Archived Staff Bio Format

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Real Life Name:
One real-life goal you want to accomplish:
One virtual goal you want to accomplish:
What your job is here on MassiveCraft:
What Ranking and Department are you in:
What real-life job do you have:
If none, what skills do you possess for a career:
One thing you cannot live without:
Favorite Foods:
Favorite Animals:
Favorite Movies:
Favorite Games:
Favorite TV Shows:
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages:
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages:

(Optional): A picture of yourself!

** If you aren't comfortable with listing any of these things, some may be excluded **
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Note: I know this wont be implemented, but I made it before that was decided, and I shall not waste my efforts~
Real Life Name: Sarah Jane
Age: 14
Location: South Florida
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: I want to make a difference in other people's lives, be that through education, documentaries, or art.
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: To not suck at things.
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: I help people develop characters, brainstorm ideas for lore, and often help with the buildings of Regalia.
What Ranking and Department are you in: Roleplay/Lore Staff Rank I
What real-life job do you have: Occasional baby-sitting and volunteer work.
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: I'm fairly artistic, and very passionate about things that I love.
One thing you cannot live without: Music. Queen, Jemi Hendrix,Pink Floyd, Sublime, and Nirvana are some of my favorites.
Favorite Foods: Everything. Particularly fruits, smoothies and coffee.
Favorite Animals: Giraffes, Koalas, Red pandas, and Elephants.
Favorite Movies: Not a huge film fan, but I've seen many. THOUGH, I have favourite documentaries. Basically anything by VICE.
Favorite Games: AC3, Fallout, Skyrim, Borderlands, Mount&Blade, Minecraft [Obviously~], Half life.
Favorite TV Shows: Farscape, Sanctuary, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lie to me, That 70s Show, Friends, Weeds, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Daily Show, The Office, Lost, South Park, Firefly, Hannibal, Bones, The Colbert Report, House, The Walking Dead, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Doctor Who. Sorry for so many. :)
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: Lets just say I don't drink, ever. (wasntme)
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Coffeeeeee. Milch. Anddd Smoothies.

(Optional): A picture of yourself! Sure why not
Picture Link
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