Archived Staff Survey [suggestion]

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Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
When a staff member finishes with your ticket, and they mark it as done, you receive a bit of text telling you they have marked your ticket as done…
My idea is that in this text, you see a link, something along the lines of that you then follow to a site on There, you are greeted with a page that features a drop down box to select from the staff member that just assisted you. Then, you answer questions using a "fill in the bubble scale" of 1 to 10, were the following question for example "How satisfied were you with this staff members help/answer?" relates to the numbers in 1 being unsatisfied and 10 being very satisfied. Questions that could be asked are as follows, but are not limited to...
  • How satisfied were you with this staff members help/answer?
  • How efficient was this staff member in helping you?
  • How patient was this staff member with you?
  • How kind was this staff member?
And etc. At the bottom of the page could be a box used for free response, for additional notes that weren't specifically addressed in the questions. One question I feel that is mandatory though, is a drop down box were you must select the date the ticket was created and handled, to validate the survey.While these questions may be specific or in some people's opinions vague, it is a good basis to see what I mean. Also, this survey is completely anonymous, so the fear of backlash by staff members is avoided.

  • During team meetings, or in private, Direction staff members can pull these surveys and work on any problems being mentioned, therefore fixing any problems that they believe may exist, seen from these surveys
  • I hope this will decrease the amount of staff complaint threads on the forums. While this is not necessarily bad, as it brings issues to light that might need to be addressed.
  • Possible abuse by false information given on survey. To solve this problem though, the log of the conversation had between the two just needs to be viewed.
Problems, not yet solved:

  • Abuse by entering incorrect name of staff member, to enhance said staff member's reputation, while another staff member did all the work in question. Possible Solution: A generated code in-game which then must be typed into a field on the survey page. Corresponds with the staff member in question who helped with the ticket. [Suggested by Brycea1111 ]
  • Abuse by rating down a staff member based on the outcome of a ticket's situation. Possible Solution: With the proposed generated code, make it correspond to the ticket in question as well. This will allow staff to easily check the ticket, what the problem was, and possibly find the chat logs easier associated with it. [Problem noticed by Thortuna, possible solution thought of by myself.]
This is an idea I have recently thought of, and decided to suggest on the forums. If you see any problems with it, or would like to add a Pro or Con, simply comment below and I will take it into consideration, and give due credit were credit is needed.
Thank you for reading. :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Much productive. Such wow.
In all seriousness, I want this to be something the staff can use to their advantage, and use to further and better the amazing staff we already have here on MassiveCraft.

I agree, most of the new features people want are ones that benefit us, and this is one of the few that benefits the staff.
I have one problem with this, It says you pick the staff that helps you, It should give you a random code, So you cant just pick, Oh lets say minecraftspartan helped you, and I picked monk cause he is a friend. Monk gets recognition, while spartan did all the work....

I did not read the whole thing, I apologize. My problem has already been appointed
I have one problem with this, It says you pick the staff that helps you, It should give you a random code, So you cant just pick, Oh lets say minecraftspartan helped you, and I picked monk cause he is a friend. Monk gets recognition, while spartan did all the work....

I did not read the whole thing, I apologize. My problem has already been appointed

Great idea! I'm not sure how hard, or for that matter easy, it would be to create a plugin that would generate a series of numbers that corresponds to a certain staff member, which like you said, you input on the website. I might just add a section to the original post titled "Problems, not yet solved" where it states a problems, and gives a possible solution, but it needs staff input to confirm possible or not.
Unfortunately, I do not agree with this. As mentioned before, this can be abused to no end. The logs of the conversation would be a decent idea, but for how many people MIGHT abuse this, it would take a lot more time to just review cases of negative feedback. Likewise, you might get the other end of the spectrum where people abuse this to give members POSITIVE feedback that don't deserve it. An investigation would have to be done then for each case, instead of just cases of negative feedbacks. Likewise, what would this solve? There's already a report staff area in the forums for negative behavior and adding this would just make more unnecessary work.
I'll quote your reply in segments...
Unfortunately, I do not agree with this. As mentioned before, this can be abused to no end. The logs of the conversation would be a decent idea, but for how many people MIGHT abuse this, it would take a lot more time to just review cases of negative feedback.

