Preserved Sheet Thëodine L'lëvwin

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An Illegal Ball of Sunshine
Aug 19, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
Silverblood Clinic | L'Allegro Liutaio
Thëodine L'lëvwin
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"At the end of the day- you're all that you have."


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Thëodine L'lëvwin
    • Nicknames: Silver, Kitty, Doc
  • Age: 107 (Appears 39)
    • Born Oct 21, 200 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Sexuality: Pansexual
  • Coin pouch (about 30 regals at a time)
  • Melodin, 1 bottle
  • Tallassen Gel, 1 pot
  • Suturing kit

Skill Information

Total Points: 60
  • Medical Sciences (25 from points)
  • Lightgiver Ritualism (8 from points)
  • Threads Arts (10 from hobby points)
  • Culinary Arts (15 from points)
  • Unarmed Combat (4 from points)
  • Sorcery Spells (8 from points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 4
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Body Fat: Average
  • Common (Learned in Regalia)
  • Modern Altalar (Learned from Family)
  • Plains Elven (Learned from Family)
  • Olt'vven (Learned from Ritualism)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Werebeast: Silver Skinwalker
    • Blackwald Dance
    • Blackwald Pact
    • Blackwald Flickering
    • Blackwald Ageing
    • Blackwald Grimoire
      • Sorcery Spell: Healing Grace (self only)
      • Sorcery Spell: Orb in Darkness
  • Arcane Sorcery
    • Sorcery Spell: Binral Blink
    • Sorcery Spell: Walling Ward
  • Mutations
    • Exist Carry
      • Thëodine constantly smells slightly of lavender and lemongrass
Basic Information Expansion
  • Thëodine was brought up as a Foundling in a pack of Silver Skinwalkers living hidden in the forests of the Crown Isle. The pack was small, only about 12 members when Theo was brought in, and roughly 40 strong when he left.
  • Theo runs a small clinic in Clawcourt, catering to those unable to get to either Old Town or New Town in time, or who want a more private treatment.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Silver
    • Blue with his clockwork mask
  • Hair Color: Metallic Silver
    • Dirty Blonde with his clockwork mask
  • Hair Style: Short, slightly messy
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing: Various outfits; shades of purples, pinks, and red
  • Height: 5'6"
Visual Information
  • Thëodine's silvery eyes are round and carry a certain kindness to them. His long ears are adorned with gemstone earrings, and he wears a pair of small round glasses. He is hardly ever seen without a smile.
  • Thëodine has four gemstones Gem-Sung into his collarbones- amethyst and sapphire, two on each side of his body. Standing at 5'6", Theo is fairly slender. There isn't much muscle to his body, unless he is shifted into his more bestial form.
  • Thëodine's go-to outfit is a sleeveless magenta tunic worn atop a flowing white shirt, with a dark purple jacket atop it all. A red sash is worn around his waist, and a pair of sturdy but presentable boots adorn his feet.
  • Theo is fairly soft-spoken and kind, and always tries to convey a feeling of calm or happiness to his words. In his line of work, it's important to keep his patients relaxed and comfortable.
  • Thëodine recently had a Clockwork Mask commissioned to hide his werebeast heritage. When wearing it, his hair is dirty blinde and his eyes are blue; his facial features are just different enough to make one second-guess if it's the same Theo as without the mask.

Personality and Abilities
  • Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Defender
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Faith of Estel (2/10)
Personality and Abilities Expansion
  • Thëodine is pretty enthusiastic about almost everything, and is never afraid to let his happiness show. He's quick to offer a warm grin to anyone who needs it.
  • When he's nervous, Theo stumbles over his words and becomes very reliant on hand gestures as he talks. He also speaks a mile a minute, making it harder for people to understand what he's talking about when nervous.


