Archived [suggestion] More Ways To Use Lockette

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☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri (CST)
I have an idea. Basically how this works is just to add more ways that you can add groups of people or individual people to be able to open things you can Lockette. Basically, I think you should add the [<insertFactionNameHere>] tag for Lockette, so that only members of a certain faction could open this container. Also, you could add so that if you put a certain character in front of a name in a chest, it DOESN'T allow them to open it. Useful if you want everyone in your faction but a few people to be able to open chests. I think that this character should be a dash ( - ). An example sign on a chest using my idea (Doesn't work, just a concept).

You could also add this to use Permissions groups, so the Premium permissions group could be used, but this wouldn't be able to be used by players, only admins. Maybe the player could even define his own group of player's and then add them all to a chest with just one tag? That would be awesome. Anyways, let me know what you awesome guys/girls think. 8-)
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There was a way to do this, once. I remember we had a [officer] sign By the way, the plugin we use is called DeadBolt, not Lockette, although they're very similar.
It is my understanding that deadbolt is a 3rd party plugin. Feature requests need to be made to the plugin author.

This request requires deadbolt to know something from the Factions plugin. Although I would personally like to have this functionality, it doesn't make much sense for the deadbolt author to code this until Factions 2 is done/stable.
It is my understanding that deadbolt is a 3rd party plugin. Feature requests need to be made to the plugin author.

This request requires deadbolt to know something from the Factions plugin. Although I would personally like to have this functionality, it doesn't make much sense for the deadbolt author to code this until Factions 2 is done/stable.
I was mainly making this so that Cayorion could make a better and more clean version of Deadbolt that would include this.[DOUBLEPOST=1367445976,1367445907][/DOUBLEPOST]
I was mainly making this so that Cayorion could make a better and more clean version of Deadbolt that would include this.
And yes, I know Cayorion can't do it right now because server sharding takes precedence over everything pretty much (unless it is not compatible with sharding).
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