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Synodical Bull 305ac. October

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Verbi adunationis veritas

Exarch Faustus VII, 305 AC.

In Perpetual Remembrance

His Most Holiness, KRIER,
Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Dorinn, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, HETTON,
Reverend of the Sancella in Dragenthal, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness FOSCARI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, GEWITTEMAN,
Reverend of the Sancella in Calemberg, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office
CURAE II - Response to Assembly's motion
CURAE III - The Nordmark's Apostasy
CURAE IV - The lost and the damned
CURAE V - Prefecture of Unionist Doctrine
CURAE VI - The Ordained Knights of Eurlon's Sepulchre

CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office
Upon the first Synodical Council of Regalia, the Brother Reverends from all corners of the regalian Archipelago came together to elect a High Reverend (Exarch) from among their ranks. This first among equals will serve the Synod and the faithful as a representative of the Sancella, and a personification of moral purity, to be exceeded only by the Holy Vessel.

Reverend Varek Jean-Pierre Krier of Dorinn, has been elected with a full mandate to lead the Holy Sancella, until a day in which he is rejected by a Synodical majority, stands down from his position, or ascends to the Everwatch. Reverend Krier, in keeping with the traditions of the Synod, has chosen the ecclesiastic name of Faustus VII, in honour of Heron Faust the Martyr, and shall be known by this henceforth.

He has chosen this namesake in respect of the martyrdom of Regalian soldiers, and as a beseeching sign that while in his office he shall remain removed from his past life and prior commitments, only serving the faith.

CURAE II - Response to Assembly's motion
The Assembly of nobles has motioned forward the decree that all who lack the true faith to not bear arms for the welfare of the noble Regalian people. This matter placed forward before the Holy Synod has interpreted the creeds and word of His Imperial Holiness, blessed be his name to hasten reconciliation in our empire.

With the same mind and intention, we have determined that those of differing faith should not be feared, for their beliefs are inferior to Unionism. The Imperial Spirit teaches mercy, and nothing within him is devoid of compassion. Those who lack faith in Union need not be converted by antagonism and instead by reason and the natural conclusion of imperial supremacy.

CURAE III - The Nordmark's Apostasy
It has come to our ears, and our eyes have made that clear that the organization known as the Nordmark has been in blasphemic irony publicly conducted religious mock trials and punishments of Unionists.

This great transgression and insult shows itself by its clamor. Thus this organization have caused in the minds of the faithful the greatest suspicion, and all prudent and upright men have passed the same judgement as this being unacceptable. Indeed this has grown to such proportions that the Sanchella must speak out and bring this to light.

The Sanchella decrees thus that the Nordmark must immediately announce and publicize the cessation of its religious trials that deface Unionism itself. If failing that the Sanchella will punish, the individual members seeding these acts to be condemned both corporeal and spiritual as subversive elements against the Holy Empire.

CURAE IV - The lost and the damned
As we are dealing with the developments within the city which the collegiality has expressed, mention must be made at least of the consolidation of holy laws. The duty of a Unionist is to ascend and help ascend their fellow man to the divine steps to the Imperial Spirit. In harmony with the twelfth and seventh creed we recognize that a heathen is merely misguided. Able to serve the Empire with their own means and yet to be brought into the fold in due time.

Those who are not true believers however, can not join the steps to the Throne of the Imperial Spirit, by the impurity of their souls which can only be cleansed by faith. To convert to or from the faith is casting away salvation and the mark of a traitor.

A heathen may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past and will be absolved in death. A traitor can never be forgiven. A traitor will never find peace in Humanum or the next. And the Synod has decreed that all who are guilty of breaching the holy laws to be tried by ordeal to protect those who briefly falter in their faith.

CURAE V - Prefecture of Unionist Doctrine
We recall the poignant words in the twelfth creed, when opening the council, the holy words indicating the path to follow: 'Those who are united with the faith of Union must remain strong, and those who falter will find others holding them to the righteous path'

The Sanchella has been found wanting on its attention inward within the city and moves to rectify this forthwith with the Prefecture of Unionist Doctrine , a wing within the Helerian Order to maintain and defend the integrity of the faith and to examine and proscribe errors and false doctrines. This institution will be lead by Reverend FOSCARI who will endeavour to use the medicine of mercy rather than taking up arms of severity.

CURAE VI - The Ordained Knights of Eurlon's Sepulchre
With these sentiments of gratitude for the continuous service of all the faithful and with a sense of responsibility for our tasks ahead, the Sanchella ordains the creation of an order composed of individuals who will constantly support the faithful on their pilgrim way, to sustain us and who guide the steps of believers in cooperating with the work of salvation wrought by Union.

These holy knights, as pious as they are Imperial will be as shining paragons of Unionism and embodiment of ideals.This titular Order dubbed the Knights Of Eurlon's Sepulchre are not part of the Sanchella's formal hierarchy or structure, but serve the Empire as they see fit. To ensure competence not only battle din, all who wish to name themselves a holy knight must be approved and tested by the Synod. Only the most pure and skilled will be allowed to call themselves Ordained Knights, May they lead the way and support the people of the faith so they may contemplate the face of mercy.
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"Nordmark is not charted to dole out punishments for breaking ecclesiastic law. Let the Synod know that if they know this for certain and find who did it, we will comply with the writ of sin."

Virathus furrowed his brows as he read. Far less elated was he to hear sense ringing true within the Synod than he was upset with this potential affront to Unionism.
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