Archived Suggestion: Premium Feature /block - Make Coal/lapis/etc Blocks Automatically

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/block = turn all items that can be, into blocks.

Great for coal, lapis, redstone, etc
While this is a fun idea, it would give Premiums an IG bonus over other players which is against EULA. On another note, it would murder the already cheap price of these items.
While this is a fun idea, it would give Premiums an IG bonus over other players which is against EULA. On another note, it would murder the already cheap price of these items.
It wouldn't affect prices at all? It's not pulling the items out of thin air, it's just grabbing the item in your inventory and turning them into blocks. And it wouldn't really give any greater advantage than /color, which actually gives you basically free dye, as well as autocrafting something for you.
I see this idea as essentially a /stack for ingots into blocks. For example if i have 30 diamonds and i do /(whatever the command is) i will end up with 3 blocks and 3 diamonds because of the command. Its not effecting the economy and not giving any advantages. Its just an extension of /stack.
Yeah, for some reason I read that it'd take a single ingot/whatever to make one block. Fluke on my part. Ignore my statement @65jes89 @znake1468 @Quiggle_Q

As for the EULA compliance, one could argue that it streamlines and quickens something beyond the ability of normal, non premium players. I myself disagree with that statement.

This should just be implemented into /stack in my opinion.
As for the EULA compliance, one could argue that it streamlines and quickens something beyond the ability of normal, non premium players. I myself disagree with that statement
One could argue that /color is way worse that this because its applying something nonpremiums have to gather for, but /color was approved by Mojang. So this will probably be too.
Would be a fun feature for everyone too, I was just thinking of things to help promote the premium market, without violating the EULA :)
+1 on this.

I love this idea and it's a feature on a few other servers. I am no EULA expert or anything, but I say Premium needs a few more things to make it worth the $$$ and this would certainly improve quality of premium life without just giving a flat buff to a Premium member.

One could make the argument that just about anything gives you an advantage. If I am raiding and all my premium allies are on /glow i can quickly tell where they are and have a tactical edge. Making portals can make me get places faster so I have an advantage! Being able to /name stuff makes me be able to make fun quirky items for my shop maybe giving an advantage over sales in other more generic shops!

Let's not try and crush ideas based on our novice understanding of EULA and have a discussion on whether this is a feature we would like :). Even if it does give any discernible EULA violating advantage it could just be available to all....