Archived Speed Nerf To Vampires

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Straight and to the point -

Vampire's speed 5 is ridiculous in PvP, especially when the servers are laggy and the vampires just teleport around while you slowly take damage as they hit you. Also, there is absolutely no way to counter the speed 5 from vampires unless you get a lucky hit on them with some holy water, which only lasts a matter of seconds. Also, please don't try to make the excuse that vampires only have buffs at night - because as you can see for yourself, vampires will only raid at night and then leave as soon as it's morning, so they have no debuffs to any of these effects.

I suggest that the speed 5 given from Vampire Bloodlust is changed into a passive effect that doesn't require Bloodlust to be active, but is nerfed into speed 3. This way, vampires have a slight speed increase and can outrun people, but can't just lag around and get out of fights instantly. If you have an opinion on what I'm saying please tell me, and if you agree or disagree, make sure you say so.

Agree rating if you agree
Evil rating if you disagree
(Just to see people's opinion if they don't want to respond)

@Wannag @Shaneski101 @YankeeGiant8013 @qgmk @Sevak @ForsakenSlayer
@jquaile @morrc5 @Traxex20
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I Agree with benrekt on this one, I used to be a vampire and I honestly would've disagreed with this post then. I switched to traits about 2 weeks ago, and after fighting vampires (On both sides) I came to realize that honestly, its hard, if not nearly impossible to kill them while fighting,Vamps are overpowered in terms of their speed. I mean, I dont think vamp should be removed, but nerfed in a sense, down to speed3, and basically whatever else ben said in the thread above.
I agree. Speed 5 is beyond all capable fighting matter in any form of lag or large-scale engagement. The playing field needs to be leveled.
I am in full agreement and not just because it's hard to fight vamps when you're not one but also because of how unsatisfying PvP is when you are both vampires. I would say it's on the same level as flywater fighting it's just completely pointless. Also another issue with fighting vamps is they just use the stupid speed 5 to get you to pot then they just run 'til all your pots wear off and you're just completely defenseless and totally screwed.
As much as I do agree with @BenRekt I feel like suddenly removing 40% of a vampires movement speed would make a huge impact on the plugin. I suggest making some PvP'ers play test how it'd be by just taking away 20% to start with and then compare the results to the vampires current state. I can imagine that it'd be a really big deal since vampires only would be 20% faster (if nerfed to speed3) than people with speed2.

In short: Try testing how speed4 would affect vampires before nerfing it further.

Until then... I'll keep spamming my holy pots...
As much as I do agree with @BenRekt I feel like suddenly removing 40% of a vampires movement speed would make a huge impact on the plugin. I suggest making some PvP'ers play test how it'd be by just taking away 20% to start with and then compare the results to the vampires current state. I can imagine that it'd be a really big deal since vampires only would be 20% faster (if nerfed to speed3) than people with speed2.

In short: Try testing how speed4 would affect vampires before nerfing it further.

Until then... I'll keep spamming my holy pots...
Speed 3 is actually very noticeably faster than Speed 2. On another server I play on they have a gametype called "Prison" which has a Drugs plugin and the drug "Cocaine" gives you Speed 3 and it is still pretty hard to hit someone moving that fast. It's true that plugin doesn't make you take more damage while you're using it but I think the added damage vamps get would still even it out nicely.

But yes obviously any changes should be tested before implemented.
Maybe instead of changing the speed of a vampire, change the duration of bloodlust and how quickly the vampire can feed. Have it so that the vampires food bar depletes more rapidly so that when they leave bloodlust they will be quite vulnerable to attacks. Vampires are able to keep bloodlust for extended periods of time, due to the fact that they can replenish their food bar by just hitting their opponent. Maybe change it so that if an opponent was wearing armor the vampire will have to attack the person more. It would make sense that a vampire would have to try harder when the opponent is protected.

