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Played Character Thaamir al-Javed I The Necrotech Tinkerer

This character is actively played.


Jan 20, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information

Thaamir al-Javed
'Race': Founder Skyborn

Age: 37
Gender: Male
Knight Order: Argentum - Rustbound
Hobbies: Medical, Technology, Alchemy

Core Concept


- Thaamir comes to Regalia to seek out others of the Mortis Cult, especially those that worship the Machinist. While also focusing on his own scavenging and tinkering practices.

- Thaamir worships the pantheon of the Mortis Cult, primarily the Machinist.


Strength: 0
Constitution: 1​
- Status Endure Pack (Free Skyborn Pack)
- Iron Will Pack

Wisdom: 0​
- Chem Revive Pack (Free Skyborn Pack)

Dexterity: 7​
- Ranger Tag Pack
- Ranger Wallop Pack
- Hook Shot Pack
- Ranger Trap Pack
- Ranger Splash Pack
- Escape Artist Pack
- Nimble Bola Pack

Magic: 0

Intelligence: 6​
- Tech Assimilate Pack
- Tech Resist Pack
- Tech Exchange Pack
- Tech Exhaust Pack
- Tech Livewire Pack
- Oceanic Pack

Faith: 0


Founder Skyborn

  • Mechanic I: Skyborn do not need to choose a Tech Branch for any engineering or technology tinkering they do. They can build/edit/repair any Branch. Even if a unique Technology Branch has specific requirements they do not meet (such as Religion, or Affliction), then they are not able to build or make it, but can repair or edit it. They can install security systems in their Rentals, requiring OOC notification of Break-ins.
  • Mechanic II: Skyborn have a unique sequential memory that allows almost perfect recall. With mechanical equipment, they can extract their own memories including all sensory experiences, and copy them onto so-called Memkeys. Memkeys in turn can be used by other Skyborn to "watch" such an experience and feel as If it was them who experienced it, or use a virtual-reality-like device to allow non-Skyborn to experience them.
  • Mechanic III: Skyborn have a high analytical ability to perceive and understand the machinery that is witnessed or operated during Events. This may allow them to learn more about the devices that are seen or used, or discover hidden features or functions that other people cannot perceive. Make sure to contact an Event Dm for any potential uses in Private Message during the Event or beforehand to learn more.
  • Mechanic IV: Skyborn have a sixth sense for manipulating technology, even without directly touching it and just laying their eyes on it. Skyborn can "hack" or hijack any technology made by anyone in viewing distance and cause it to operate or change its functions. Think for example forcing a mechanical tea pot to boil over, or a music-machine to play off-key. This may not apply to Event Machines.
  • Ancestry Mechanic: Founder Ancestry Skyborn are both equal parts touched, and repulsed by Beyond. If a Founder Skyborn is Ordial Aligned, they gain +1 Attack Stat (break Cap up to 11) against anything that is not Ordial Aligned. If a Founder Skyborn is not Ordial Aligned, they gain +1 Defence Stat (break Cap up to 9) while defending against Attack Emotes from Ordial Aligned enemies only.

- Common (Free)
- Zahram(Native)

Appearance Information

- Thaamir is normally found wearing his dirty and continuously patched up robes, alongside the mess of technology that has been grafted to his form in almsot every conceivable way to ensure his devotion to the Machinist is apparent.

Plot Hooks

Glory to the Machinist!: Thaamir is a devoted disciple of the Machinist within the Mortis Cult, praising their name in any victory or technological advancement they make.

The Machinepriest: Within the Argentum's Rustbound Chapter can be found the Machinepriests that Thaamir belongs to heart and soul, ensuring his beliefs are known to those around.​
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