State Sanction Summary Thread


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
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State Sanction Summary

Politics RP can be hard. To minimize the amount of "OOC studying" necessary to jump in to the State Sanction event, this should serve as a continually updated, digestible summary for the plotline to allow a constant jump-on point for the duration of the Sanction eventline.

The relevant pages (where I could find them) are sourced below, with the understanding that while they aren't mandatory reading anymore, they are good to parse through to further understand.
Most of the terms here have progressions related to them. The complete details are not relevant for the plotline, but if you want them, you can seek them out by searching on the forums under terms like: Ruttgher, Carrhen War, Bone Horror Crisis.

The latest State Sanction prog can be found here.

This is the most complex region of the Sanction, because it still has a native population.

  • Ruttswyn, or Ruttgher, was initially inhabited by Søri Velheim and minority Ceardians. The land was considered Eili territory, and filled with Eilirik Fornoss Cultists of Bard. Unionist missionaries brought by trade also lived there, peacefully, for a time.
  • When Ruttgher signed the Navigation Acts, the Unionist population inside slowly became more radicalized before attempting and succeeding a coup.
  • As a result of the coup, Ruttswyn, and neighboring states Serman & Søren were brought into a rebellion against the Regalian Empire, starting the Carrhen War.
  • The Eili Worshippers engaged in cryptic guerilla warfare and berserking battles to push back the Regalian Empire.
  • The combined efforts of violent Wirtem conversion efforts, rampant abuses at the hands of Regalian generals, and a particularly horrific Vampiric excursion via a Grim Artifact, crushed the rebellion underfoot. The Regalian soldiers salt Ruttgher's fields and leave the remaining citizenry depressed, broken, and starved.
  • As a result, Ruttgher's population converted to favoring the Vola Fornoss Worship of Kael.
  • A few things are left behind: A feral Vampire population, roaming bandits, and angry Fornoss Worshippers. They avoid the more civilized areas, which are now occupied by the Regalian Military.
  • The Imperial Court delegates the resettling of Ruttgher to the Noble Assembly. Augustin Roca, King of Hel, accepts the vote of the common civilian to decide how he will play this political field.
  • The nobles vote to send Wirtem to Ruttgher. This essentially gives Ruttgher to the people who had just crushed it underfoot, and leaves the still remaining population depressed and exhausted.
  • The commoners vote to send Osc'iirdian Kathar to Ruttgher. The Velheim and Wirtem briefly forget their rivalry and religious differences to crack down on the arriving demilitarized Kathar refugees. Despite their shared negative history, they both only know Kathar as monsters. Exiled Kathar are bitten by Vampires and taken in by bandits. The ones that remain are not treated kindly.
  • The commoners vote to send the Voyagers Society to Ruttgher. The nobles send Bloodcasts. The combined effort of the two smooths over resulting tensions, but the Bloodcasts and Voyagers are under equipped to handle the newly increasing Vampire population, which is slowly starving them out.
  • The current problems Ruttgher struggles with are: Tension between Wirtem populations, Kathar populations, and native Velheim populations, bandit attacks, increasing Vampire attacks, and starvation.

This is the least complex region of the Sanction, because it has no native population or surviving culture.

  • Arlora shares a history with Torse. Arlora was a Velheim state, belonging to Hedri Velheim. Due to rapid Ceardian entry, the context of this disappeared, which left only Arlora's bitter hatred and rivalry with Torse.
  • Due to Chancellor Alexander the Giant's attempt to conquer them after the death of Allest, Arlora despised the Regalian Empire.
  • Some time ago, a crazed magical statue of "Estel" appeared in the Arloran-Torse border, and began heading north. Arlora pleaded with Regalia to save them, plunging themselves into debt in the process.
  • Eventually, Regalia came to collect, and Arlora refused. The resulting war ended in a single battle.
  • By means still unknown, the statue was again called by the Arloran king and through it the Bone Horror Crisis began. 95% of Arlora's population died. The Ferian Hold of Sihndar nearby was crushed, and scores of kingdoms in Eastwynd were destroyed.
  • All that was left was scorched ground and Ferian, who now rules the Vanquished Kingdoms with an iron fist.
  • Arlora was soon taken by the Regalian Military, using newly created superweapons called Alaru Addir to immolate and slowly free the land of Bone Horrors. The soldier here quietly experiments with new weaponry using demons and Bone Horrors as test subjects.
  • The Sihndar fleeing the Ferian hold moved to this defensive line.
  • The Imperial Court delegates the resettling of Arlora to the Noble Assembly. Augustin Roca, King of Hel, accepts the vote of the common civilian to decide how he will play this political field.
  • The nobles send Elven Refugees from Presenna, and the commoners send Roca's Men. The two combine into a very magic-centric state, where some members of the martial groups of both sides become Sihndar to help fight off Ferian.
  • The commoners send the Artisans Society, and the Nobles send the Aelrrigans. For whatever reason, the Aelrrigans have been blocked from working by the combined effort of intensified bureaucracy, and an increase in attacks from Ferian. The Artisans Guild immediately associates itself with Roca without any issue.
  • The current problems Arlora struggles with are: Aelrrigan ineffectiveness, bone horrors, and increased attacks from the Spirit Sovereign Ferian.

This region of the Sanction has middling complexity, because it has barely any native population or surviving culture.
  • Torse was a Ceardian state that had a bitter rivalry with its northern neighbor Arlora. They consistently tried to one-up one another expecting an eventual invasion.
  • Torse would join with the Regalian Empire when Arlora did not. When a statue of great power with a legion of magical soldiers attacked Torse, Regalia came to its aid. This prevented Arlora from attacking Torse afterward, for it too had suffered from the statue and needed a way to recover its debts.
  • When the Bone Horror crisis struck soon after, Torse was protected by stationed Regalian troops. As a result, the countryside regions maintained themselves when the urban areas could not, creating another military garrison for Regalia.
  • The Imperial Court delegates the resettling of Torse to the Noble Assembly. Augustin Roca, King of Hel, accepts the vote of the common civilian to decide how he will play this political field.
  • The nobles send Anglians, and the Commoners send Anglians. This creates what was colloquially called by Regalians "Little Anglia".
  • The commoners send the Arcanists Society, and the nobles send the Lothar Order. Both are two sides of an extreme that Anglians don't really like, placing the now majority Anglian population into an unfortunate mediation role between Mage Supremacists and Purists.
  • The current problems Torse struggles with are: An unclear magic jurisdiction, increased attacks from the Spirit Sovereign Ferian, and starvation.
Do you have another question about these territories, populations, or problems? Feel free to make a ticket in the Community Discord!