Archived Staff Bio Format

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Real Life Name:
One real-life goal you want to accomplish:
One virtual goal you want to accomplish:
What your job is here on MassiveCraft:
What Ranking and Department are you in:
What real-life job do you have:
If none, what skills do you possess for a career:
One thing you cannot live without:
Favorite Foods:
Favorite Animals:
Favorite Movies:
Favorite Games:
Favorite TV Shows:
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages:
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages:

(Optional): A picture of yourself!

** If you aren't comfortable with listing any of these things, some may be excluded **
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Real name should be optional since its quite personal.
He spoke about this in another thread. Learning more about the staff in order to make us seem more human.

In the name of community, I'll bite:

Real Life Name: Just call me Fong
Age: 31
Location: Michigan
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Grow my business and keep my family happy and healthy
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Rule the poor quarter with an iron fist
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: I set a good example and help with RP character aps here on the forum
What Ranking and Department are you in: RP Staff - Level 1
What real-life job do you have: Antiques Auctioneer
One thing you cannot live without: Friends and Family
Favorite Foods: Hmm spicy things
Favorite Animals: Cats and Red Pandas
Favorite Movies: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or Mad Max
Favorite Games: Massivecraft (Of course) Just got the new Sim City, so I'm having fun with that.
Favorite TV Shows: I really enjoyed "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix. Maybe not my favorite ever but a step in the right direction of quality shows
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: Don't drink
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Some form of Cola
staff bio's were always a consideration on the website, but never materialized due to the fact that it was put on the bottom of the CM "to do" stuff.
MonMarty We could get the data compiled here and ready for whenever that section is added if others think it's a good idea.

I thought Imboring56 's last thread turned into a very interesting read. I didn't agree with much of what he said, but I thought the conversation that ensued from it was a good one. Especially the part about taking positive forward action, instead of just identifying problems or talking about solutions. I thought that was especially good advice. I applaud him for taking action on something he thought was a good idea and would make the server more accessible.
Yeah, if we could keep an archive of the staff bios until it could be added up onto the forums, that would be a good idea.

Other than that, there's not much more I can do than to ask staff about it, which I don't want to because it might be pestering them.
I guess I'll throw one up, too, to keep the ball rolling. XD

Real Life Name: Rhea
Age: 20
Location: Utah
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: I want to publish a book of literary merit and be well known for it.
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: See the Scarlet Revolution succeed.
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: Revolutionary! Or wait, I go over character bios, help people understand the lore, and help with staff projects when I'm not too busy or scatterbrained. :P
What Ranking and Department are you in: Forum staff - Roleplay staff
What real-life job do you have: I work at a cute local burger joint.
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: Write-ability, computer literacy. :P
One thing you cannot live without: Words. :C Seriously, man. I'd shrivel up and die.
Favorite Foods: Cinnamon rolls, pasta, sushi, and burgers.
Favorite Animals: Cats, for sure.
Favorite Movies: Mirrormask, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Mama.
Favorite Games: Minecraft and Amnesia.
Favorite TV Shows: South Park, Drawn Together, Walking Dead, Avatar.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: I'm not particularly fond of alcohol.
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Water or root beer. *cackles*

You should tag a few staff members in this, just to bring it to their attention. Then they can decide whether or not they want to do it.
Real Life Name: Kevin
Age: 15
Location: Vancouver, WA
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Become a Plastic Surgeon and raise a lot of children :)
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Become a noble and destroy Regalia from the inside. By any means
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: Nothing
What Ranking and Department are you in: Warrior, Civilian
What real-life job do you have: None
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: Not sure
One thing you cannot live without: Love, a computer and my cute nephews
Favorite Foods: Joe Joes and ranch
Favorite Animals: Tiger
Favorite Movies: Not sure
Favorite Games: Minecraft, Darkness II, BLR, dark souls
Favorite TV Shows: None
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: Vodka (I took a swig when I was 7, Shhh )
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Orange juice

(Im not comfortable to post a picture of myself )

