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Synodical Bull 305ac. November


Fide in nostra aetate

Exarch Benedict XI - November 25, 305

In hope we are saved.

His Most Holiness, DI ORTONNAISE,
Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, HETTON,
Reverend of the Sancella in Dragenthal, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness FOSCARI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, GEWITTERMAN,

Reverend of the Sancella in Calemberg, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, AHERNE,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, KRIER,
Reverend of the Sancella in Dorinn, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.


CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office
CURAE II - Spirituality of the Arcane
CURAE III - Aegis to damnation
CURAE IV - Communion of houses
CURAE V - The Orders of the Sancella​

CURAE I - Appointment of Holy Office

Upon the Third Synodical Council of Regalia, the Brother Reverends from all corners of the regalian Archipelago came together to elect a High Reverend (Exarch) from among their ranks. This first among equals will serve the Synod and the faithful as a representative of the Sancella, and a personification of moral purity, to be exceeded only by the Holy Vessel.

Reverend Paolo di Ortaniso, has been elected with a full mandate to lead the Holy Sancella, until a day in which he is rejected by a Synodical majority, stands down from his position, or ascends to the Everwatch. Reverend Ortaniso, in keeping with the traditions of the Synod, has chosen the ecclesiastic name of Benedict XI, in honour of late exarch Benedictus and shall be known by this henceforth.

CURAE II - Spirituality of the Arcane

Faith and reason are the two wings whereupon the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and the Spirit has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth. The Arcane is a force of this world that can not be considered part of the natural reality to humanum or mortals. Left unchecked a corruption to the soul. A cursory glance at the Creeds and history shows clearly how in different parts of the world, with different cultures and races the question of magic has always arisen, and created perversion in society.

A man is wise to fear magic, the Daemonic and the twisted are fast to protrude through a porous soul unprotected. But the same how humanity has overcome the elements and division under the guidance of the Spirit and our Holy Emperors, so can man armour their soul in faith. It is no coincidence that mages in employ of the state or even in service of his Imperial Holiness have rarely exhibited any deviant behaviour. Purity of the soul is the ultimate gift of the Spirit to Humanum; Through faith, prayer and service one can keep their soul cleansed from the corrupting forces of the arcane and can make use of magic without risk. There are many who do not guard their soul, and thus they wandered, thus they were lost.

The Sancella is no stranger to the journey of discovery, nor could she ever be. No man should find themselves alone in times of trouble under the Unionist Faith as the twelfth creed tells us and so does the Sancella offer its hand to any mage do they desire safety of their soul. For the only reliable means of safety is by the blessing of His Imperial Holiness, or rigorous sacraments administered by the Sancella.

CURAE III - Aegis to the damnation
To build on the former topic the Synod has unanimously decided a uniform method of spiritual protection. An oath and a sacrament beneath the guidance of the Spirit and his apostolic servants of the Sancella that can heed them from doom. All mages in service of the state or houses of nobility are required to subject themselves to the holy sacraments to ensure their souls protected. All who refuse doing so in healthy state of mind is willingly distancing themselves from the Spirit, and are guilty of heresy. So too are their employers and masters guilty should they knowingly risk their fellow humanum or servant of the Empire to damnation. All those not under the criteria of service to the nobility or state are encouraged to take upon the oath and aegis, but are considered ignorant and unknowing and thus not immediately prosecuted under apostasy.

CURAE IV - Communion of the peerage
Never perhaps in the past have we seen, as we see in our times, the minds of men so occupied by the desire to strengthen the fabric of our empire under the fraternal guidance of the Emperor and the holy oversight of the Spirit which binds and unites us together. As consequence of our common nature and origin we have enjoyed the fruits of our Emperor's Peace - Indeed rather do old and new disagreements in various states break forth in sedition and strife. And since many disputes concern the tranquility and prosperity of our realm can not be settled without active intervention it is easily understood that the houses which promote the unity of our nation, whom lead by example by piety, faith and zeal that the Sancella brings those houses closer in communion with the Spirit by their praiseworthy actions.

Promulgated by the Synod, a total of two houses are considered the closest to the Unionist Doctrine. While some are more easily deceived by the outward appearance of good, the Sancella has long discussed those who truly foster unity and purpose. Each reverend has voiced their support in the form of a consecration to individuals, which has formed the opinion of the Sancella



CURAE V - Orders of the Sancella

Many are those who spread and defend the True Faith. Each of the Sancella's supportive branches- within the boundaries of Regalia, will now unite under the command of one Holy Minister, with the goal of bringing these numerous orders to prosperity and better recognition within the Holy City. Reverend Anthonius Gewittermän has been elected to oversee the workings of these branches, under the Holy Synod's supervision.

The following orders are affected by this:
  • Order of the Silent Sisters
  • Celestials of Mercy
  • Fathers of Piety
  • Virgin Blades
  • Order of the Crystal Maidens

In Short:

  • Paolo Di Ortonnaise has been made High Reverend and Exarch, now known as Benedict XI for the duration of his tenure.
  • The Sancella recognizes magic as a force of nature that can influence the soul negatively, but can be guarded against by faith to be safely made use of.
  • All mages sanctioned by the Emperor are considered sanctioned by the Sancella.
  • Mages in service of either a noble house or state are required to swear an oath and undergo sacraments under the Sancella, otherwise considered heretical. The houses or individuals who knowingly employ these magi too are considered having done heretical actions.
  • Hengest Harhold and Adrienne D'Ortonnaise are declared in communion with the Sancella, and are thus supported by the Church.
  • Reverend Anthonius Gewittermän has been elected as the Holy Minister of the Sancella's Pillars.


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