Archived Staff Rank Helpers.

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Holy heretic
Feb 24, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere in Regalia
None, cause i'm a rebel
Roleplay Guilds
-Insert a ton of Ic group names.-
I was thinking that people above the age of 13 that are good with lore or under that add and super good with lore could apply to help new joiners become ok Rpers.
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No but get staff status and can use help chat as many time as they want no time limit.
I'm not gonna go find the whole reason because I'm on mobile and I'm lazy, but the skinny is this.

Until about early 2015/2014, I don't really remember which, people of the age of 13 could be staff. I'd know, I was one of them. However, this was dropped and the age limit moved up to 16 as no matter how mature you say you are, the brain doesn't stop maturing until at least 16. Because of this, plus a few other factors, the under 16 year old staff members at the time (myself and two others who have since left the server to my knowledge) were dropped.

TL;DR : Barbas is still salty about being dropped as staff, the age limit will always be 16 and it's partially his fault. You're welcome ; )))))))
I believe that there are people out that are helping new players get into roleplay. I know Jack_Castle is one of them as he helped me quite a bit. I don't see the need for this as players who wish to become staff usually are helpful to everyone. I feel like this feature/suggestion won't be implemented as there is no need for it.
Haha. The maturity thing is definitely a major issue. I am almost 17, no desire to be staff (too much time, I'm too emotional, and no mic so <3) and I personally try my best to offer help to any new players I meet. Usually they politely decline and I go about my business, but really that's all you can do. If you are in Help chat, just PM them your advice / help if you wish to be useful.

If you are asking for help then just PM one of us! I'm on vacation but would do my best to help when I can! Feel free to PM any time!
I was thinking that people above the age of 13 that are good with lore or under that add and super good with lore could apply to help new joiners become ok Rpers.

No but get staff status and can use help chat as many time as they want no time limit.

One of the base requirements to become a team member is being at least 16 years of age. If you are not, it is very likely you will be considered for aspirancy (which is what you are before you can obtain an in-game rank).
I'm not gonna go find the whole reason because I'm on mobile and I'm lazy, but the skinny is this.

Until about early 2015/2014, I don't really remember which, people of the age of 13 could be staff. I'd know, I was one of them. However, this was dropped and the age limit moved up to 16 as no matter how mature you say you are, the brain doesn't stop maturing until at least 16. Because of this, plus a few other factors, the under 16 year old staff members at the time (myself and two others who have since left the server to my knowledge) were dropped.

TL;DR : Barbas is still salty about being dropped as staff, the age limit will always be 16 and it's partially his fault. You're welcome ; )))))))
I've been playing since 2012 and as far as I can remember the age limit has always been 16 years old.
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