If this is a problem at kit pvp well... it is your choice to go there. As for raids holy water really does work. If I remember correctly holy water blinds, slows, burns, and weakens the vampire. I think that is quite effective even if it does not last for too long. Especially if the vampire is in bloodlust then they will be loosing hunger without doing much damage. Some people say that vampires are over powered? They can only be out 50% of the time. Holy water does pretty good damage to a vampire. I know you want to use your fancy sharp 5 flame swords, but if I am correct vampires can resist 15% of damage that comes from non wooden weapons. If you think there is a problem with killing vampires because of speed, then all you have to do is place a well aimed holy water and a sharpness wooden sword. ;)
Btw if you raid factions with vampires, then they are at a major disadvantage if you attack during the day.
This is only my opinion about vampires and I know most people will disagree with this :)
Maybe instead of changing the speed of a vampire, change the duration of bloodlust and how quickly the vampire can feed. Have it so that the vampires food bar depletes more rapidly so that when they leave bloodlust they will be quite vulnerable to attacks. Vampires are able to keep bloodlust for extended periods of time, due to the fact that they can replenish their food bar by just hitting their opponent. Maybe change it so that if an opponent was wearing armor the vampire will have to attack the person more. It would make sense that a vampire would have to try harder when the opponent is protected.
If this is a problem at kit pvp well... it is your choice to go there. As for raids holy water really does work. If I remember correctly holy water blinds, slows, burns, and weakens the vampire. I think that is quite effective even if it does not last for too long. Especially if the vampire is in bloodlust then they will be loosing hunger without doing much damage. Some people say that vampires are over powered? They can only be out 50% of the time. Holy water does pretty good damage to a vampire. I know you want to use your fancy sharp 5 flame swords, but if I am correct vampires can resist 15% of damage that comes from non wooden weapons. If you think there is a problem with killing vampires because of speed, then all you have to do is place a well aimed holy water and a sharpness wooden sword. ;)
Btw if you raid factions with vampires, then they are at a major disadvantage if you attack during the day.
This is only my opinion about vampires and I know most people will disagree with this :)

You seem like you don't PvP often, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
First of all, like you said Vampires replenish their food by hitting people, so as long as they are in PvP they will be feeding, your change wouldn't have much effect on the real problem which is the fact that PvPing as a Vampire or against a Vampire is completely ridiculous with speed 5.

Also, I've never seen a real fight where everyone wasn't in armor so not much of a point there.

In addition, holy water doesn't do much if you can't even hit them. Speed 5 with the common server lag makes for a real challenge if you want the holy water to have any noticeable effects.

Just a heads up, diamond weapons still do more damage against vampires than wooden ones, so that point isn't very valid either. Oh also, if you haven't been PvPing recently almost all Vampires are on resistance potions 24/7 while PvPing, so they can tank pretty decently and are not really the glass cannon that you believe they are.

Also, that last point is very invalid if you have ever PvP'd on Massive before. Why would a vampire raid during the day and receive the debuffs from the light exposure? Simple answer is they don't. Vampires begin raiding at night and leave as soon as the sun is nearly up.
Yeah on a server where you can easily build and claim a raid portal just 10 chunks away from an enemies fac the whole night and day thing really doesn't matter since they can leave your fac in seconds and be right back as soon as night falls.
You seem like you don't PvP often, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
First of all, like you said Vampires replenish their food by hitting people, so as long as they are in PvP they will be feeding, your change wouldn't have much effect on the real problem which is the fact that PvPing as a Vampire or against a Vampire is completely ridiculous with speed 5.

Also, I've never seen a real fight where everyone wasn't in armor so not much of a point there.

In addition, holy water doesn't do much if you can't even hit them. Speed 5 with the common server lag makes for a real challenge if you want the holy water to have any noticeable effects.

Just a heads up, diamond weapons still do more damage against vampires than wooden ones, so that point isn't very valid either. Oh also, if you haven't been PvPing recently almost all Vampires are on resistance potions 24/7 while PvPing, so they can tank pretty decently and are not really the glass cannon that you believe they are.