There are going to be those occasional scumbags of course, but to add more strength to this certain argument, can you elaborate on what ways they might abuse this? Unless you can come up with something I didn't, checking the logs is usually the reasonable answer to anything in-game related. Your concern on negative feedback is irrelevant, as it is expected for some negative feedback to be given. Farther down in your post you reference that we already have the "Staff complaint, feedback, and dispute" section. I've only ever seen one or maybe two threads in that section praising the staff, and more confining to the general topics of complaint, feedback, and dispute, as the section is so named.

Likewise, you might get the other end of the spectrum where people abuse this to give members POSITIVE feedback that don't deserve it. An investigation would have to be done then for each case, instead of just cases of negative feedbacks.
Brycea1111 already suggested the idea of having a generated code being given, so this issue you present isn't possible, if this feature can be added. Of course, I have to wait for a Tech staff member to view this thread and give their view on its entirety, as well as this proposed solution. How about we put this topic on hold?

Likewise, what would this solve? There's already a report staff area in the forums for negative behavior and adding this would just make more unnecessary work.
But their isn't a section dedicated to praising the staff. While the most referenced section in this reply is the "Staff complaint, feedback, and dispute," too often do people use it only to complain and dispute staff judgement.
I was actually planning on making a thread about staff feedback later on and have been considering it for a few days, glad to see im not the only one who is thinking about it
I was actually planning on making a thread about staff feedback later on and have been considering it for a few days, glad to see im not the only one who is thinking about it

Glad to hear I'm not the only one as well. If you had some ideas that I didn't mention, please share, and you will be credited!
I can say that i dont like this at all. The staff do this on their free time as volunteers. Sometimes you have to tell people no on tickets or you van simply not help them, then to have a survey and them rating you down because you had to say no to their request is not good in my opinion and will demoralise the staff from doing more work and tickets. People do not always see the opposite side to their case and get very abusive toward the staff already, no need for more of it. I will lay out an example: Player X makes a ticket. i need help with deadbolts. Thortuna picks the ticket and finds put that these chests contain valuables and cannot be removed without allowing the player in question to get their things or atleast giving them a chance to do so. Player X gets very mad and rates Thortuna way down and she then gets in trouble" for technically doing what she is supposed to.

I think this will be used to abuse the staff that spend valuable time to help the playes as best they can. The directions taff having to look at all the logs of over 200 tickets and surveys every week will take days to complete and i would personally spend my time doing more important atuff to bring MassiveCraft forward.

If you aren't a staff member you simply have no idea how many people rage, call us names, attack our real lives when a judgement does not go their way.
I think that this is exactly what we need!
I understand both sides: Thortuna's and Alj23's and I was staff member some years ago in another game forum, so I have some experiences.

To avoid the points Thortuna made: what about a second inbox for staff members only for ratings? They could turn this inbox on and off at their own will, so everyone can decide, if he wants to be rated or not. I'm sure staff members get a lot of messages every day, that's why it would be a good thing to separate the ratings from forum messages.

That's just the first idea that came into my mind. I don't want to let Alj23's idea die, because there seem to be more staff members who would like to get some feedback :3
I dont think that would work either, if staff have a ticket that end up wi a player arguing you wouldnt willingly have them submit a survey and reliving the situation and yelling. Wich would lead to all good ratings. I really dont see the point of this. The staffcomplaint, feedback and disputes section can be used to give us feedback aswell as complain. If you think a staffmember did very many good things and can improve on their approach for example that is a valid feedback to give us. To not accuse them when they try their hardest and see things from both sides would lead to many more feedback sessions that we can bnefit greatly from im sure. But to throw in all bad things a staffmember does and attack them will simply not cut it. So my suggestion is that people learn to use the tools we have available and give feedback and creds to the staff in a nice polite manner.
I'll quote your reply in segments...

