Spare Change Skin Shop


Jun 29, 2014
Reaction score
Basically, Hod is always broke. So this is a thing. Welcome one and all!



My skins bad, boii. And the status of this shop will depend on my mood. How quickly I churn out skins depends on this as well.

Also, I don't.. quite know how to do long hair on skins so oof.

Current Status is OPEN




Full Skin: Five Regals!

Outfit: Three Regals!

Shading/Reshading: Two Regals!

Head: One Regal!

All of these sent directly to "HodlinG" over on the good ol' server.



IGN/Username: This ought to be Self Explanatory, It's your Mineman username!

Skin Type: Full skin, Outfit, Shading or Head.-- If it's shading, please PM me your current skin file.

Character's Race: I am willing to attempt anything, but expect the best results from Humanlike races. Ailor, Elves, Orcs, You know what I mean.

Character's Gender: Self Explanatory

Character Description: Think stuff like Hair Color, Skin Color, Eye Color, Etc. Or, in the absence of any references, consider things like the outfit you want, exact hairstyle and stuff like that. Otherwise, I am just going to wing it.

Eye Shape (When Applicable): 3x1 2x2 2x1... 3x3?? Whatever you want.

Alex or Steve: I'm most comfortable with Alex Models, but, I can do either or.

References: I'm not great at skinning so, my ability to follow any references you provide is dubious at best. Still, provide them if you have any.

Forfeiting of your Soul: Y or N?



1. Sheeple_Herder @SheepieBaby (In Progress)
2. Bearacuda @Bearacuda (In Progress)
3. Ludrico @Ludicro (Pending)
4. Caseyseal @Caseyseal (Pending)
5. mayino @mayino (Pending)
6. MrFluff1 @MrFluff1 (Pending)

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IGN/Username: Sheeple_Herder

Skin Type: Outfit

Character's Race: Altalar

Alex or Steve: Alex

References: With this, I'd like for the cape in the second reference to be in the color of the dress in the first reference.



Forfeiting of your Soul: Sure, if I can find it.
IGN/Username: Bearacuda
Skin Type: Outfit

Order type : Just the body and arms Don't have to do the legs.

Descrip : Alior, Female, Alex model

- Just a simple outfit for fall season, light in colours such as white, cream for a plain long-sleeve shirt, and a worn green for the emerald broach under the neck.

- Second piece should be the same base but follow a similar pallet to the other picture



Forfeiting of your Soul: Go for it.
IGN/Username: Ludicro

Skin Type: Full skin

Character's Race: Human

Character's Gender: Male

Character Description:
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde
  • Hair Style: Short and messy
The rest is on the char app and for the tattoo, I don't expect a high detail one cause its a skin but just show that there's something there as best you can please.

Eye Shape (When Applicable): 2x2

Alex or Steve: Steve


Forfeiting of your Soul: College already claimed it but I have a half eaten bag of Lucky Charms if you want it
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IGN/Username: Caseyseal

Skin Type: Full skin

Character's Race: Altalar

Character's Gender:Male

Character Description: Mahogany brown hair, Brown Eyes, short goatee. Also the reference I sent- I'd like the green cloak to be purple instead.

Eye Shape (When Applicable):3x1

Alex or Steve: Steve

References: Attached

Forfeiting of your Soul: Y or N? I would if I had one. I can give someone elses.


  • file file file.webp
    file file file.webp
    26.5 KB · Views: 1
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IGN/Username: mayino

Skin Type: Outfit

Character Description: See references below.

Alex or Steve: Steve

Just Anything in the general direction of that is fine. Preferably with dark colors. (Black, Grey, Dark brown etc.)

Forfeiting of your Soul: Y or N? Where does one find a soul?
IGN/Username: MrFluff1

Skin Type:
Full Skin

Character's Race:

Character's Gender:

Character Description:
More Gingerly colored Hair w/ Ice Blue Eyes & Paler White Skin. If there ever needs to be a chance for the top, just use a normal fur shirt. Also, do add fur boots on the bottom. Please add some tattoos as well, as this will be a more Pagan Skagger type Velheimer.

Eye Shape:

Alex or Steve:





Forfeiting of your Soul: Y or N?
If Gingers had souls, then yes.
Oh lawd. What have I gotten myself into?
@Ludicro @Caseyseal @mayino @MrFluff1

Consider your requests PENDING, only to be started after the two requests that came before you guys. And even then, no promises, it's subject to if I have a will to continue, afterward.

During any time before your request is fulfilled, feel free to opt-out with a quoted message here.

Anyone requesting after these blokes should expect a wait.
IGN/Username: KirbyTheVampire

Skin Type: It's essentially an ethereal ghost form of a pre-existing skin. I'm not sure what you'd classify that as.

Character's Race: Sundial Altalar

Character's Gender: Male

Character Description: The skin already exists, which I'd send over Discord. It's the 4th ability in Pagan Ritualism, which is the ethereal, ghost-like form. (Not expecting a miracle, just something that resembles it, lol. Given the weird nature of this commission, I won't be offended if it's rejected, just saying.)

Eye Shape (When Applicable): N/A

Alex or Steve: Steve


Forfeiting of your Soul: I don't know about that one, chief.