Also, that last point is very invalid if you have ever PvP'd on Massive before. Why would a vampire raid during the day and receive the debuffs from the light exposure? Simple answer is they don't. Vampires begin raiding at night and leave as soon as the sun is nearly up.
I certainly agree with some of your points, except for one. Let's say faction 1 declares war on faction 2, faction 1 has the majority of vampires as pvpers. Faction 1 continuously raids faction 2 at night. Faction 2 decides to retaliate and attacks faction 1 during the day. Since most of faction 1`s pvpers are vampires they can't fight back as well, armor or no armor. You see? Factions that try to be OP by having vampires as pvpers are as at risk as people who don't use vampire as much. All I am trying to say is that vampires don't need nerfed. I know people hate me know. You are correct when you say I do not pvp much, but I don't believe that vampires need to be nerfed when perfectly good opportunities are out there for attacking vampires. If you so hate being attacked by vampires that you can 1. Deal with it 2. Surrender 3. Hide and never show your face at night.
Again it's my opinion on vampire and I will be honest I don't think much will change my opinion. But I never know :P I won't be commenting again as I sort of loose my mind when I start to argue :)
I certainly agree with some of your points, except for one. Let's say faction 1 declares war on faction 2, faction 1 has the majority of vampires as pvpers. Faction 1 continuously raids faction 2 at night. Faction 2 decides to retaliate and attacks faction 1 during the day. Since most of faction 1`s pvpers are vampires they can't fight back as well, armor or no armor. You see? Factions that try to be OP by having vampires as pvpers are as at risk as people who don't use vampire as much. All I am trying to say is that vampires don't need nerfed. I know people hate me know. You are correct when you say I do not pvp much, but I don't believe that vampires need to be nerfed when perfectly good opportunities are out there for attacking vampires. If you so hate being attacked by vampires that you can 1. Deal with it 2. Surrender 3. Hide and never show your face at night.
Again it's my opinion on vampire and I will be honest I don't think much will change my opinion. But I never know :P I won't be commenting again as I sort of loose my mind when I start to argue :)

You can't attack a vampire faction during the day how exactly do you expect to get to them? Do you think they're going to be chilling outside in the open or that they are going to come out to fight you during the day? No, they are just gonna wait inside until it is night then come out and wreck.
I certainly agree with some of your points, except for one. Let's say faction 1 declares war on faction 2, faction 1 has the majority of vampires as pvpers. Faction 1 continuously raids faction 2 at night. Faction 2 decides to retaliate and attacks faction 1 during the day. Since most of faction 1`s pvpers are vampires they can't fight back as well, armor or no armor. You see? Factions that try to be OP by having vampires as pvpers are as at risk as people who don't use vampire as much. All I am trying to say is that vampires don't need nerfed. I know people hate me know. You are correct when you say I do not pvp much, but I don't believe that vampires need to be nerfed when perfectly good opportunities are out there for attacking vampires. If you so hate being attacked by vampires that you can 1. Deal with it 2. Surrender 3. Hide and never show your face at night.
Again it's my opinion on vampire and I will be honest I don't think much will change my opinion. But I never know :P I won't be commenting again as I sort of loose my mind when I start to argue :)
So basically there shouldn't be any PvP.
Vampires will hide during the day, Non-Vampires will hide during the night.
I think there should also be a change in the temperature system for some reason holy water was way more effective back in the day, and now it seems like vamps cool off really fast, so I would propose a rework to the holy water system as well
I think there should also be a change in the temperature system for some reason holy water was way more effective back in the day, and now it seems like vamps cool off really fast, so I would propose a rework to the holy water system as well
I don't think we would want to nerf Vampires so greatly all at once, maybe just one at a time and see how it works.
Holy should deal the bonus damage against Vampires. That is the most reasonable solution, vampires have sooo many buffs (Speed5, Jump5, huge bonus damage) while in bloodlust. And even when they aren't they still have crap tons of buffs anyway (Nightvision, jump2)
the only problems are basically the equivalent of Harmsunlight, a slight holywater disadvantage, nonivore and having to feed off of animals.


Currently with my maths in a trait setting while in bloodlust we are looking at=
Speed5 = 250
Jump5= 250
50%extradamage= 250
Nightvision= 20
Animal feeding (Yes this is a positive) = 30
Infect Chance = 30
Fallimmune = 30
SuffocationImmune = 40
waterbreathing = 40
Monster Immunity = 100 (This is averaged, though for traits buy it would cost more)
1040 trait points up while in bloodlust.
Negatives are=
A less damaging version of harm sunlight = 50 (optimistically)
Nonivore = 50
a tiny part of unholy = 20
Limited usage = 200 (Since animal feeding reduces the impact of this while in PvP)
320 negative points

Thus currently they are on the bonus trait level of 720 during bloodlust. (For normal prems this is 150)

Outside of bloodlust they have positives =
Jump2 = 100
Nightvision = 20
25% extra damage = 100
fallimmune = 30
suffocationimmune = 30
waterbreathing = 40
Monster Immunity = 100
Animal Feeding = 30
Thus without bloodlust they are up 420 trait points.
Negatives are =
Less damaging version of harmsunlight = 50
Nonivore = 50
A small part of unholy = 20
Thus without bloodlust they are down 120 trait points.

