Archived Stealth Mechanics

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Feb 1, 2013
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as a great fan of archers and assassins i want to introduce u to a plugin that may very well work in massivecraft.

this plugin allows one to sneak whist retaining the normal speed/ attributes. meaning pvp and raids will be more indept. now before u shout op plz hear me out.

this plugin works similar to the mcmmo abilities meaning u are only "stealthed" for a duration and the is a cooldown present.
and since potions of invisibility is banned i reckon this is the next best thing. the ability to hide your name tag can be proven beneficial for scouts and rangers.

plz consider this.
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this is the updated 1.eight version of herosneak

  • Type /sneak to hide your name while still moving at full speed!
  • Optionally specify a duration (in seconds) for how long the sneak should last, and a cooldown (in seconds) to prevent casting /sneak again too soon!
  • Grant Autosneak permission to sneak automatically on login - great for maintaining stealth even through a disconnect!
  • Support for Permissions plugin, defining your own list of players or just using Server Ops
  • Doesn't interfere with the Minecraft sneak mechanic, which still allows players to slow their movement speed and not fall!
Seems interesting, I imagine it would definitely make raids a little more interesting. I imagine there could also be some roleplay use of this as well somewhere, even though it hasn't quite occurred to me yet.
I support this idea on one condition, a solution to it not being abused. Since races are no longer in and it's only imaginary, adding it to a race is off the list. Possibly adding it into a trait would be neat. Allowing only certain builds to be able to use it.
there is a mod you can get that allows you to toggle sneaking, why not just use that?
I support this idea on one condition, a solution to it not being abused. Since races are no longer in and it's only imaginary, adding it to a race is off the list. Possibly adding it into a trait would be neat. Allowing only certain builds to be able to use it.
Thats what i was thinking, other wise if everyone can use it unconditionally it would be broken. warrior going stealth...
I think this would make pvp horrible. You would see a guy, but have no clue at all as to whether you are trying to shoot an ally, fac member, or enemy.
it doesnt completely remove the name tag it does what sneak does, it changes the opacity of the name tag. u cant see it if theres a wall but if ur facing them or close to them your still see a faded out tag
This doesn't look all too useful.
the obtimal max range of a bow is 120 blocks, imagine in a raid u picking people off using a god bow 120 away. at lvl 500 with mcmmo bow does approx 200% more damage and theres daze effect man.
This idea would be too OP with Traits and MCMMO in my opinion.
as i noted above it works like abilities there is a duration and cooldown, so u cant jsut camp and shoot. this would add a new depth to pvp, as now days pvp is so barberic "runs in with axe 3 shot full diamond"~not op already. at least this plugin gives us archers a chance to fight back as we can't 3 hit armor we need to be able to attack u guys whist preventing warriors charging at u with projectile protect4 and 3 hiting u etc etc
idk massivecraft seems to not like mods

umm i used it before, just because the server dosent support it dosent mean you cant use it. its not like MPM where your server needs to support it to see others. if the mod just changes the game by adding more control options, key bindings, and settings then it should be fine even if the server dosent support it.
umm i used it before, just because the server dosent support it dosent mean you cant use it. its not like MPM where your server needs to support it to see others. if the mod just changes the game by adding more control options, key bindings, and settings then it should be fine even if the server dosent support it.
nonono what we are talking about people in sneak mode whist retaining speed, if u had a mod that does this it will conflict. as the server does not have the mod u cant use the mod, ur get kicked for cheatign etc
nonono what we are talking about people in sneak mode whist retaining speed, if u had a mod that does this it will conflict. as the server does not have the mod u cant use the mod, ur get kicked for cheatign etc
right i know you were talking about people remaining in speed. but there is nothing wrong with a mod that allowed you to toggle crouch all you would do is loose speed.
as i noted above it works like abilities there is a duration and cooldown, so u cant jsut camp and shoot. this would add a new depth to pvp, as now days pvp is so barberic "runs in with axe 3 shot full diamond"~not op already. at least this plugin gives us archers a chance to fight back as we can't 3 hit armor we need to be able to attack u guys whist preventing warriors charging at u with projectile protect4 and 3 hiting u etc etc
Three hitting armour with arrows isn't realistic. The point of armour is to protect you. The reason axes are so powerful is because people level up their MCMMO level. And if you keep normal attributes + MCMMO + Traits, I'm pretty sure it'd make it OP. Cool down or not.
Three hitting armour with arrows isn't realistic. The point of armour is to protect you. The reason axes are so powerful is because people level up their MCMMO level. And if you keep normal attributes + MCMMO + Traits, I'm pretty sure it'd make it OP. Cool down or not.
Ehm I think you misunderstood his post a bit? He stated that archers can't deal as much damage as a close-combat warrior. He didn't say that he wanted to buff the damage output of archers. He just want the archers to be harder to spot by giving them a faded out name tag. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Instead of just saying "It's too op!" try to come up with a few suggestions on how you'd tweak the plugin to make it less "op". I personally think that this should be turned into trait. It'd be pretty cool to see some stealthy trait builds out there. Maybe even make a trait that hides your kill messages for others?
THREAD LOCKED AND CLEANED FROM DERAILMENT. Feature has been requested before (See Here) and has been denied.
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