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Why the hell did I never rate ur char sheet. I apolo-John. Rated winner.
depending on what @ScaledSupremacy and @Kosen do with their chars, I will go about this in several different ways, but I'm thinking that I'll keep her as Te'suik until the update is released, but remove and replace her magic soon for the sake of simplicity and minimizing the amount of rp I'm going to be voiding.
After the release I'll probs redo her as a Stealth Vampire, but once again that's sorta depending upon what Kosen and Scaled do with their characters.
depending on what @ScaledSupremacy and @Kosen do with their chars, I will go about this in several different ways, but I'm thinking that I'll keep her as Te'suik until the update is released, but remove and replace her magic soon for the sake of simplicity and minimizing the amount of rp I'm going to be voiding.
After the release I'll probs redo her as a Stealth Vampire, but once again that's sorta depending upon what Kosen and Scaled do with their characters.

Aight, so, I replaced her magic with Visage Mirage Hex. Edits are in purple.

Once the vampirism rewrites are out, I will make her into the stealth bloodline, and then make her more powerful with a blade/dagger since she would no longer need to pitch in practice for magic.
Aight, so, I replaced her magic with Visage Mirage Hex. Edits are in purple.

Once the vampirism rewrites are out, I will make her into the stealth bloodline, and then make her more powerful with a blade/dagger since she would no longer need to pitch in practice for magic.
Little bump @JarlJade