There are going to be those occasional scumbags of course, but to add more strength to this certain argument, can you elaborate on what ways they might abuse this? Unless you can come up with something I didn't, checking the logs is usually the reasonable answer to anything in-game related. Your concern on negative feedback is irrelevant, as it is expected for some negative feedback to be given. Farther down in your post you reference that we already have the "Staff complaint, feedback, and dispute" section. I've only ever seen one or maybe two threads in that section praising the staff, and more confining to the general topics of complaint, feedback, and dispute, as the section is so named.

Brycea1111 already suggested the idea of having a generated code being given, so this issue you present isn't possible, if this feature can be added. Of course, I have to wait for a Tech staff member to view this thread and give their view on its entirety, as well as this proposed solution. How about we put this topic on hold?

But their isn't a section dedicated to praising the staff. While the most referenced section in this reply is the "Staff complaint, feedback, and dispute," too often do people use it only to complain and dispute staff judgement.

Why does the staff need praise? Why couldn't a simple thanks be enough? Likewise, you do realize that Cay would need to program this... With all the work he has on his hands already, this is definitely not a valuable usage of his time. Thortuna expressed my concern exactly when she mentions that (and sorry for paraphrasing slightly) the staff doesn't do things to kiss the player's behinds, they do what they do in order to enforce the rules that we have. The example with the deadbolts is perfect, however another example comes to mind.... Say a player has a dispute between another player, player 1 then attacks player 2 in the wilderness, player 2 kills player 1 and takes the items of player 1. Player 1 then calls staff as they feel they were "abused", staff does not help or assist them and they get angry and downvote the staff member in question. They weren't "nice" about it, but they did what was right, which is what the staff should and does strive for.
I can say that i dont like this at all. The staff do this on their free time as volunteers. Sometimes you have to tell people no on tickets or you van simply not help them, then to have a survey and them rating you down because you had to say no to their request is not good in my opinion and will demoralise the staff from doing more work and tickets. People do not always see the opposite side to their case and get very abusive toward the staff already, no need for more of it. I will lay out an example: Player X makes a ticket. i need help with deadbolts. Thortuna picks the ticket and finds put that these chests contain valuables and cannot be removed without allowing the player in question to get their things or atleast giving them a chance to do so. Player X gets very mad and rates Thortuna way down and she then gets in trouble" for technically doing what she is supposed to.

I think this will be used to abuse the staff that spend valuable time to help the playes as best they can. The directions taff having to look at all the logs of over 200 tickets and surveys every week will take days to complete and i would personally spend my time doing more important atuff to bring MassiveCraft forward.

If you aren't a staff member you simply have no idea how many people rage, call us names, attack our real lives when a judgement does not go their way.

Is it hard to determine the sincere from the raging? I understand that if you were rated a 1 on every question, without anyway to know who gave you the rating, or what ticket it pertained to, that you wouldn't want to see anymore of theses surveys. Is there anything I could change to make it to were you might support this idea? What if you had to briefly describe the ticket that you submitted, and how it was handled. Some staff members may be able to determine who that ticket pertained to, and remember how they acted.