I know im not staff but im aspiring to become a level one Media xD
Kevin, please read the original thread. You are not roleplay staff, so you were not one of the people asked to post this here.
As for me, I will pass, for now. Also, the Ranking and Department point is not applicable for roleplay staff, assuming you are going by that which is shown on the website. That only applies to pretty much all the other staff position, but we roleplay staff would have to apply again in a different manner to get that level. The lore staff, (i.e. Posidem, Faewyn, and the other older roleplay staff) have that position, so they can fill in that point.
I guess I'll throw one up, too, to keep the ball rolling. XD

Real Life Name: Rhea
Age: 20
Location: Utah
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: I want to publish a book of literary merit and be well known for it.
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: See the Scarlet Revolution succeed.
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: Revolutionary! Or wait, I go over character bios, help people understand the lore, and help with staff projects when I'm not too busy or scatterbrained. :P
What Ranking and Department are you in: Forum staff - Roleplay staff
What real-life job do you have: I work at a cute local burger joint.
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: Write-ability, computer literacy. :P
One thing you cannot live without: Words. :C Seriously, man. I'd shrivel up and die.
Favorite Foods: Cinnamon rolls, pasta, sushi, and burgers.
Favorite Animals: Cats, for sure.
Favorite Movies: Mirrormask, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Mama.
Favorite Games: Minecraft and Amnesia.
Favorite TV Shows: South Park, Drawn Together, Walking Dead, Avatar.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: I'm not particularly fond of alcohol.
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Water or root beer. *cackles*

You should tag a few staff members in this, just to bring it to their attention. Then they can decide whether or not they want to do it.

You like cats and the Walking Dead, you are now my bestest friend :3
I guess that RP staff can apply as well. I mean, RP staff should have some recognition. ;)
Kevin, please read the original thread. You are not roleplay staff, so you were not one of the people asked to post this here.
As for me, I will pass, for now. Also, the Ranking and Department point is not applicable for roleplay staff, assuming you are going by that which is shown on the website. That only applies to pretty much all the other staff position, but we roleplay staff would have to apply again in a different manner to get that level. The lore staff, (i.e. Posidem, Faewyn, and the other older roleplay staff) have that position, so they can fill in that point.

Hmpfh, I dont care -Closes his eyes and turns his head to one side, childlshly-

Why /those/ questions? How much time did you spend figuring out the /best/ questions? Did you brainstorm for 3 days and talk to many others? Did you gather 100 questions and then setup a poll or through other means figure out which the top candidate questions were? Or did you just throw stuff together without further thought?

Put more effort into perfection if this is a serious attempt to contribute please :)
Real Life Name: Matt
Age: 16
Location: Australia
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Become a Health Advisor, specialist and work for a Health Magazine.
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Run a one of the most successful RP and Economic factions in Lerina Basa, Organised but achievable.
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: To work with the community in their RP, and improve it so that they can contribute to the community. Additionally, to be placed as a good role-model.
What Ranking and Department are you in: RP Staff - Level 1
What real-life job do you have: KFC, represent!
One thing you cannot live without: Fitness and Family, probably friends to.
Favorite Foods: Anything Mexican, Curry, All pizzas, all italian so far, basically anything with strong taste.
Favorite Animals: Eagles and Tigers.
Favorite Movies: I am Legend, Inception & Limitless.
Favorite Games: Massivecraft & Fallout.
Favorite TV Shows: NCIS, Game of Thrones, Spartacus.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: CC Bear - Australian Represent, Also Scotch and Coke.
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Purple Grape Fanta - It's in my hand right now.
Actually Cru, I believe this thread was more directed at the server staff, not us purple folk. I find it to be a great idea, as those staff members in game seem so out of reach and above everyone else unless you talk to them. Personally I believe that introductions of the in game staff would be close to necessary so that new players can feel more comfortable and perhaps find common ground with the staff, making them seem more approachable. I know that in most of my days on the server, I was scared to talk to the staff because they seemed so big and mighty. I feel that fear should be dismissed by letting everyone get to know them a little bit ^^

I would disagree. Are we not 'Staff'? Do we not place any authorised Roles in this Community?
These questions were designed to show the realism of the staff. Even RP staff have admitted that when they first joined the server, the staff seemed almighty gods and you didn't want to disturb them. These questions are to make the staff seem human. I didn't talk others or set up a poll because I don't think I need to.

