Archived Suggestion: Vampire For All Races

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Jun 27, 2013
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I think that all races should be able to be infected with the dark disease and become vampires. My reasoning is that since only humans can get it, there isn't a risk of getting the disease from fighting vampires. So non-human Crimsons cannot be infected.
Anyway, I just think that the curse should be extended to all races.
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Reason they did not do this: The bonuses from some races combined with bonuses with being a vampire (or negatives) can and will make an OP character. (When a vampire/agni is on fire = infinite health)
My honest opinion:

Orc + Vampire = Meh. Baddass swords, still deterred by daylight. So yes, let them become vampires.
RP - Orcs are far from pure of heart or mind. Being a vampire is just being more brutal and bloodthirsty, not much for an orc.​
Dwarf + Vampire = Meh. Baddass axes, still deterred by daylight. So yes, let them become vampires.
RP - Dwarfs live deep below the surface, always in shadows. It's only natural for them to seek out vamprism to make that easier.​
Elf + Vampire = Mwahahaha, all shall die by my bow while I hide in the shadows! No, they should not be vampires.
RP - Elves are beings of the forest, pure of heart and clear of mind. They refuse the vampire curse with their entire being.​
Undead + Vampire = Mwahahaha, all shall die and none can harm me! No, they should not be vampires.
RP - The dead cannot die twice, nor do they have blood to be sucked or bodies capable of being infected.​
Others + Vampire = Various abilities that are generally enhanced by vampirism. No, they should not be vampires.
Other races are too inhuman for the human-originating disease to spread, preventing them from becoming vampires themselves.​

My overall vote is no, vampires should remain a human-only thing. It's probably the only non-rp reason humans still exist -_-
Some things are going to be to OP and some don't make any sense (e.g. vampiric agni/maiar/yanar)
I would suggest going to the main page and reading up on the lore. As per the lore humans are the only race that are affected by vampirism for a reason, they were targeted the other races were not meant to be affected thus the other races are not affected. Aside for the lore conflicts there are some balancing issues that would arise in such a situation, but that really doesn't matter as vampirism for all races is not lore compliant.
I think yes, it's quite selfish to only give vampireisam to humans.
I would suggest going to the main page and reading up on the lore. As per the lore humans are the only race that are affected by vampirism for a reason, they were targeted the other races were not meant to be affected thus the other races are not affected. Aside for the lore conflicts there are some balancing issues that would arise in such a situation, but that really doesn't matter as vampirism for all races is not lore compliant.

I heard that they were CONSIDERING giving it to a few certain races for RP reasons like elves (to anyone who says elves would be OP elves only have 15% power with bows...which are not affected by vampiric strength and thats not even that big of a bonus...)
Eh, I feel that because vampires have a lot of bonuses, its better to have it a little more exclusive to humans.
Not that they don't have weaknesses, I just feel that vampires shouldn't be so incredibly common.
This won't ever happen for lore and gameplay reasons.
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