Archived Tax, Not Fair To Active Members

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score

After 3 days inactive members stop getting taxed by factions.
this seams unfair to active members, who get taxed. when inactive members don't.

Idea: Let factions decide if inactive members get taxed/or not.

because factions get taxed always even if inactive.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
True abuse could happen, it happens under the current system. but like the current system, those factions usually wont last long, and their reputations will follow them. U don't stop innovation because u are scared, otherwise u will never innovate.
30 regals versus 3000 is kind of a big deal.

I see your point towards this and it is completely understandable but I think the staff incorporated this feature because an inactive member has no idea what the current state of their faction is unless somebody tells them outside of Massive. With this, it would be easy to just raise the tax to an outrageous rate and this could be used to rid somebody of their cash, be that hard-earned or not through unethical means; that is a risk that should not be denied but overall I support this idea, I just felt it relevant to mention that.
"prem goes inactive, nothing will happen to him for 100 days*
/f tax set name 10
-1000r for the premium taking no faction resources, as the leader would presumably have the sense not to keep their house/whatever." - @jes_

this is why im so happy its done by rank, that way members and officers can vote wether or not they want to pay more in taxes. still when you run a bigger faction and 9/10 of your houses are taken up by people who decided to leave after three days of being active and happy and giving you no notice, its damaging to the faction as a whole... why almost all of enigma quit at once... it was because people were freeloading off of us, mostly our officers
Now that everyone has had the chance to get used to "new" economy , now whet do u think?
This suggestion has been added to our growing list of Factions suggestions for Tech staff to review at a later point.
Thank you, I know u have lots to do but it is appreciated :D