Who knows, maybe you are a player studying in college to become a health specialist like Mattium is. You'd almost never find out that you would have that in common. Or maybe you enjoy Sims City, in which you could probably play a bit with Dr. Fong when both of you have free time. And maybe Ryciera showed more of her personality through her profile bio, which would help communication between you and her if she judged your character introduction.

It's not supposed to be a Facebook, though. It's just supposed to be a short little blurb about yourself that encaptures what you like and what your goals are. Your likes and goals might be the same as somebody else, which would help talking to that person, instead of feeling like talking to a stranger.

Because with all these staff coming and going, it's better to have a good sense of the new ones to really understand them. Otherwise, they seem like strangers to me and others, walking into this world, and conversations can be awkward if you just pop in and talk to random people without even knowing them.
Actually Cru, I believe this thread was more directed at the server staff, not us purple folk. I find it to be a great idea, as those staff members in game seem so out of reach and above everyone else unless you talk to them. Personally I believe that introductions of the in game staff would be close to necessary so that new players can feel more comfortable and perhaps find common ground with the staff, making them seem more approachable. I know that in most of my days on the server, I was scared to talk to the staff because they seemed so big and mighty. I feel that fear should be dismissed by letting everyone get to know them a little bit ^^

Imboring tagged me as someone who could fill this out, therefore I assumed he included Roleplay staff.
As for the rest, perhaps. I do not, however, think that this is the best way to do it.
Thiss, Mattium_, is where I get my first bit of information:

The second was from Marty himself in the RP Staff chat if you'd like to go scroll and find it, if you'll bother.

What sort of argument is that? I have no idea what you are even on about... Despite the fact you sound rather spiteful..
I edited the post already, seeing that it was unclear before you even replied.

Whether we control in game was irrelevant, that wasn't the argument.
The argument was that whether this forum could be directed to us, which ti can. It clearly states in the heading 'staff', and as we are a form of staff, high position or not, this forum thread can be directed at us.
Whether we control in game was irrelevant, that wasn't the argument.
The argument was that whether this forum could be directed to us, which ti can. It clearly states in the heading 'staff', and as we are a form of staff, high position or not, this forum thread can be directed at us.

It could yes. But here isn't the place to debate it. I'd like to apologize for cluttering this thread unnecessarily. I'll be removing my posts to make this thread more friendly to posters ^^
For the fun of it, I shall post!~

Real Life Name: Alexandra Renée
Age: 18
Location: Northwest Washington State
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Work for Bethesda in Maryland as a programmer~
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Earn my way above aspirant on the server staff ^^
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: To review roleplay character introductions, monitor roleplay campaigns for god-rp and the like, and set an example to others for how to make their roleplay better and continuously improve my own.
What Ranking and Department are you in: Roleplay Staff - Raven Level
What real-life job do you have: Student at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, beta tester for ESO
If none, what skills do you possess for a career:
One thing you cannot live without: Skype @.@
Favorite Foods: Fettuccine Alfredo, Beef Stroganoff, Beef Burgundy, but overall, just give me a rare-cooked steak and you've got yourself one happy woman.
Favorite Animals: Wolf, leopard, cats, dogs, white tiger, and dragon~ (you never said realistic :3 )
Favorite Movies: Pitch Perfect, Easy A, Hoodwinked, Pirates of the Caribbean (ALL of them @.@), The Princess Bride, Spaceballs, and Paycheck
Favorite Games: Jak and Daxter series (except the fourth... that one sucked), Minecraft, Ratchet and Clank, and Final Fantasy
Favorite TV Shows: Face-Off and The Heroes of Cosplay with some Cupcake Wars on the side.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: WHERE'S ALL THE RUM GONE?!
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Thomas Kemper Root Beer and Aranciata Rossa