Thus without bloodlust they are on a bonus trait level of 300 (For normal prems this is 150)


(However If you believe that I have got my sum incorrect (Which is almost definite) please do feel free to discuss amendments)

Thus we should not be talking about reducing it to speed3. We should be talking about huge reform, either coming in the form of increasing trait allowances and enabling unholy on vampz. Or by heavily nerfing Vampz. They are too powerful (Fullstop)
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One thing you kind of left out of the non bloodlust state is the fact that you get sort of a halved version of feedalways. As long as you take no damage and don't bloodlust you don't lose hunger.
Holy should deal the bonus damage against Vampires. That is the most reasonable solution, vampires have sooo many buffs (Speed5, Jump5, huge bonus damage) while in bloodlust. And even when they aren't they still have crap tons of buffs anyway (Nightvision, jump2)
the only problems are basically the equivalent of Harmsunlight, a slight holywater disadvantage, nonivore and having to feed off of animals.

Currently with my maths in a trait setting while in bloodlust we are looking at=
Speed5 = 250
Jump5= 250
50%extradamage= 200
Nightvision= 20
Animal feeding (Yes this is a positive) = 30
Infect Chance = 30
Fallimmune = 30
SuffocationImmune = 30
waterbreathing = 40
Monster Immunity = 100 (This is averaged, though for traits buy it would cost more)
980 trait points up while in bloodlust.
Negatives are=
A less damaging version of harm sunlight = 50 (optimistically)
Nonivore = 50
a tiny part of unholy = 20
Limited usage = 200 (Since animal feeding reduces the impact of this while in PvP)
320 negative points

Thus currently they are on the bonus trait level of 610 during bloodlust. (For normal prems this is 150)

Outside of bloodlust they have positives =
Jump2 = 100
Nightvision = 20
25% extra damage = 100
fallimmune = 30
suffocationimmune = 30
waterbreathing = 40
Monster Immunity = 100
Animal Feeding = 30
Thus without bloodlust they are up 420 trait points.
Negatives are =
Less damaging version of harmsunlight = 50
Nonivore = 50
A small part of unholy = 20
Thus without bloodlust they are down 120 trait points.

Thus without bloodlust they are on a bonus trait level of 300 (For normal prems this is 150)


(However If you believe that I have got my sum incorrect (Which is almost definite) please do feel free to discuss amendments)

Thus we should not be talking about reducing it to speed3. We should be talking about huge reform, either coming in the form of increasing trait allowances and enabling unholy on vampz. Or by heavily nerfing Vampz. They are too powerful (Fullstop)
Would it help to have their heat directly increased when hit with a fire aspect weapon, and maybe make this increase significantly stronger than what normally would be done from fire.

One thing you kind of left out of the non bloodlust state is the fact that you get sort of a halved version of feedalways. As long as you take no damage and don't bloodlust you don't lose hunger.
I cancelled that out when I discounted healing from their food bar(This is a significant negative, however it is discounted by the regen speed and the feed always bit.) . (Also discounted was the fast regen that comes from healing from your food bar.)
Which ones shane, other than arguably the infect chance.
Which ones shane, other than arguably the infect chance.
25% extra damage. no where do we know how much a str trait should do since we never have had a str trait.
suffocation immune- no such trait
less damaging version of harm-sunlight. no such trait, cant compare points.
animal feeding. no such trait.
50% extra damage, as said before, no such trait, cant make such a estimation if there has never been a str trait to base it off of.
a tiny part of unholy- no such trait, just guessed.
limated usage, no such trait. no such thing as this? how can it be 200 points?

