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State Council Proclamation: Ministries In Motion


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia




1. The State Council offers appreciation to those who applied for the City Council out of interest in keeping the City's majesty upheld. The initial wave of applicants was so great that the Supreme Chancellor needed an extra half a week to process each application personally, but finally decided upon the five listed below to take the role as the first City Councillors to sit on the Crown City Council.

Britta Sorensen
Hermann Kruger
Castellucci Malafonte
Seraphena von Ebene
Zzalangua Mu-Yaotl

These five demonstrated exceptional qualification and skill in their respective areas. The State offers due congratulations to them all. Moreover, it has been decided that Lady Amelina Peirgarten will preside over the City Council gatherings as Noble Representative, to ensure that the interests of the aristocracy and nobility alike are well received. The Supreme Chancellor requests that these individuals speak with him at their earliest convenience to begin their work for the City Commons.

2. Furthermore, the Foreign Ministry and Arcane Ministry shall be delegated to Ser Rothad Kehlen and Madam Marie Peirgarten respectively. Both roles require a tremendous amount of skill and responsibility and thus will be monitored closely by the State Council in the weeks to come. We pray they do not falter in their duties and serve the Empire well.

3. In relation to the recent successful attack on the Sanguine forces of the Slums, or as some have gotten acquainted to calling it 'The Battle of Old Town', the State wishes to convey a message to the appointed representative of the Vampires.

The City Guard will respect the boundaries of the slums so far as the well being of the State's citizens are upheld, as dictated by the former Imperial Family. The City Guard were left no option but to spring into a just assault due to the actions of the Sanguine who thought it fit to violate the neutral zone housing the Hidden Dragon by assaulting City Guardsmen. Hear this. The City will not tolerate blatant disregard for Regalian Sovereignty and Law, and any attack on the city will prompt a quick and ferocious response. Stay on your side, the City Guard will stay on theirs.

The State Council wishes to also express gratitude to all of the City Guards who fought hard to return the hostages taken from our streets and those who fought exceptionally will be rewarded in due time.


4. Effective immediately, the Passing Paper's Legal requirement is hereby abolished to allow easier transition between the slums, the Hidden Dragon and City Commons for those unaffected by the Sanguine curse. In its place, all individuals passing through will be required to undergo Holy Water testing as well as a full body pat down. Moreover, the Martial Law requirement disallowing any individual from passing through the checkpoints to the city or vice versa is also revoked in lieu of the above. This will require the City Guard to man and administrate the secondary checkpoint.

5. With the War now well underway, it is prudent that communication between State Governance and the populous is maintained. With the newly reintroduced War Ministry under Wulfram Kehlen, Regalia hopes to usher in another age of peace and prosperity for the Capital by keeping the vile enemies abroad at bay though blood and steel but also by service. The State Council will host bi-weekly forums starting this coming Friday (11pm BST) to allow for petitions to be made to the State Council for deliberation at the next available State Council meeting, while Lord Wulfram holds the warfront with our hardy Regalian men. All City Guard Charters, including the Inquisition, are to send representation to the Regalian Chancellory on the specified date to ensure the security of the State Councilmen present.


6. The City welcomes with open arms the construction of the New Regalian Hospital, under the leadership of the now fully established and refurbished Medical Union. The State wishes only the best to Miss Nadina Haaven, Mister von Duerr and their compatriots in this endeavour. The Crown City Council will be tasked with overseeing the fair running of this Council in Regalia, though are advised not to intervene with their practices unless there is just cause to.


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Rubbing absently at the bandages upon her face, Seraphina halted before the notice board. Shifting her bruised eyes carefully over the announcement, they settled on the list of names and a small smile slipped over her features before vanishing as even this motion caused her great pain. And with a little laugh, after finish reading the rest of the announcement, she continued on her way home from the market, a clear spring in her step now. "Things are coming up Von der Ebene now it seems! Haha! Wait until Doe hears about this." Her words filled with clear glee.
"Simply marvelous. A wonderful chance for the Malafronte to properly establish themselves. I await the summons for the Council with enthusiasm." The Dressolini banker said, looking to his aide. He gave a flick of the hand to indicate the aide was dismissed after reading him the latest proclamation. He leaned back in his desk chair in his bank office, muttering a Vultarin Unionist prayer to himself and another prayer for success in the days to come.