Archived [suggestion] Party Room

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Shinigami of WhiteRoses
Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
South-West Daendroc
Hello everyone!

So today Cayorion came online to the server just to announc that he updated the premium room and did some changes (not sure what it was) and meanwhile i suggested that it would be fun to have some kind of a party room for premiums but also for non-premiums. Maybe the same room just that premium have more access to something for example we would be able to change into different mobs and fly around, or get into creative. Cayorion asked a couple of us in the premium universe on the server and most of the people liked the idea, and the one who joins the room would get a couple of items (not the ones he had before he did ''/warp party''). So here is my official suggestion!

This is just a smal idea of how the premiums and non-premiums would have their permissions in the
party room.


  • Premiums would be able to change into different mobs by using that mob plugin and with the command /mb (player) (mob). Also they could maybe be able to change the mobs for non-premiums.
  • Premiums would be able to fly (creative mod).
  • Premiums would be able to use their usual permissions and the usual premium plugin (cannons,portals, backpacks and etc.
  • They would be able to go /vanish (but in vanish mode maybe woudln't be able to destroy or hit other persons just for the safety as griefing or so.
  • They could maybe create lightnings.
  • Also they would maybe be able to change titles but not that the letters moves and not so many times.
For now i can't really come up with more ideas but i'm open for more options/suggestions from you guys and sorry if the premium is to much.
  • Non-premiums could maybe craft some horse armor in the party room (depends on how the party room would look like).
  • They would be able to shoot cannons and create portals aswell.
  • If they die they wouldn't lose those stuff she/got in the begining.
Note: More to come!
// Regards Ciel.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I dont like this reason.

If you like these methods of playing, go on some other server that sells OP for real money.

Really, vanish and lightning? Why would that be remotely connected to our medieval theme?
I dont like this reason.

If you like these methods of playing, go on some other server that sells OP for real money.

Really, vanish and lightning? Why would that be remotely connected to our medieval theme?
I don't think the point is for RP, I think it's just for people messing around and stuff when they're bored.
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