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Synodical Bull 306ac. March - Proclamation Of Victory And Imperial Dragon Lineage


Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
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Einen Drachenkaiser heiligen


Exarch Balthazar IV - 1 of March 306 AC


His Most Holiness, DU PONT,
Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Pay-Sud, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, LANSING,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, DU PONT,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, BELLINI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, AHERNE,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, KEHLEN,
Reverend of the Sancella in Brissiaud, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.


The design of divine wisdom has graced our Empire in our time of hardship and need.

We are all taught that the Imperial Spirit protects us all, and it is on this day that it has shown that all who stand in the way of the birthright of Ailor to face destruction. The Spirit has instilled a blessing within its very vessel to enact its will and indeed its wrath on those who stand against our mutual destiny. Despite our lack of strength and merit, the Emperor has delivered us victory. In communion and counsel with the Synodical See of the Sanchella, His Imperial Holiness blessed be his name was able to shake the very foundation and core of the Elven horse lords and put an end to our enemy who for so long have terrorized our territories in Daen. Their sinful existence washed away by fire and sword.

His Imperial Holiness was given the shape of a creature we have both feared and cherished in our history; the awful power of the Feathered Dragon, bringing ruin to the foes of Unionism carried by the thunderous beating of wings in glory perpetual. We trembled before the majesty of the Divine form of Emperor Cedromar, but we knew no fear. The manifestation of the salvation of Ailor filled us with nothing but devotion. And so did every man and woman who fought on this day, inspired to never shirk and to never falter before the enemy.

We laid low their arrogance, and we can not stifle our exclamations of exultation as We praise him and cry with our High Reverend:

"Let our mouth speak the praise of the Emperor with our soul, spirit, flesh, and tongue bless his holy name Dragon Emperor Cedromar."

"But if it is pious conduct to rejoice at the presence of Holy Grace then it is also necessary for the faithful to be anxious about deserving it.

" For what is so fearful as a toll to the weak. Height to the lowly and rank to one who does not deserve it."

The Avanthar tent city defiled with profane novelties has now been laid open to the righteous wrath of our Imperial might. The lips that spoke outrageous provocation to glut the hatred they nourished against our kind has for the first time been put in the incendiary reach of the Spirit. Let all those who doubt the Great Way be instilled with fear and regret. For providence is given, with the blessing of the Imperial Spirit bestowed unto the bloodline of Emperor Cedromar. Through the Spirit, he has received this awful power to shoulder the burden of all faithful in Aloria, for the unbroken bloodline of Saint-Emperor Theomar has been given the strength to turn the tide against the pagans and heretics who dare to stand against the divine calling of the Great Way.

So let us rejoice, and deliver praise upon His Imperial Holiness, a Soldier Emperor no longer, for from his loins is spawned a new era of Unionism. A lineage of Imperial Dragon Emperors, to bring to heel all those who would deny him and refute the supernal wisdom of the Imperial Spirit. The Holy Synod declares this sublime and venerable gift of the Spirit be deserving of special veneration and solemnity in the proclamation of His Imperial Holiness as Dragon Emperor. That the Sanchella can only be humbled by the ineffable and truly divine form of Emperors whereby our inevitable victory and triumph are in truth represented. And so indeed did it behoove victorious celebration over falsehoods and heresy. And that all adversaries who would as much as to not be rejoiceful at the sight of Imperial splendor, may pine away weakened and broken; or, touched with shame and confounded at length repent.

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Beni Yahdga would scoff as he heard about this. "Why can they not just leave us alone?" he said to himself. "They have absolutely no idea what they are getting into." Beni would continue with his work for the Ministry of Scholars, thinking of all the most negative possibilities this news might sprout forth.
Porangi was seeithing. "confounded at length repent I REPENT OF NOTHING. I willl not bow to those pink-skins so long as I live."
"How shocking," said Juliette, not shocked at all.