Pending Review Temporary Break/place Blocks Trustee System

Discussion in 'Roleplay' started by indyfan98, May 13, 2019.


Should Temporary Block Placing/Breaking be Implemented ONLY FOR TRUSTED PLAYERS?

  1. Yes

  2. Maybe.

  3. No.

  1. indyfan98

    indyfan98 I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.

    Oct 21, 2013
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    I remember the old trustee system. It was the idea of rewarding those who have been proven trustworthy to the server and the staff. I have a similar idea, but for blocks.

    The idea is simple: you can apply or be nominated for a trustee-esque permission system that would allow for the player to temporarily break a block in Regalia, and place a block as well.

    For example: you are rping a fight, and spill blood, you, as a player, can place down some redstone to mimic the blood on the street/floor. There would be a limit, of course, and it would only stay down for a short while, before disappearing back into the player's inventory.

    Another example would be guard roleplay, or robbery roleplay, where someone can break a door or window to a business or house for a short period of time, allowing entry, and making it so that robbery is possible, in some way. Again, there would be a limit, and probably a stricter limit to this. Also, the block would not drop, so then player cannot pick it up. And, of course, you cannot actually steal items from the player's home. This is simply a way to make roleplay more immersive at times, and to allow for players to get access to another player's home without having them open the door for you.

    Now, this idea is not necessarily something I am 100% on board with, but I felt it needed sharing.

    Again, like the trustee system, not every player could do this, and any player seen abusing their power would likely have their permission revoked, and would probably receive some sort of punishment. I don't think this should be any sort of priority at the moment, of course. This idea could take a back seat to more important things, should it be approved.

    So, let me know what you think below, and have a Massive day!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. FireFan96

    FireFan96 Ever present, Ever seeing Staff Member Lore2

    Sep 8, 2015
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    World Staff can do such already, and I'm sure a few Lore Staff have permission as well. I don't think terrain needs to be altered for a roleplay that is already using your imagination.
    • Educated Educated x 1

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