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State Council Proclamation: The Summoning Of The Blue Eyed Kade Dragon


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.



Various government runners could be seen spotted sprinting throughout the city, pinning up notices on every prominent noticeboard, even proclaiming aloud the contents to all around

House Kade of Anglia

By the request of the Supreme Chancellor of the Realm Rodderick Howlester, you are hereby summoned to the Crown Isle City on the 13th of August to attend a hearing relating to the recent accusations against your forefathers, Lord Cedric Kade and more predominantly, Lord Alexander Kade at the Regalian Chancellory. The State requests that House Kade send a representative of their own to make their plea to the State to answer for each of the crimes alleged in a hearing, pending decision for trial. While you are not legally compelled to answer this call, it is wise that you do in the interests of justice and House Kade's good name.
This hearing will be made public for the entire Crown City to attend, prepare your witnesses and prepare your pleas in advance. City Law Enforcers and Inquisitors are requested to attend to ensure fair proceedings and to keep the stands under control.
Glory be to the Regalian Empire


OOC notes

This is a hearing being held by the State to address the allegations against House Kade. All are invited. Nobles are particularly requested to attend. It will take place at 11 BST at /tp rpaudience

Nobles will be provided closer seating to the action and commoners will be requested to take to the stands. A large plethora of guards are expected to be present, and any disruption my lead to a removal from the premises

Azra gave a wicked smile, wanting to see something happen to the Kades... simply because she, like many rugrats of Regalia, blamed the Emperors for their problems.

Winifred, on the other hand, covered her mouth with her hands and a frown, "Oh dear, I hope the Lord Kades come out alright."
"No one messes with the dragon," Chris grunted, lowering the parchment. The recent mission in Daen had solidified Chris Black into being a diehard dragon fan.
Reyes grunted with displease, the recent Kade mission had her keeping high hopes for another chance, only to be struck with a frown at the quickly spreading news of the trial. "Let's hope it ain't somethin' bad." The Avanthar shrugged.
Camilla frowned at the declaration, panning down to her injured leg with a grunt. "Do not tamper with beasts, my friends."
Manus of Bhacstair slung a sash of family tartan over his Vigilant armour. His viciously spiked flail dangling idle by his side. He was leaning on a wall, mid-yawn as he read over the contents of one of the notices.

"...Seems I've work to do."
A certain Altalar would whisper to himself, "Oh my, at least the Lord has finally been brought to for all the innocent lives he has costed."