I doubt that any staff would seek revenge on someone based off their survey. With the addition of this just mentioned suggestion, the player still remains fairly anonymous. Also, I don't think I mentioned it, but this survey is completely voluntary, and if any of these surveys were to brought up at a team meeting or in private, it would most likely be the important ones or the one's that are more detailed, than a raging report.
I do realize how this could be bad; imagine babysitting/volunteering at a Pre-K because you wanted to, and at the end of the 4 hour session the Pre-K'ers would rate you. Now, we all know how little kids tend to be pouty, always wanting to get what the want, when they want, which causes issues with the other kids, because they ALL seem to want EVERYTHING, right? Well, to keep the kids from fighting you might have to reject and recline some of their requests and other you'd have to put in time-out to calm down. Now, its the end of the 4 hour session, and the kids had a good time, didn't get hurt and whatnot, didn't cry TOO much, but they still remember how they didn't get what they wanted. So Alice wrote "He was mean.Didn't give me what I want.Put me in timeout." And Jason wrote, "I want all toys. He make me share with everyone. I only have 10 toys, me want all toys." So even though you did your job of keeping peace, the kids were unsatisfied and decided to give you a bad rating, written off their perception of them being "endowed" to get what they want, almost making you their slave; if you didn't do everything they wanted, you would get in trouble. But not the other hand, your friend who came to babysit, didn't have much discipline, she just tossed all the toys and candies toward their way and let them paint all over the room. Now the kids were all happy and on a sugar rush, but lots of them got their clothes dirty, got sick from all the candy later wards, and made the room extremely "colorful". Of course all these kids remember was the craziness; the running, the screaming, the mess-making; but all their parents see are sick kids, dirty kids, dirty clothes, crazy kids, etc. Of course your friend, she got a good rating, but at the cost of others around them.

I hope this sort of made what Thortuna said a bit clearer (Thanks Thortuna for pointing that out.)
And of course those who were sincerely glad and thankful would write longer, more detailed surveys, willing to go through a long process of answering questions through boring, long commands and then taking a while to type up a proper survey, while on the other hand, the screaming, raging, noobs would all just scream in caps and exclamation marks and basically say "IT WAS BAD! THEY DIDN"T DO WHAT I WANTED! THEY DIDN"T HELP AT ALL!" or "THEY COULDN"T REMOVE THE DEADBOLTS!!! WHY!!! THEY JUST KEPT TELLING ME IT WAS AGAINST THE RULES!!! #*5738(76839$*37Q90@@*#&@8579175$^8HGRuhvgyR*@(43856" etc etc etc
And of course those who were sincerely glad and thankful would write longer, more detailed surveys, willing to go through a long process of answering questions through boring, long commands and then taking a while to type up a proper survey, while on the other hand, the screaming, raging, noobs would all just scream in caps and exclamation marks and basically say "IT WAS BAD! THEY DIDN"T DO WHAT I WANTED! THEY DIDN"T HELP AT ALL!" or "THEY COULDN"T REMOVE THE DEADBOLTS!!! WHY!!! THEY JUST KEPT TELLING ME IT WAS AGAINST THE RULES!!! #*5738(76839$*37Q90@@*#&@8579175$^8HGRuhvgyR*@(43856" etc etc etc

In this comment, you easily point out the difference between a thoughtful player and a raging child. Are you telling me that the staff couldn't decide that as well. I personally would only take into consideration the surveys that people put time and effort into, and actually sounded thoughtful in, than the raging child.
Likewise, you do realize that Cay would need to program this... With all the work he has on his hands already, this is definitely not a valuable usage of his time.

I am quite aware of things that are prevalent and are not. I'm not asking this to be done immediately the moment it is approved. Hell, I would rather it get approved and filed away to be done in a month or two, if there are other things that take prevalence over this, which I bet there are. You don't have to tell me this.

I do realize how this could be bad; imagine babysitting/volunteering at a Pre-K because you wanted to, and at the end of the 4 hour session the Pre-K'ers would rate you. Now, we all know how little kids tend to be pouty, always wanting to get what the want, when they want, which causes issues with the other kids, because they ALL seem to want EVERYTHING, right? Well, to keep the kids from fighting you might have to reject and recline some of their requests and other you'd have to put in time-out to calm down. Now, its the end of the 4 hour session, and the kids had a good time, didn't get hurt and whatnot, didn't cry TOO much, but they still remember how they didn't get what they wanted. So Alice wrote "He was mean.Didn't give me what I want.Put me in timeout." And Jason wrote, "I want all toys. He make me share with everyone. I only have 10 toys, me want all toys." So even though you did your job of keeping peace, the kids were unsatisfied and decided to give you a bad rating, written off their perception of them being "endowed" to get what they want, almost making you their slave; if you didn't do everything they wanted, you would get in trouble. But not the other hand, your friend who came to babysit, didn't have much discipline, she just tossed all the toys and candies toward their way and let them paint all over the room. Now the kids were all happy and on a sugar rush, but lots of them got their clothes dirty, got sick from all the candy later wards, and made the room extremely "colorful". Of course all these kids remember was the craziness; the running, the screaming, the mess-making; but all their parents see are sick kids, dirty kids, dirty clothes, crazy kids, etc. Of course your friend, she got a good rating, but at the cost of others around them.