It goes on...
extra damage = Estimations done based on damage output advantage, while there is no strength trait a huge damage advantage is one of the most important and prevalent advantages of the premium package. And to many it is the most desirable, thus we can definitely say that it has some serious weight to it.
Suffocation Immune actually I got that wrong, it should probably be the same as water breathing. Because it allows you to breathe in land.
It is a less damaging version of harm-sunlight, thats what they have. I can estimate points, my post clearly says there are estimations in it, and I'm sure many would agree this is quite accurate.
50% extra damage = Still estimations based on damage output advantage (Especially when added to Premium bonus)
A tiny part of unholy, this references the vulnerability to holy water. When compared with the huge amount of additional damage holy players can do to unholy players then we can estimate its value to be only a few points.
Limited Usage, this is an estimation done of the costs associated with the fact that bloodlust can only last a short time, however It would have been more if it wasn't nerved by the fact that you can feed in PvP.
You can all have opinions on this that is all well and fine, its great that you are getting involved. But the vampire plugin is an extremely old plugin that needs alot of work and probably a full recoding to work properly and especially if we want new features implemented in it. This is a major task that will take quite a bit of time to do.

We are trying very hard to make pvp easier, more fun and viable so do bare with us in this process and keep these threads calm and nice. If you keep it calm and discuss things in a nice way where you realise other people may have different opinions then you do then these threads will not be closed all the time and you can freely keep a discussion about it going. But when it becomes somewhat hostile you are forcing our hands to close the thread.
Sorry Thortuna, I may have taken the flame war that Shaneski was having with me here. I will try and prevent this from happening in the future, and try to continue in a more amicable tone.

However while I understand many will have differing opinions, I would like to say that with the maths I have done (However inaccurate) I am well within the parameters arguing that perhaps vampire is slightly overpowered. But I promise not to take this into hostile territory and will happily accept criticism about my sums as well as my opinion.
I'm probably going to be the only one to disagree on this but you guys are leaving single detail apart. Vampires only fight when it's night. Deal with it.
Also I can kill (or make him run away) any vampire in here with traits. If you can't it's because you're bad.
Now, if we in fact want to engage a vampire when it's night time what happens is that they have the same damage output as you do, obviously the speed5 that makes it a slight advantage over you but they have no defense traits at all. Which means Vampires are only a Damage class. I would agree if you Unholy trait would cause damage to vampires (it's kinda dumb that it doesn't) but it doesn't make any sense if you take all of vampires advantages away.
And @BenRekt I understand you want Massive to have the same pvp mechanics as other servers... But this is MassiveCraft and since early time it had Vampires, including in RP.

So to conclude I'm challenging any vampire in here to prove you wrong and that you need to learn how to pvp instead of nerfing random stuff you find hard to fight with. Thank you for reading.
I'm probably going to be the only one to disagree on this but you guys are leaving single detail apart. Vampires only fight when it's night. Deal with it.
Also I can kill (or make him run away) any vampire in here with traits. If you can't it's because you're bad.
Now, if we in fact want to engage a vampire when it's night time what happens is that they have the same damage output as you do, obviously the speed5 that makes it a slight advantage over you but they have no defense traits at all. Which means Vampires are only a Damage class. I would agree if you Unholy trait would cause damage to vampires (it's kinda dumb that it doesn't) but it doesn't make any sense if you take all of vampires advantages away.
And @BenRekt I understand you want Massive to have the same pvp mechanics as other servers... But this is MassiveCraft and since early time it had Vampires, including in RP.

So to conclude I'm challenging any vampire in here to prove you wrong and that you need to learn how to pvp instead of nerfing random stuff you find hard to fight with. Thank you for reading.
1. Vamps only fight at night, true, fighting during the day would be dumb. This does not reduce their OPness. During the day they hide and wait, during the night they murder everyone with OP abilities.
2. The fact is Fei that it is possible to kill a Vamp. That doesn't make them less OP, its technically possible for a non-prem to kill a prem this does not make Premium any less OP.
3. They do not have the same damage output, during bloodlust they have +50% damage, that is tons, the premium bonus is only 30%.
4. Speed5 is not a slight advantage, it makes them impossible to escape from, nearly impossible to hit with Holy water and also you have discounted Jump5 which is just as useful and OP.
5. Vampires are not a damage only class, while they do soak up less damage than most, the fact that they are much harder to hit means they get hit less than a trait user, thus they don't need to soak up damage.
6. I agree with you about Unholy.
7. I am not talking about taking all of the Vampire advantages away, I am talking about reducing them to the point where it is no longer an OP class.
8. How would I re-design Vamp?
1. Unholy effects Vampires.
2. Damage bonus reduced to 15% and 30% bonus.
3. Speed3 not Speed 5
4. Vampires have an increased bloodlust time.
5. Vampires can carry blood flasks, as to feed, however I would include a max usage of 1 per minute.
6. Jump3 not Jump 5

