The Telikos Beggars 【 Crime Syndicate 】【 Approved Gang 】


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Telikos Beggars

- Organized Crime -

~ Approved Great Gang ~


~ OOC Introduction ~

Hello, and welcome to The Telikos Beggars. Before I get into the IC stuff, I want to preface this with a short, well, preface. Crime RP has been fairly dead, and always unstable. That is its very nature, much in the same vein that for the longest time Noble RP was unstable. Unlike Noble RP however, until recently, there hasn't been much structure put around Crime to make it work, its always been up to the players. I say until now because a Crime System is in the works, as was announced.

This announcement spurred me to finally make this group public. I have been musing over the ideas in this thread for some time, and after chatting with others in the now-defunct Storm Crows, namely @TheWildCard19 , I have come up with something that has yet to be done on a large scale at all. Im going to make my group actually keep track of its supplies, funds, activity, etc, in a similar manner to the Clinics and Guard Chapters. What does this mean for actual Roleplay? This means we will have real goals and limitations: Obtaining funds and resources will be a vital part of keeping the gang alive, and having these ever-pressing goals should hopefully keep the gang alive, as we will always have something to do.

Beyond just giving ourselves goals, this will also be placing limitations on our members. We will not be spamming out endless numbers of alchemical goods and weapons. We will not be working under the assumption that we have the funds we need to survive. And with this, as a closer, I would encourage any other gangs to follow suit. After all, it will make it all the more fun in the end. For everyone involved.


~ IC Introduction ~

Letters would be found pinned up around the Undercity, the Sewers, and the Slums, as well as the less reputable corners of the Harbor, bearing a strange sigil. They would be written in Common, and Elven, and even a sparring few in Vashkularr and Zasta.


Greetings. Many of you will not know me, but that will undoubtedly change soon. I am Versscall Zzermet, the new Beggar King. The previous Kings promised drinks, and gold, and fame. I promise the same, and more- competence, and protection.

We will be stronger, and more wealthy. And any who deny us will be crushed. Under me, the Beggars will rise further, and reclaim what has been lost to time.


~ OOC Regulations ~

* All Roleplay and Server Rules must be followed strictly.
* Any incidents, involving theft, be it against your character or initiated by your character in the Beggars, must be reported with the appropriate forms. This is to keep track not only of your activity, but also for our Gang's funds and supplies.
* Fudging of data to make yourself look better, or to make someone else look worse, will be considered Powergaming/God Roleplay, and will result in immediate expulsion.
* We expect you to be friendly with everyone OOC, but most especially with new players. They are the future generation, and one day with luck they will look back on their early days and cringe as much as we did when they first occurred.
* Theft of Guard Armor, or loss of our own armor, is not permitted OOCly without express permission of both the Guard Player, and one of the Leaders of the Beggars. This theft can result in players being kicked from Guard Chapters after all- we don't want to ruin someone's experience OOCly over IC Items.
* If a situation is becoming too toxic OOCly, take screenshots, report it to myself and/or Staff as necessary, and attempt to remove yourself peacefully from the situation. This does NOT mean at the first negative comment you can void an RP and leave. Use common sense.


~ IC Regulations ~

* Do not target children or women unless ordered to by Versscall. This will be met with beatings.
* Do not target allies of the Beggars. This will be met with beatings and potential expulsion.
* Do not steal Beggar assets and supplies. All supplies used must be accounted for appropriately.
* Loss of your armor will result in potential beatings, or expulsion if repeat offense.
* Follow the orders of your higher ups, unless they conflict with the orders of someone higher. Jochund's orders are to be followed universally when in battle or on a job.
* Your ideas do matter. We will not refuse a good idea simply because it comes from someone lower than us. Success is more important than leadership's pride.
* Needless loss of supplies, or damage to valued assets, will be paid for out of the perpetrator's own pay.
* Disobey orders and you will need to grow wings.


~ Publicly Known Assets ~

* ????


@ Beggars Banner Shadey.png

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~ Recruitment ~

In order to join the Beggars, you must meet the following requirements:

* Fill out an application.
* Have a mostly-clear ban record for the last 8 months, this is negotiable.
* Not currently be playing a Guard. This is negotiable, but it is a conflict of interests.


~ Template ~

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Skills:
Why You Want To Join:
Why Your Character Wants to Join:
Past Experience:
I Agree to the OOC Regulations:


IGN is your Minecraft Username.

Character Skills is any special permissions registered to the character, or whatever they are good at. IE: Warrior level in Turral, or Scholar level in the School of Medicine.

Why You want to join is why YOU, the player, want to join.

Why Your Character Wants to Join is why your character wants to join, obviously.

Past Experience refers to any other groups, be they criminal, charters, of noble work.

Sign your username again on the "I Agree to the OOC Regulations" line. Just as 100% confirmation.


~ Side Notes ~

Skype is required to join. TS is recommended but not required.

Joining the group just to mess with it OOCly, IE joining to tamper with records and falsify reports OOCly, is not allowed. Ill report it to staff as RP Disruption.

Joining the group to mess with us or spy on us ICly is simi-allowed, though if your in another gang, we would know, so be sure to tell us.

Its all for fun. Don't get too stressed with the required reports and such! HAVE FUN!