I hope this sort of made what Thortuna said a bit clearer (Thanks Thortuna for pointing that out.)

I understood Thortuna's post perfectly fine. You didn't need to dumb it down for me.
No its not hard to determine the sincere from the raging but if i have to look thru 200+ surveys and check them against logs every week i would do nothing but and it would demoralise the staff that we encourage to do the tickets and do the volunteer work they do. If there was no staff then i will be so blunt as to say that there would be big issues and no progress on the server.

And i never said the staff would seek revenge. Where you got that from i have no idea. I said if i would get rated down on tickets where i know i do my "job" on massive i would not really want to do it anymore. We already get enough excuse my french shit for not doing as the players want or what they think is right in a situation because they cant see both sides to the story.

Gethelp does about 60- 100 tickets every week, if he would have to describe every ticket afterwards and write a note on each and every one that is a lot of time. 1 ticket can range from a couple minutes to an hour or two depending on the situation. Multiply that with 100 and he will have no time to enjoy himself and play or help others.
For me to know the difference between a raging child as you call it and a sincere survey i would have to read all 200+ of them! That is something i dont see as a valuable use of my time.
I am quite aware of things that are prevalent and are not. I'm not asking this to be done immediately the moment it is approved. Hell, I would rather it get approved and filed away to be done in a month or two, if there are other things that take prevalence over this, which I bet there are. You don't have to tell me this.

I understood Thortuna's post perfectly fine. You didn't need to dumb it down for me.

If you were assuming that I am dumbing things down for you, then you are mistaken. I'm simply giving another example of how the system can be abused. It would add too much work for personal arrogant profit.
I am quite aware of things that are prevalent and are not. I'm not asking this to be done immediately the moment it is approved. Hell, I would rather it get approved and filed away to be done in a month or two, if there are other things that take prevalence over this, which I bet there are. You don't have to tell me this.

I understood Thortuna's post perfectly fine. You didn't need to dumb it down for me.

wasn't aiming at you, trying to target the other ones who couldn't xD Sorry if I seemed to condescend on you.
If you were assuming that I am dumbing things down for you, then you are mistaken. I'm simply giving another example of how the system can be abused. It would add too much work for personal arrogant profit.

I believe you didn't read the comment correctly. I quoted AurelienBela. and replied about the dumbing it down. The comment directed at you is above the bold quote.
Thortuna, is right. After reading her posts and receiving many abusive inboxes, as well as comments when reviewing characters. While the majority were compliment and took on the advice myself and other roleplay staff gave. Others chose to be stubborn and make it a large waste of our time reviewing it in the first place. These staff members are absolute gold, taking the time they do, and it's not just a quick few minutes to review a character. We take our time analysing each character from the name to the end of the life story. The time involved as to why i left the crew myself not having the time spare to assist ayers with their character development. While this idea is good in some aspects i now see the flaws as before blinded by my own plans. Either way. Staff deserve the respect they earn, without them, this server would be no where near what it is today.
People don't want to write big feedbacks and sometimes they don't have much to write besides a "Thank you, for dealing with my problems, you did a great job!"

