Stefan Lammerse

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Arhbi, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Arhbi

    Arhbi Peacemaker

    Aug 19, 2018
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    ♔ Name: Stefan Lammerse
    ♔ Age: 26
    ♔ Gender: Male
    ♔ Race: Lexxon Anglian Ailor

    Skill Information

    17 Dagger Combat (12 Invest + 5 Lexxon Boost)
    4 Fist Combat
    10 Perception Training
    10 Writing Art (10 Hobby Points)
    9 Roguery:

    ♕ Rogue Gift 3
    ♕ Roguery: Government Forgery Pack
    ♕ Roguery: Guard Forgery Pack
    9 Sorcery:
    ♕ Flux Shift 5
    ♕ Flux Shift 6
    ♕ Arcane Master 1
    3 Espionage School: Regalian Informational Academy
    3 Arcanology: Affliction Knowledge
    Body Shape
    17 Dagger Combat + 4 Fist Combat = 21 Bodystat
    Muscular Body Shape
    Average Body Fat


    Common - Based on IRL English
    Anglian - Based on IRL Dutch

    Special Traits & Mutations

    Flux Shift 5 - Mythic Shift - Self - Grants the user Flux Shift 5
    Flux Shift 6 - Mythic Shift - Self - Grants the user Flux Shift 6
    Arcane Mastery 1 - Magic Spell - Emote Distnace - Grants the user Arcane Mastery 1
    Rogue Gift 3 - Constant Passive - Self - Grants the user Rogue Gift 3

    Affliction Knowledge - Grants the Character the recipe for a special type of incense that they immerse themselves in once a month that makes them immune to infection by Vampirism or Werebeastism. For gameplay reasons, it is not possible to share this effect with anyone who does not also have Affliction Knowledge.

    Espionage School - Regalian Informational Academy - Grants the Character 3 years of learning at a school that specializes in how to gather information, particularly from other nations, societies, and communities. This involves both theory classes and in-practice field tests. This Pack can only be purchased once. The Character can use additional espionage options during Geopolitics progressions when interacting with non-Regalia societies.

    Government Forgery Pack - The Character has the required false stamps and stationary to fraud convincing Government Documents from any official Ministry or Office. This cannot be countered, except by Abilities that specifically mention this Pack, or by Perception.

    Guard Forgery Pack - The Character has the required false stamps and stationery to fraud convincing Guard Permits, Arrest Warrants, and decrees. This cannot be countered, except by Abilities that specifically mention this Pack, or by Perception


    ♔ Eye Colour: Blue
    ♔ Hair Colour: Black
    ♔ Hair Style: Varies
    ♔ Skin Colour: White
    ♔ Height: 6’2


    ♔ Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
    ♔ Personality Type: Logician - INTP - T

    ♕ Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe – which may explain why some of the most influential philosophers and scientists of all time have been Logicians. This personality type is fairly rare, but with their creativity and inventiveness, Logicians aren’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.
    ♔ Religion: Imperial Sect Unionism

    Life Story
    Stefan Lammerse is the second child and only son of Mart-Jan Lammerse, and his wife Carolijn Haselaar. He was born in the provincial capital of Aksfoort in Anglia and immediately received the Sacrament of Birth Blessing upon being birthed into the world, and thus was raised as a Unionist.

    The affluence of his mother and father afforded him ample opportunity for education, and so a private tutor was hired to instruct Stefan from a young age. He is adequately proficient in numeracy and literacy, and also understands simple sciences. In between tutoring lessons, young Stefan earned his own fortune doing blue-collar odd-jobs, whether that be bouncing between construction, being a stablehand, or other labor-intensive activities.

    After years of scrounging together regals, and with loaned financial assistance from his parents, Stefan journeyed to San Girobalda and enrolled in the Regalian Informational Academy where he studied for three years in the field of espionage. He graduated at the age of twenty-one and moved to the capital with the hope of pursuing a career with his new accreditation. It is here that he joined a fledgling society of no repute, taking on the occasional surveillance and intelligence gathering job.

    Many of those who were enrolled in the society were convicts and other disenfranchised individuals, particularly sorcerers and other occult looking to make a living outside of the law. Working alongside and befriending these shadowy peers of his equipped him with the opportunity to enhance his trade, learning sorcery spells that would best assist him.
    • Winner Winner x 5
    #1 Arhbi, Jul 8, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  2. Carlit0o

    Carlit0o Partnered Streamer Pog

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Claimed for review
  3. Carlit0o

    Carlit0o Partnered Streamer Pog

    Nov 2, 2016
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    No problems I can see currently, Approved.

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