9. Or instead of damaging Vampz, increase the benefits of Traits, e.g. increase the points allocation for prems to 250, and increase max traits to 15.
10. Or maybe we should add new Vamp type race classes, now I am not talking Werewolves, but with our wonderful and imaginative Lore staff I'm sure a few more specialised creatures could be released. Perhaps a heavy tank race to counter Vamp, or a race that is ranged based with fireballs and short fly times.
Why would I want to have to hide when it's sunny outside if being a Vamp doesn't pay off?
Yes holy trait should do something against Vamps, but they're so squishy that they would be easily 2-shot. So maybe increase temperature instead of damage.
Also, anything other than changing buff/debuff settings has to be coded, which is not gonna happen as a lot of Staff member says so we're all losing our time here :)
Why would I want to have to hide when it's sunny outside if being a Vamp doesn't pay off?
Yes holy trait should do something against Vamps, but they're so squishy that they would be easily 2-shot. So maybe increase temperature instead of damage.
Also, anything other than changing buff/debuff settings has to be coded, which is not gonna happen as a lot of Staff member says so we're all losing our time here :)

Actually if they made it so the Holy trait worked on vamps the same way as it does for people using Unholy I would be perfectly fine with that being the only change and I'd even accept them making the Holy trait cost 100 points instead of 50 to keep things fair.

Now understand when I say this I mean people using Holy would take 50% less damage from a vamp and deal 50% more damage to them. I would also want Holy Water to work on them the same way it does on someone who is Unholy which means they will take both regular damage and lose hunger bars as well.

That way there would be a really good counter to vamps that would also make you more vulnerable to people who are simply using traits as they can use high damage builds and you won't have as many trait points or slots to make a good tank class or high damage class.
Actually if they made it so the Holy trait worked on vamps the same way as it does for people using Unholy I would be perfectly fine with that being the only change and I'd even accept them making the Holy trait cost 100 points instead of 50 to keep things fair.

Now understand when I say this I mean people using Holy would take 50% less damage from a vamp and deal 50% more damage to them. I would also want Holy Water to work on them the same way it does on someone who is Unholy which means they will take both regular damage and lose hunger bars as well.

That way there would be a really good counter to vamps that would also make you more vulnerable to people who are simply using traits as they can use high damage builds and you won't have as many trait points or slots to make a good tank class or high damage class.
Yeah Holy trait would be fast and easy way to balance it. But I still it needs to be coded in a certain level. It needs to have a code line that says if a Holy trait user hits a Vampire user he does more damage to him. And I don't think that is gonna happen any time soon.
But I still it needs to be coded in a certain level. It needs to have a code line that says if a Holy trait user hits a Vampire user he does more damage to him. And I don't think that is gonna happen any time soon.
Having limited experience in code, I can't say very much about how hard it would be. But I think that setting the effects of a trait would be easy-ish. Essentially setting it so that vampires have the unholy trait. You wouldn't have to touch the holy trait coding at all. Just re-code vampires to have the unholy trait all the time (unable to be removed). Holy and unholy already interact.
Having limited experience in code, I can't say very much about how hard it would be. But I think that setting the effects of a trait would be easy-ish. Essentially setting it so that vampires have the unholy trait. You wouldn't have to touch the holy trait coding at all. Just re-code vampires to have the unholy trait all the time (unable to be removed). Holy and unholy already interact.
We already know the Vampire plugin and Traits plugin can work together as when it was first accidentally reintroduced you could use both traits and the vamp plugin so I would assume coding such a thing would be quite simple.
I was too polite to say this but thank you Morrc.