Archived Special Vendors

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over schooled and unispired
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
I was thinking, the server posts things in chat like Custom recipes, and "This server likes you :)" But the thing that caught my attention is that MassiveCraft encourages travel. When I first saw this I decided to travel from my faction home and look around. Doing so I notice A big trail and I followed it. I was unsure where my faction home was at the time but I walked along anyway. After a while I got bored and did /uspawn. When I spawned I noticed all the people who RP do what they do best to make the city alive and enjoyable. And I thought, "Wow, if only it could be just as amazing as it is here, out in the world of MassiveCraft" But there is one reason this doesn't happen, people (Like non-premiums) are afraid to travel because they don't want to get killed. They have to have a motive to travel. This is were my idea ties in. If there were people who actually wanted to take the time and make the server seem more alive, (I am one of those people), then they can become a "Special Vendor" a person who has Creative but won't fly, won't kill, just a trader who bargains with people along the road. These vendors have a lot of money and when people walk up to them and ask for an item, the vendor will use the avg. price for the item and will the player begin to bargain with the vendor for a cheaper price. And doing so, a lot more players could set up inns if they wanted to for business and RP along the road. Also the vendors will buy everything the player has to offer, but will bargain with the player for a cheaper price as if the player were buying from the vendor. This will help players make money and meet new people along the road. And these vendors will be able to move from one place to another as they please. Like from the icy mountains of Ellador to the large dense jungles of Daendroc. This makes it hard to find the vendors but worth it. The vendors however are only allowed in the places where you are able to travel from the Regalia harbor, they are not allowed in Regalia (I know that they must go to spawn to travel to another area. They are allowed to do this). They can only walk and trade with travelers. They will keep trading until the trader says he/she is done. If a vendors location is placed in chat the vendor will not mind, as long as the vendor is getting business. Vendors can be killed, but will not trade to whomever they were killed by unless they the pay the vendor a certain amount of money the vendor wants. (Which must be a reasonable amount). If a vendor is caught abusing his powers he is to be taken back to Regalia and be set to normal as if you just joined the server. Vendors will run off when they are in the presence of pvp. Vendors will also respect whatever race they choose to, and even RP. (Vendors are for traveling purposes so try not to make a group of travelers into a bloodbath when you see one.)

I hope this idea is added to the server to make people want to travel the world of Massivecraft. I think it's a great idea to help people gain money, meet new people and enjoy traveling. It may be tweaked if needed. If you have an idea please SPEAK UP! I want this to be an amazing addition to the server. (If it is added) Thank you for reading this thread and I hope a lot of people want this as much as I do.
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This could be abused in a few ways, mainly if the "Special Vendor" goes around and griefs people or trolls them. This is also incredibly unrealistic for the medieval times Massivecraft is set in. There weren't random vendors wandering around back then, impervious to all harm and able to spawn random valuables out of thin air. In medieval times bandits and raiders were universally feared by most people, and Massivecraft does a decent job of recreating that fear.
giving creative isnt a good idea, and normal players can just do this without support from staff. Frankly, i laugh when a newbie sees me and turns and runs, or a player uses the sneak plugin, but it is annoying when you say hi, and there is a 45% chance of being attacked, 45% chance of them running away, and a 10% chance they rp
I agree it's pretty risky to give someone creative. I thought it was a good idea but if it won't work for the server it's ok.
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