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~ Wanted Positions ~

We always need people who are skilled with blades and such. We will offer minor Combat RP training via Sparring Sessions. I was a Vigilant Shield and Violet Guard for months, so I have a bit of experience fine-tuning this stuff.

Healers: We need at least three people skilled in medical arts, applying bandage and salves, sewing up wounds, etc. You will have the most interaction with the supplies docs, due to use of the medical stuff.

Lockpicks: Those more deft with a spike than a blade, able to make the most steadfast of locks give way. There are obvious reasons why this skill would be useful for our group. Robbery, infiltration, and even, perhaps, breaking some fellows out of custody...?

Mages: While mages are exceptionally rare, we are always welcoming of an approved mage. After all, fireballs and lightning are pretty much universally the solution to every problem one can face. A barred door? LIGHTNING! Guards attacking? FIREBALL! In Laws coming over for Christmas dinner? LIGHTNING!!!!!!

Spies: Anyone good at watching and listening, and being where they shouldn't be at the right time to hear what we want. Prone to accidental metagaming, and as such this branch would have to screenshot anything vital they find out, and keep records of who told them what OOCly. That being said, its a safer branch, and would pay well.

Red Herrings: A fun name for a less than fun, or sometimes amazingly entertaining, job. You would be the ones drawing everyone's eyes while we go about our business. Dress in bright pink and dance for the guards while we slip in the window of an estate? Or maybe you'll chug a bottle of ale, and start a fight while our more dexterously inclined members pick pockets. You might get jailed, or beat, or laughed at, but its good pay because of it.
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IGN: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Topinabee Toft
Character Age: 17
Character Race: Shendar
Character Skills: Alchemy (Learned), Has eyes on her hands
Why You Want To Join: You're a very vocal member of the community and I wanna see how you roll IC
Why Your Character Wants to Join: She's young and needs moola
Past Experience: I've never really been in a gang before and this is a newer character but ayyyee
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yup
IGN: Puagrace
Character Name: Pua Heart
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Altalar
Character Skills: Poison Potion making
Why You Want To Join: To have some fun and exiting rp!
Why Your Character Wants to Join: She wants to be part of something and turn to the gang side once again!
Past Experience: I was in one of your gangs before and in others.
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yes
IGN: IndigoOverture
Character Name: Adelaide Rhoslyn
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Ailor
Character Skills: Thievery, lock-picking, stealth, acrobatics.
Why You Want To Join: To have more opportunities to RP and further develop Adelaide.
Why Your Character Wants to Join: After the Great Regalian Renegade came to an end, she's been wanting to work for another group.
Past Experience: Great Regalian Renegade
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yep
Great Regalian Renegade
HOLY CRAP A G.R.R PERSON aint seen anyone I recognized in a while. I was in for a very short time right before it got run into the ground by twice-a-day raids from literally everyone and their mother. Ah, the good old days.

Anyway, tangent aside, Accepted! Send me your skype and ill add you to the chats!
IGN: Jack_Castle
Character Name: Iona von Bastillion
Character Age: 36
Character Race: Alt-Regalian
Character Skills: Solving problems with a giant sword
Why You Want To Join: To aid mah man Conf
Why Your Character Wants to Join: Power.
Past Experience: Previously a Guard Commander, and much Guard Experience.
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yes.
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IGN: SidereumDragon
Character Name: Faysal Idrisim
Character Age: 36
Character Race: Qadir (Witchblood)
Character Skills: Warrior Stealthmark
Why You Want To Join: I'm trying to find some motivation to get me back into playing on the server, and a gang being run by someone I've been intermittently associated with is a good place to start.
Why Your Character Wants to Join: Faysal is a rather.. conflicted person. He's currently battling with an identity crisis, and in the process of that, wanting to join a gang made sense in the midst of that.
Past Experience: Storm Crows, Nenyarina
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yep, it's more or less my personal code of conduct anyhow.

@Conflee Storm Crows forever
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IGN: MasterMordax
Character Name: Louis Woodwind
Character Age: 70
Character Race: Wolathar
Character Skills: Agile and good with a bow
Why You Want To Join: It makes a good follow up career for Louis, and I'd love to be apart of a group.
Why Your Character Wants to Join: After a heartbreak, Louis has nothing else so he turns from his old petty thievery to something bigger.
Past Experience: No real experience with gangs, still fairly new.
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yep, I agree to all the regulations.

The Beggars are once more operating, under
the new leadership of the Mu-Allar Vesscall Zzermet.
We are still recruiting!

@ Beggars Banner Shadey.png
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News would spread, through word of mouth, that the Beggars are looking for anyone with any
experience as a merchant, tradesman, pirate or smuggler for a task.

Interested parties should send a letter to the Etosian Bathhouse Base along the North Wall.

As an OOC Note: An Approved Application, preferably with points in Subterfuge Proficiencies, is required, as this will be handled through a Progress Report.
IGN: Shaushage
Character Name: Bufanda Algadon
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor
Character Skills: Forgery
Why You Want To Join: I have very little experience in Massivecraft RP, so I would like to join a friendly and organized group in order to get right into it.
Why Your Character Wants to Join: It's an opportunity to make some money.
Past Experience: No real experience with anything (Very new to Massivecraft & Massivecraft RP)
I Agree to the OOC Regulations: Yus, I agree to the regulations.
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