A picture of yourself!
Le gasp! It's me @.@
For the fun of it, I shall post!~

Real Life Name: Alexandra Renée
Age: 18
Location: Northwest Washington State
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Work for Bethesda in Maryland as a programmer~
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Earn my way above aspirant on the server staff ^^
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: To review roleplay character introductions, monitor roleplay campaigns for god-rp and the like, and set an example to others for how to make their roleplay better and continuously improve my own.
What Ranking and Department are you in: Roleplay Staff - Raven Level
What real-life job do you have: Student at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment
If none, what skills do you possess for a career:
One thing you cannot live without: Skype @.@
Favorite Foods: Fettuccine Alfredo, Beef Stroganoff, Beef Burgundy, but overall, just give me a rare-cooked steak and you've got yourself one happy woman.
Favorite Animals: Wolf, leopard, cats, dogs, white tiger, and dragon~ (you never said realistic :3 )
Favorite Movies: Pitch Perfect, Easy A, Hoodwinked, Pirates of the Caribbean (ALL of them @.@), The Princess Bride, Spaceballs, and Paycheck
Favorite Games: Jak and Daxter series (except the fourth... that one sucked), Minecraft, Ratchet and Clank, and Final Fantasy
Favorite TV Shows: Face-Off and The Heroes of Cosplay with some Cupcake Wars on the side.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: WHERE'S ALL ME RUM GONE?!
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Thomas Kemper Root Beer and Aranciata Rossa

A picture of yourself!

Same deal for me with the whole Skype thing, sadly for me (skype) gave my computer a few viruses. I am dying without it!
Sweet, this is good, let's keep it up with more introductions. :)
Seems the Orc was not tagged... Racist!

If I understood your answer correctly you just came up with these questions yourself. Spend more time finding the optimal questions.
Seems the Orc was not tagged... Racist!
I am so sorry, sir. jla129 ;)

If I understood your answer correctly you just came up with these questions yourself. Spend more time finding the optimal questions.
I actually did not come up with these questions myself. I talked to Consortium, which is about 10 people in the TS channel about my questions, and they said that it was perfect, of course with a bit of rewording. I then looked online at bio templates and also asked real-life friends about what questions you would use on a short profile, looking at sites like Facebook and Google+, and got their feedback on it as well.

You're misunderstanding where I am coming from and thinking that I didn't educate myself on this topic. I did my research carefully and to be honest, there is not much research that you can do on how to make optimal profile questions, but I did the best I could from what I had; this is what I got out of it.

This is something that you really cannot make perfect, but looking at how 3 RP staff filled it out, I think it that it is perfectly fine as it is. However, if you want, I will post a poll in General on which questions should be added/removed if you wish.

If I understood your answer correctly you just came up with these questions yourself. Spend more time finding the optimal questions.

Don't complain about a positive creation he obviously put a fair amount of work into. Instead give him an example of what you mean and think are pertinent and optimal questions. I want to be astounded by the perfect, for fun, bio question. Dazzle us all with your brilliance. This is a player who is trying to help out and you are demanding perfection when you give him nothing to work with, only his own time and what he is able to pull together with resources he has available. He is trying to make something positive so encourage him instead of being arrogant and shooting down his creation. A lot of us are watching very closely and anxiously hoping for a return to a positive direction and less of what has become acceptable as the norm.
Getting back to the topic at hand, any other staff want to post their short bio? :)
Real Life Name: Censored
Age: Older than Dirt, or at least the detectable Cs-137 found there.
Location: PST
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Shower every 2 weeks (Thus no picture)
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Have fun doing something each day.
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: I do Help Chat support, HelpOps, and research to help with improving MassiveCraft.
What Ranking and Department are you in: See team page for latest info
What real-life job do you have: Retired
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: N/A (previous answer was not none)
One thing you cannot live without: Food (Air/Oxygen may be the number 1 answer, but I'll stick with food.)
Favorite Foods: Sushi
Favorite Animals: My dog named Cat, it's so fun to call, "Here Cat!" at the dog park.
Favorite Movies: Im Angesicht des Todes
Favorite Games: Minecraft, Chess, Cosmic Encounters
Favorite TV Shows: Revolution, Elementary, Person of Interest, Unforgettable, Pretender
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: Ouzo (Please note that answering this question is inappropriate for Americans under 21. It's like asking someone, "What is your favorite illegal activity?")
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Orange Juice with Cornstarch

I do hereby testify that these answers are true to the best of my ability.
Boredom transpires, and I must give in.