  • Opium: A fairly new discovery for Thëodine, opium is one of his guilty pleasures. Not only is it good for helping patients deal with lasting pain, but it also helps Theo to unwind and relax. He especially enjoys it in the company of friends.
  • Cats: Theo has a soft spot for cats. He appreciates their nonchalance and carefree attitude, and tries his best to emulate that whenever he takes the form of one with his Lightgiver rituals.
  • Forests: The parks and forested areas of Regalia are bittersweet for Theo; they remind him of his home and the life he came from, and of the family he once had. He spends his time there in quiet contemplation when he can.
  • Unionism: Thëodine views Unionism as atrocious, despising the methods of the church and their views on anyone who was neither Ailor nor "uncorrupted". In his eyes, nothing is more vile and corrupt than the acts they carry out in the name of virtue.
  • Rudeness: All his life, Theo has done his nest to be a shining beacon of kindness and caring. So when people are assholes for seemingly no reason, it really bothers him. He understands being upset, or angry, or furious even, but to him that doesn't warrant taking out those feelings on everyone you encounter.
  • Kaffe: Thëodine loves sweet tastes. He's a sucker for sugary confections, and he has quite the sweet tooth. As such, he can't seem to stand the bitter, bitter taste of Kaffe. The only time he can stomach the taste is if there is a very healthy dose of sugar and/or cocoa mixed in.
  • Asterlea Flutre (@CocoaCherry): An Estalar sailor, who Theo has taken on as a medical apprentice. She has quickly become Thëodine's moral and emotional support through difficult times.
  • Ó'rlal'ith Al'rel Eil'ith'lana (@xJ54x): Theo's roommate and partner-in-parenting, she is one of the few people who knows of his affliction. When he learned she had no home, he took her in, alongside Naexi Keysandoral.
  • Dymphna Brown (@Boss_of_Runes): Thëodine's best friend, drinking buddy, and partner in crime. She's one of the few people Theo feels completely comfortable with.
Life Story

200 AC
In the winter of 200 AC, a young Cielothar couple became the proud parents of a young boy. They had grown up hearing stories from the older Cielothar in their communities, the one's who came from far away from the Holy City, of the Silver Skinwalkers and how they would steal off children on the Winter Solstice to become one of them. To them, though, they were just stories, legends told of the old homelands. That winter solstice, however, they learned just how real legends could be. In the cold dead of night, their son was stolen from them, and they never saw him again.

214 AC
The Silver Skinwalkers known to themselves as the L'lëvwin, a small pack of about 6 strong, had been living in the wilds surrounding Regalia for roughly 20 years. Their newest addition, a young boy they named Thëodine, had just reached his 14th year and was ready to begin learning skills to help their community. Theo had shown great promise as a healer, and began to learn the craft under Arïen L'lëvwin, the pack's eldest healer and ritualist. For several years, Thëodine studied under her, learning many natural remedies and holistic medical treatments.

249 AC
As time went by, Thëodine rose within his community as a prodigal healer. Arïen had grown old, and in her twilight years she began to teach Theo all that she knew about Lightgiver Ritualism, so that he might use it to better connect with the Exist energies that flowed through himself and every L'lëvwin. On top of this, she also taught Thëodine what little sorcery she knew, only the few spells she was able to cast as a Silver Skinwalker. This was a great honour for Thëodine, and he treasured this gift always.

289 AC
Decades passed, and the small werebeast community was happy. Thëodine had grown into a kind and caring pillar of the community, offering healing and kindness to everyone. It seemed as though everything was well for the L'lëvwin, until one fateful night when that all changed. A group of Unionist abberent hunters had learned of the werebeast community, and descended upon them in the dead of night to rid them in the name of the Emperor. Homes were put to the torch, and Skinwalkers were slaughtered left and right. Thëodine did his best to help his family as they were attacked, but hebwas hardly a fighter. The others urged him to run while they held of the attackers, and gave Theo no choice but to flee his home. Thëodine didn't sleep that night as he hid a mile or so outside his home. When he returned in the morning, sure that the attackers had left, he only found ruin. The entire hamlet had been razed, and his family had either been cut down or dragged off. Heartbroken at the loss of his family and furious at those responsible, Thëodine was left with no choice but to go to Regalia in hopes of making a new life there, forever carrying the memory of the L'lëvwin in his heart.

308 AC
It had been 19 years since the attack. Thëodine had established a small clinic in the Holy City, providing medical care to those in need and feeding on the much-needed Soul Essence when he could on unconscious or dying patients. Though Thëodine L'lëvwin had gone through so much already in his life, this was only the beginning of a new chapter. There was much he had yet to do.
Last edited:
  • Edited sorcery for the V2 update!
  • Added onto personality/abilities!