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The Apothecary General


unabashed music and whiskey snob
Staff member
Mar 12, 2018
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From the Office of the Lord Chancellor, Constanze du Brierüst

July 26th, 307 A.C.

The following is a set of laws outlining the responsibilities and granting the powers to a new titled role to be supervised by the Lord Chancellor known as the Apothecary General. They are as follows:

I. Oath-Keeping and Licensing
i. The Apothecary General is tasked with the creation and upholding of a standardized medical oath to be taken and sworn by any doctors, physicians and nurses within Regalia.​
a. This oath is subject to adjustment or amendment at the Apothecary General's discretion. Any alterations made to the oath are to be publicized where the records of it are kept, and any who have sworn it are to be notified of its adjustments so that they may re-swear such an oath.
b. Licensed practitioners who do not re-swear the amended oath within a week may have their licenses revoked by the Apothecary General at their discretion.
c. The Oath may not be constructed in such a manner as to force or imply those who swear it to commit illegal actions.​
ii. The Apothecary General is tasked with the creation and upholding of an officiated Medical License for practicing medicine within Regalia and keeping record of all who hold it.
a. The license may have terms of revocation attached to it that will be agreed upon when it is granted to a practitioner. The Apothecary General may revoke a license at any time based on breaches of these agreed terms.
b. The license can only be held by citizens of First Civil Status. Citizens of Protected Civil Status must have their license approved by the Secretary of Heritage.
c. The license grants its holder the right to own and operate a medical practice within Regalia and be employed within one in a role above physical labor or clerical work. Medical practices are considered:
  • Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Apothecaries
  • Therapy and Wellness Centers (Bathhouses Included)
d. A public registry will be kept that lists all approved license-holders and their respective practices and purposes.​
iii. The Apothecary General is tasked with the monitoring and investigation of all oath-takers and license holders to ensure that the oath is being upheld and the license is being abided by.
a. The right is given to notify the public of any practitioners who have broken their oath or had their license revoked so that their fraudulent service may be avoided.
II. Public Health
i. The Apothecary General is tasked with being the Empire's first and foremost advisor on public health.
a. They will give the Lord Chancellor and Secretariat their input and advisement on any necessary laws relating to public health and similar matters.
b. They will perform routine, unannounced inspections of the following businesses:
  • Restaurants
  • Taverns
  • Bars
  • Sweet Shops
  • Groceries
  • Food Stalls
  • Spas
  • Brothels
c. Announcements will be made to the public if any of their inspections result in unsafe, unclean or hazardous conditions being discovered.
III. Powers
i. The Apothecary General is granted the right to wear a mask for sanitation and health purposes at any time.
a. This right may also be imparted onto anyone for emergency situations where it is deemed necessary.​
ii. The Apothecary General is granted the right to Violet escort in the case of unruly or dangerous business owners or practitioners.
iii. The Apothecary General may request the absolute quarantine of a business or medical practice in the case of an emergency or hazardous conditions.
a. This request must be filed with a Chapter Commander of the Violet Order.
One Ser Jocelyn Von Duerr is hereby inaugurated as the first acting Apothecary General of Regalia.

Spirit protect,
Constanze du Brierüst
Lord Chancellor
Archduchess of Maraisburke

Aleck shook his head with a loud laugh, tossing the papers carrying the new laws into a fireplace not far from his desk. "The military has medics that have taken no such oath due to their need to defend themselves and others-.. If they start taking away these medic's abilities to aid the wounded on the battlefield I'm sure they'll have some issues."
One would note that the rights a license grants are to the ownership of private practices and nowhere mentions the military or medics!
Rosana was a very displeased Isldar. "Great - just that much more harder to be a Medic. At this point I should just move to the Sewers, much better people live down there - the people on the surface seem to be rather.. Awful in general. Shame on you, shame on your cows, and shame on your wives and husbands!" with that she'd toss the paper into the Fires - then would proceed to return back to her romance novel reading - the flames flickering over her face and the glasses on her nose.
Elizabeth Rote glanced it over and sighed, plenty of things she didn't like.. though she decided to leave her complaints for her cat to hear.
Someone was not pleased, but kept it to her own self.
Freya'd been quietly skimming through the various notices she'd missed during her sick leave- Only to pause upon this one. A taut frown slowly tugged upon her features the more she read, until eventually she forced herself to tear her gaze away when she'd finished, before she could allow her blood to boil any further.
"Jocelyn. Of course."
Azra grinned at the paper, touching the name printed on it for the new position before stating, "Wow, what a great day for Joce. Proud of the man."
Mallen spotted the notice while he was doing deskwork at the brewery. He read through and read it again for loopholes, and smirked. "Is this really written by the Chancellor? Breweries or room service weren't noticed. Can't cover everything. We don't have a serving room. It's listing businesses known for it." But for room service, he overlooked the technicalities in 'tavern', and how it covers sorts of lodging. He frowned when he noticed it covers groceries and food stalls. "What are you looking for?"
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