Real Life Name: Samantha Camille _____, but I used to go by the alias Kai Chester, and I now use a variation of the name when I post things I write.
Age: 15
Location: It depends on the time of the year, but right now I am in the Philippines!
One real-life goal you want to accomplish: Graduate high school. Finish editing my novel. Stop sucking at writing... I have quite a lot of goals, actually
One virtual goal you want to accomplish: Finish up my character's complete backstory, and start working on a new project...
What your job is here on MassiveCraft: I review character introductions, RP Campaigns and the like.
What Ranking and Department are you in: Forum Staff -> Roleplay Staff
What real-life job do you have: I'm a student, I study... in school. Yeah, my life is pretty interesting... I am also a member of the Taekwondo Varsity team in my school, but that's not particularly important.
If none, what skills do you possess for a career: Skills? What skills? I've been trying to refine my writing, so I suppose that would be my greatest asset, but aside from that... I'm unsure whether or not I'd get a career out of this, but I do play a few instruments and am a brown belt in Taekwondo.
One thing you cannot live without: The internet. Seriously. Well, I suppose we all couldn't live without it, considering how big a part it plays in our lives... aside from the internet then, I probably wouldn't be able to live (at least like a functional human being) without my glasses. My vision is extremely terrible, and I also have amblyopia, so... thank the universe for the invention of glasses!
Favorite Foods: Mac & Cheese, Fish & Chips, Pesto, and most desserts. Garlic bread, of course, that must be added to this list. I also do enjoy haggis depending on the occasion.
Favorite Animals: I enjoy wolves and foxes, I find them both ferocious and adorable. Of course, in relation to domesticated animals, I'm a dog person. I've also owned a few hamsters in the past, they were cute.
Favorite Movies: The first Harry Potter film, most Disney movies (aside from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, I despised those), most Pixar movies, Pitch Perfect (It was extremely funny), Easy A, Mean Girls, a Nightmare Before Christmas, Pacific Rim, and the film adaptation of Perks of Being a Wallflower. I watch more musicals than I do watch recent movies.
Favorite Games: Minecraft, Sims, Portal 1 & 2, Mario, Sonic, Assassin's Creed, The Last of Us (CAN WE JUST alksfjsdlkf), Final Fantasy, and League, when my ping isn't terrible.
Favorite TV Shows: Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural FRIENDS, the Nanny, Frasier, House, Phineas and Ferb, Azumanga Daioh, Tsubasa Chronicles, Gakuen Alice, and many more.
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages: I don't drink.
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages: Milkshakes. Delicious delicious milkshakes. Also, Water, as that is underrated. I don't actually like fizzy drinks much.

Add on: Favourite Books! I didn't see this on here, so I thought I'd say it. I do love to read, which is why I've been inspired to write so much in my free time. My favourites are Looking for Alaska, The Fault in Our Stars, Perks of Being a Wallflower, the Harry Potter Series, the Lord of the Kings series, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Future of Us, The Book Thief, The Giver, Les Miserables, Twelfth Night, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth. I also enjoyed the Name of the Star, and I am currently reading the End Games.

(Optional): A picture of yourself!

Feel free to customize your introduction, as you can remove questions that you don't want to answer and can add in ones that you like. This way, each one is even more unique than the others.
Any more that want to submit one in? I got these all archived in a folder on text documents. :)

Also, Cayorion and MonMarty - Are we implementing this in or not?

If not officially, what we could do, so that we don't take up a node, is to take these intros and sticky them to the Introductions section already made. Just a suggestion for the staff.
I will try to push for at least the Direction staff to make these Bio's on the website. That way the majority of the players can put a better "face" on the people who make the big decisions, and I will probably ask the non direction admins to do the same. I know for the three of us we have no problems revealing our offline identities, as we are adults and capable of making such decisions, but I am not going to ask that of some of our lower staff who value their privacy.

Why /those/ questions? How much time did you spend figuring out the /best/ questions? Did you brainstorm for 3 days and talk to many others? Did you gather 100 questions and then setup a poll or through other means figure out which the top candidate questions were? Or did you just throw stuff together without further thought?

Put more effort into perfection if this is a serious attempt to contribute please :)

I thought they were good questions myself... a nice general sweep of things that help give some humanity to the staff.
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