrons of the Arts and help our trades immensely through promotion and consumption of our practices.

Bards must never forget the purpose of Art is to speak ones truths and accomplish personal wishes/goals. This means we at times must be the satirists of the world. Those who may ridicule, question, reform, and record the acts and misacts of supposed superiors while remaining as lawful as we can.

"Give to the Bard what is the Bard's"

Now just as we give our due to the state so must others give us our due. All Art is created for a purpose and as such should be rewarded based upon its quality. To be cheated or denied rightful payment, even by fellow bards, is an unforgivable insult and in those circumstances taking steps to regain that payment are encouraged.
  • Encouraged Legal forms of Revenge: seeking compensation from courts, denouncing those who wronged you (creatively of course), seeking to reputationally diminish the offender, etc.

Now I have expressed the tenants of our Philosophy,

Usually this is where one goes into symbiology and practice and holidays and on and on. Yet our purpose is simple and doesn't require such things. We exist to provide a way for bards to find fulfillment. To give a path of evolution for all artists from the Street Musician to the Imperial Composer, from the Statue Sculptor to the Carpenter.

To all my fellow artists you are welcome to our ideas and encouraged to join our worship. To those who wish to worship Eternian as a deity rather then a spirit of inspiration, I welcome you to find me so that I may induct you into the further sections of the Bardship.

If you wish to join me in my own independent Bardic endeavors or wish to join our loose faith. Please write me a letter or put out a request to find me.
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