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The Alchimia Monthly Report: January





As we move into the blossom-filled month of February, leaving behind the sickness and dreariness of the flu season, the Alchimia Order would like to wish the citizens of Regalia prosperity and the best of health! This publication marks the very first Monthly Alchimia Report, which will detail the medical charter's happenings and accomplishments for each month as well as keep citizens up to date with the latest ailments to watch out for!



In January, the Alchimia Order treated a grand total of…

☼ 198 PATIENTS! ☼
[OOC Source.]

And made a grand total of...

☼ 121 SALES! ☼
[OOC Source]

We would like to thank all members of the populace for their continued support of the Order, and the monetary donations which makes feats like this possible. We are always looking for more physicians and budding healers who are interested in helping to manage our busy clinic! Please pen a letter to the Alchimia Directors to apply.



January's Employees of the Fortnight were…



These two star physicians together amassed a total of 57 patients healed and 32 sales made over the course of January. Both individuals received a fortnight of fame and received a hamper of gifts to reward their hard work and dedication. Keep it up, girls!



The New-Leaf Charity Festival

The New-Leaf Charity Festival made headlines on the 28th of January when it marked the Alchimia Order's first open event! Businesses and Charters from around the archipelago signed up to run colorful stalls and advertise their wares, and dedicated volunteers from the Alchimia Order took time out of their busy Sundays to provide four long hours of fun and charity. From all of us here at the Apothecary, we hope that those who attended had just as much as fun as we did!

From the collective effort of the Pole Jousting Arena, "Smash Rikkira", the Alchimia Order booth, and generous donations from a few members of the audience, the charity event brought in a grand total of 820r for the construction of our alchemy basement! I would like to personally thank all of you for your generosity, and sincerely hope that the increased space and safety of our storage basement will allow the Alchimia Order to serve the citizenry even more!



The month of January saw with it a frightening increase in the frequency of Arken attacks and Dragon converts. Fortunately, the city's luck appeared to turn towards the end of the month when his Imperial Holiness uncovered a way to bring those of lost faith back towards righteousness! Something that may be lesser known however, is that the Alchimia Order also isolated a way in which to temporarily disable Rikkira's song in victims to the Dragon's curse. Those who were present at the Noble Assembly of the 17th may remember this touched upon. While we cannot yet reveal the methods in which we were able to accomplish this feat, the reinforcements made to the Apothecary coupled with the decrease in Dragon Cultists has allowed us to officially confirm this rumor to the public.

Those with family members still lost to this curse may make an appointment with the Alchimia Directors to have them undergo treatment. Terms and conditions will be discussed in person.



Watch Out, Vampires About!

The Alchimia Order has seen a stark increase in the amount of Sanguine-related illnesses and injuries over this past month. It is thought that there may be an emerging coven or gang who are targeting individuals who stray too close to the slums. Our physicians recommend that individuals refrain from walking alone at night, especially through side-alleys, close to the Slums, or in the Regalian Park. If it is unavoidable, carry with you some form of legal protection such as a Rechthelm Blade, which can be bought for a modest price from the Emperor's Embers Forge.

If you are bitten by or attacked by a Vampire, it is imperative that you do not panic and seek medical attention immediately. If the wound is bleeding heavily, cover it tightly with cloth or gauze and tourniquet the limb if it is at the extremities. Even if you do not believe you are infected, it is vital that you seek the care of a medical professional who can assess the damage and prevent the wound from becoming infected.

The Alchimia Order offers free treatment and isolation for any infected with the Sanguine Curse. Patients will be housed comfortably in one of our isolation cells and receive hot meals and mental stimulation whilst undergoing treatment under the care of our experienced nurses.



Due to the success of the New-Leaf Charity Festival, the Alchimia Order are looking to host more frequent, smaller events over the course of the next two months! On the side of medical advancements, we have technicians working on an inventive anti-shunner system for the Azure Order's new Mage Collar. We hope to have it released and in use by the Azure Order within the next two weeks,

Be sure to read February's Monthly Report to keep up to date with all of the Alchimia Order's medical advancements and get the latest advice from our talented physicians. Stay healthy!
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