The 3am Ramblings Podcast


The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score

[On Air]


On a spur, at 3 AM last night I decided I wanted to do a Podcast with my friends.

It would be pertaining to anything that we wanted to talk about and share with the Massivecraft community, as we would be posting it on the forums. We wanted to share our funny conversations with everyone. We decided that we'd try and post once a week, hopefully, our first Podcast will come out by Tuesday. We will be including the questions and poll ideas suggested to us by you guys as well!

Again this Podcast is going to be about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, pertaining to things in the real world and on Massivecraft and RP alike. We have such a diverse variety of players that are in our VCs and will be in our Podcast so it will hopefully be getting the voice of a few sides of each community.



So who will be in the Podcast? Mainly it will me as the host and guests, with some people stepping in repeatedly but not all the time. We will also have special guests when we talk about certain topics or just someone who'd like to talk on the cast.

Podcast Host:

Guests will be pulled in based on the conversation topic at hand

We took inspiration from @MintyJade and her friends Podcast that they started a while back!



Links Below!

Just a Test | Topic: Magivore and DedJok talking about Terraria

Podcast 1 | Topic: Cringe and School Buses

Podcast 2 | Topic: Guard v Criminal Interactions and Advice

Podcast 3 | Topic: The Recent Burnings

Podcast 4 | Topic: Just a Chill One
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We'll be posting some polls here to ask you questions on what topics you'd like us to cover! If you already have suggestions you should post them in our very first poll link!

Link: Poll 1
Link: Poll 2

Also if you have questions you want to be answered on the Podcast you can also comment them down below! Or Topics!
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It's so weird hearing how different I sound over the mic in comparison to real life, it's almost unsettling
Thank you for all the support on the poll! If you haven't filled it out yet, please take a moment to do so! The first Podcast will be up by tomorrow! I'm very excited!
So- We have it recorded BUT I need to edit it! So it will be out tomorrow!
Podcast One!
Podcast one is officially out! We talk about the name of the Podcast and some Cringey/Embarrassing stories that have happened to us! It's a bit long, about 51 minutes so hopefully, you listen all the way through! (You can do anything while listening to it) We had a lot of fun recording this and we are sorry for any cutting out or Microsoft sounds! We are still working out some kinks (Like me having to hear myself TALK, which is JARRING as HELL). Please enjoy!

Podcast 1: Cringe and School Buses

Also- Thank you to everyone who answered the poll! Feel free to add shout outs to the comments/questions you want us to answer! We'll see you all next week!

With everyone who wants to be a quest, we will likely do a raffle or something! We also plan to pick guests based on the topics we do!

We plan to have the next one next week so sometime over the weekend, I'll put up a new poll and a raffle if we decide to do one!
Poll 2
Here's the second poll! This is how we will be taking up the names for the guests we'll be picking. We will have a total of two guests, one raffle picked from this poll and the other picked based on the topic that we are covering! So make sure you fill out the poll to be entered in the raffle!


The next episode will be on Tuesday! So make sure if you want to be a guest that you have time on Tuesday at around 6-8 PM EST.

Also- if you do not want to be a raffle for a guest you can still fill out the poll! There is an option to pick whether or not you want to appear as a guest!
I LOVE THIS. I couldn't stop myself from grinning and laughing when I listened. You absolute goofs.
pssst you should invite me
i love this! this is so incredibly fun to listen to honestly!!! you all are great
Atticcat is our raffle winner! Podcast will be up in a few days!
I wanted to apologize for the podcast not being out yet. Trust me we recorded it but the editing fell through since I went on vacation and am now a bit sick! Please be patient and then a new episode will be out soon! Happy Holidays!
Podcast Two!

So it's been a damn min, I decided to do this again but not as many people and so with that I give you.

3am Ramblings; Episode 2: Guard v Criminal Interactions and Advice


Feel free to comment on Soundcloud or this thread if you have your own opinions and advice you want to pitch in! Expect more in the future and I hope your still interested and enjoy this!

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