It seems there isn't much feedback at all and some staff members want to change this. So either you encourage players to give feedback (but then you also have to deal with bad complaints), or nothing will change. I'm sure feedback is a good way to motivate people. And if you want to have feedback, you can have a look in your feedback inbox and if you don't want to, you don't have to use it.

I'm always glad if staff members help me with my problems and thank them most of the time, but I can't give big feedback, if I only spoke 1-5min with him. And I don't want to bother people with a small "Thank you for your time!" - I don't think it's worth to open a whole thread to write that, or message them only to thank him (I'm sure some inboxes are always full).

Well, here is an example why I don't write a "thank you" everytime a staff member deals with a ticket of mine. This might be helpful, if staff members want to get more feedback from players or not.

1. case:
Me: writes the ticket
Staff: takes the ticket and answers the question
Staff: "Something else?"
Me: "No that was all. Thank you for helping me! That was very helpful. :3"
Staff: closes the ticket
-> feedback was given

2. case:
Me: writes the ticket
Staff: takes the ticket and answeres the question
Staff: closes the ticket immediately after his answer
Me: believes the staff is busy and doesn't writes a "Thank you", because the staff closed the ticket
-> no feedback was given

Both cases happen from time to time and I don't know if the staff member in case 2 would like to have some feedback, or not. But I will never bother them with with messages, if they end the conversations because they might be very busy.

The staff doesn't want to be praised, they want feedback. Some of themw ant to know, if they do a good job or not and what the can to to improve their work. A good critic has nothing to do with worhipping someone. That won't be helpful at all.
I believe you didn't read the comment correctly. I quoted AurelienBela. and replied about the dumbing it down. The comment directed at you is above the bold quote.
Sorry, misread that. However, I hope you can see that anything gained by this would be plain conceded on the staff's part.
People don't want to write big feedbacks and sometimes they don't have much to write besides a "Thank you, for dealing with my problems, you did a great job!"

It seems there isn't much feedback at all and some staff members want to change this. So either you encourage players to give feedback (but then you also have to deal with bad complaints), or nothing will change. I'm sure feedback is a good way to motivate people. And if you want to have feedback, you can have a look in your feedback inbox and if you don't want to, you don't have to use it.

I'm always glad if staff members help me with my problems and thank them most of the time, but I can't give big feedback, if I only spoke 1-5min with him. And I don't want to bother people with a small "Thank you for your time!" - I don't think it's worth to open a whole thread to write that, or message them only to thank him (I'm sure some inboxes are always full).

Well, here is an example why I don't write a "thank you" everytime a staff member deals with a ticket of mine. This might be helpful, if staff members want to get more feedback from players or not.

1. case:
Me: writes the ticket
Staff: takes the ticket and answers the question
Staff: "Something else?"
Me: "No that was all. Thank you for helping me! That was very helpful. :3"
Staff: closes the ticket
-> feedback was given

2. case:
Me: writes the ticket
Staff: takes the ticket and answeres the question
Staff: closes the ticket immediately after his answer
Me: believes the staff is busy and doesn't writes a "Thank you", because the staff closed the ticket
-> no feedback was given

Both cases happen from time to time and I don't know if the staff member in case 2 would like to have some feedback, or not. But I will never bother them with with messages, if they end the conversations because they might be very busy.

The staff doesn't want to be praised, they want feedback. Some of themw ant to know, if they do a good job or not and what the can to to improve their work. A good critic has nothing to do with worhipping someone. That won't be helpful at all.

I understand this, however, going about it by giving a survey is likely not the best solution. As I've mentioned before, if they want feedback, there is the staff feedback/complaint section of the forum.
For me to know the difference between a raging child as you call it and a sincere survey i would have to read all 200+ of them! That is something i dont see as a valuable use of my time.

