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Synodical Bull 306ac. January

Frieden und Segen
Exarch Balthazar IV - 20 of January, 306 AC.

Through the Spirit's Light,

His Most Holiness, DU PONT,
Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Loiree, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, LANSING,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, DU PONT,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, BELlINI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.


CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office
CURAE II - Restructuring of the Holy Synod
CURAE III - On The Consecrated Order of Eurlon's Sepulchre
CURAE IV - Restoration of Prefecture
CURAE V - Writ of Blessing

CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office
Upon the sixth Synodical Council of Regalia, the Brother Reverends from all corners of the regalian Archipelago came together to elect a High Reverend (Exarch) from among their ranks. This first among equals will serve the Synod and the faithful as a representative of the Sancella, and a personification of moral purity, to be exceeded only by the Holy Vessel.

Reverend Claude Louis du Pont of Loiree, has been elected with a full mandate to lead the Holy Sancella, until a day in which he is rejected by a Synodical majority, stands down from his position, or ascends to the Everwatch. Reverend du Pont, in keeping with the traditions of the Synod, has chosen the ecclesiastic name of Balthazar IV, in honour of Heron Balthasar the Lawmaker, and shall be known by this henceforth.

He has chosen this namesake in respect for the tireless work of Regalian lawmakers, and as a beseeching sign that while in his office he shall work much the same, in diligence, and strive to expand upon and maintain the hallowed laws of the Sancella of Union. As per the desires of Synodical majority, the powers of Exarch Balthazar IV had been expanded to encompass a week's long term of executive authority to enable much needed reform of the Synod.

CURAE II - Restructuring of the Holy Synod
The formerly established procedure of the Synod has been rendered null. We have decided that, in order to properly represent the Faith, the reverent members of the Synod must give their time and effort to the Sancella, else they are to be found in neglect of their duties. The following changes are established henceforth.

The Synod shall be composed of the following;

The High Reverend (Exarch), who holds five votes and the power of veto during convention of the Synod. The Minister of the Sancella's Pillars, who holds four votes. The Reverends, who hold each three votes. And lastly the Curates, who hold each a single vote but do not possess the right of proposal.

To be counted as a Reverend among the Synod, a cleric must register himself with the Synod for review by convention. Reverends entering into the Crown Isle, upon review, are admitted into the Synod and given the right of vote and proposal. They are required to maintain a level of diligence in their duties to the Sancella. Removal from the Synod may be brought forth by quorum vote during session or by executive of the High Reverend should a Reverend be found lacking in the effort he puts forth.

CURAE III - On The Consecrated Order of Eurlon's Sepulchre
We have found that the purpose of the Order of Eurlon's Sepulchre has been lost on those who were awarded with the blessings of Holy Knighthood. These persons have been found to be lacking in both their piety and their dedication to the Sancella, unwilling to make the needed sacrifices for the faith that we might consider them worthy.

Thus, we in the Synod have decided that Adrienne d'Ortonnaise and all others who bear the title of Holy Knight are stripped of their honors. The Consecrated Order of Eurlon's Sepulchre is henceforth dissolved and any thereafter who claim holy knighthood will be seen as anathema to the Sancella of Union and denounced by the Holy Synod.

CURAE IV - Restoration of Prefecture
As we press on into unsure times, where demons prowl the streets of the capital of our most holy empire, the Sancella sits idle. As we had recalled prior during the convention of the first session, we must reflect upon the words of the twelfth; 'Those who are united with the faith of Union must remain strong, and those who falter will find others holding them to the righteous path'.

The suspension of the Prefecture of Unionist Doctrine, known also as the Black Prefecture, is lifted. To defend the integrity of our faith is the holiest of pursuits, and in this ongoing crisis, even we men of the cloth must take responsibility onto ourselves. Reverend DU PONT shall reassume his former duties over the institution as Prelate and guide our brothers in faith in righteous inquest.

CURAE V - Writ of Blessing
We acknowledge His Excellency Hengest Harhold, Archduke of Vlissinghem and Baron of Laagwerpen, for his deeds in service to the Empire and to the Faith. We in the Sancella believe that all faithful and pious Unionists should strive to resemble the Archduke in their actions. Through proselytizing to the unfaithful, donation offered to the Sancella and by taking up the sword in the name of our most reverent institution, he has proven himself most pious, whose loyalty to the Sancella should go questioned by none.

We consider Hengest Harhold to be in the good graces of the Spirit, and shall officiate this by issuing the following Writ of Blessing until such a time where he has proven himself unworthy of the privilege, be it through his own action or the disfavor of the spirit. He has found himself to be an eternal ally of the Sancella and we are certain that he shall continue to walk the godly path of Unionism in stride.


In Short:

    • Claude du Pont has been made High Reverend and Exarch, now known as Balthasar IV for the duration of his tenure.
    • The Synod has been restructured. Curates are now able to sit on the Synod.
    • The Consecrated Order of Eurlon's Sepulchre has been dissolved and its members stripped of knighthood.
    • The Black Prefecture has been reestablished under its former prelate to serve as the militant hand and inquisition of the Synod.
    • A Writ of Blessing is issued for Archduke Hengest Harhold.
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Juliette appeared appalled when hearing of the final news, "Harhold of all people? How mad."