Archived Sport In Regalia

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Apr 27, 2013
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The scheduled entertainment of Regalia is slowly beginning to rise again after a long spell but I think one thing is still missing. Sport! It's always been big in any time in History whether is be gladiators or the first football games in Eton but I think in Regalia, it's near to none. You ask; but this is Minecraft, we can't exactly do sport. But we can,I think do just this one sport. There is probably more but I was just thinking of this one, feel free to add any more ideas.

Boxing: You see it all around Regalia, RP Fights. The first real world superstars in professional sport were boxers. With scheduled boxing in Regalia it would have to be well planned though, a winner predicted before OOC and such but I think it could be good, and fun. If there was a ring set up and a time set people could come and watch for entertainment too. Personally, I think it'd be great and may introduce our first famous sportsmen in Regalia.

If you think you have any more/better idea's (Which I am sure you do, this one is a bit rugged) feel free to say so.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Ice block floored golf course, with throwing dirt with q as the balls.
I think it's great if some type of game was introduced to Regalia. Not necessarily sports but also some kind of card or dice game. All the opportunity for gambling and the resulting bar fights...
There once was a chess board in Regalia. There was even a tournament once that I was apart of. I really must wonder, what sports existed in the Middle Ages other than jousting and wrestling?
Boxing is too fast paced for RPing on here properly, IMHO

It could surely be scripted, talked about before hand though so the actually text is quite fast but about Boxing being fast, it only starts fast. If you saw the Ali vs Foreman fight you see that at about round 6 there was about 10 good punches a round, but that's just heavyweights...
There once was a chess board in Regalia. There was even a tournament once that I was apart of. I really must wonder, what sports existed in the Middle Ages other than jousting and wrestling?

I remember that now! That was quite good actually. Is chess really a sport though? More of a tactical game IMPO