Maybe don't read every survey. I would guess (guess) that about half of them are going to be very basic and have the minimal required information. Take into consideration only the ones that are written in a sincere way with constructive criticism, whether the survey be of a positive or negative context. Also, how many people do you think are going to want to take the time to do the survey. Some may not care, some may not have the time, and some may want to offer their feedback, and those that do will be the ones that will be sincere and serious about it. Also, I didn't once say that every survey pertaining to a certain staff member had to be ready on the day it was posted. I just mentioned that it could be used during team meetings.
Staff appreciates praises and a nice thank you once in a while aswell, it is true the ticket can be closed after the answer if there is alot to do at that time and i think you are right not to give them feedback then, if its a calm day and they chat nicely to you and help you a thank you to theirs is enough.

We want feedback on the forums yes but i will say i personally do not want this kind of survey feedback where the staff will easily get demoralised and sad instead of encouraged. If a staff member messes up, you can be sure we will hear about it and correct the mistake. There is alot of training for all staff members when they get a rank and gamestaff have a to do training with existing staff to learn how to handle the tickets they get. If a new staffmember gets a bad review on their first ticket its going to not make them want or dare to do more.
Sorry, misread that. However, I hope you can see that anything gained by this would be plain conceded on the staff's part.

Or it would be cherished information, to know that the population of MassiveCraft really do care about the work that the staff do for the players, and that they don't have to do it.

I don't think you understand my motive for making this thread. Recently, with all the new changes, the staff having been putting out plugins and new things to benefit the players. With this suggestion, players can take the time to let the staff know how they are doing.
I think you are assuming far to much about the staff and how we work to make some of these statements. 100 surveys wich is half of 200 i would have to check logs for every one to validate the survey to know what really happend, not just 1 persons opinion of what happend. You dont seem to get that point, as you wouldnt since you arent a gamestaff here and dont do or see the tickets we get on a daily basis. To you it might seem so easy to know what is true and not and what is raging and legit complaints. This is why we keep it on the forums, for everyone to see, and we investigate the cases, very carefully to get a clear full picture.

If you dont know how much work this would be and what would have to be looked at and how many hours out of precious time every week that would be consumed by this when people can easily make their threads on the forums and be done with it then i think your point is moot.
No i see your point but you are refusing to ser mine. You are saying you want the staff to know how they are doing but you suggest doing this by adding more things for them to do as volunteers.
I think you are assuming far to much about the staff and how we work to make some of these statements. 100 surveys wich is half of 200 i would have to check logs for every one to validate the survey to know what really happend, not just 1 persons opinion of what happend. You dont seem to get that point, as you wouldnt since you arent a gamestaff here and dont do or see the tickets we get on a daily basis. To you it might seem so easy to know what is true and not and what is raging and legit complaints. This is why we keep it on the forums, for everyone to see, and we investigate the cases, very carefully to get a clear full picture.

If you dont know how much work this would be and what would have to be looked at and how many hours out of precious time every week that would be consumed by this when people can easily make their threads on the forums and be done with it then i think your point is moot.

I know see my point is moot. I'll just go copy the original post of this thread and file it away somewhere. Might suggest it again one day. Might not. Sorry to anyone I offended. Sorry for saying anything. Thank you for your time and consideration. That the players and staff can debate something in a calm and level head manner is just another reason why I love this server. Thread can now be locked.
Or it would be cherished information, to know that the population of MassiveCraft really do care about the work that the staff do for the players, and that they don't have to do it.

I don't think you understand my motive for making this thread. Recently, with all the new changes, the staff having been putting out plugins and new things to benefit the players. With this suggestion, players can take the time to let the staff know how they are doing. I aspire to become staff one day, and in less than one month's time I'll be of age to apply. Being under age has been the only thing keeping me from applying. As a player, if I can't suggest something that is at least considered to be possibly implemented on this server I so truly and dearly love, then would being staff make a difference?

You can suggest it, but we're giving reasons, constructive REASONS, as to why we don't believe it will work. There's a difference between age and maturity, and forgive my saying but refuting the advice of others doesn't show much of the second. Your motive for making the thread is to become a member of staff? Where you would reap the benefits of it? That's not necessarily a thing that I think the server would want in a staff member.
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