Preserved Sheet Sone Vevveth

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@Follower Sone has used Disguised Form 1. Appearance change is in appearance section!
Also changed some abilities taking some out exchanging them for other spells.
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Reverted the sorcery spells back to their old lineup. (Didn't really fit/feel them that much so reverted).
@Follower Ok I've wiped all other abilities from caster ranged combat, leaving only spell shot.
Added a few more to Sorcery, Sorcery progress is Level 3.
Yes I know it's less combat and that's the purpose for Sone, hes old and mainly invests everything into the arcane. Warrior talent removed due to all of those points being wiped.
@Koyote my review:
  • I am not sure which roguery was chosen, so specify which pack/ability was taken
  • Looking at the point spread, the character is fully magic oriented, with nothing else going for them. I also noticed all of the sorcery abilities for the most part are for combat scenarios, and feel there is too much over-kitting as it is. I'd like you to choose 3 Sorcery Spells to remove, and reinvest those 9 points elsewhere to make the character a bit more balanced.
When you have done this, tag me for re-approval.
@FireFan96 Made the requested changes, clarified more on how Sone is on the side a demon worshipper.
9 points put into Drawing and Alchemy. 6 drawing 3 alchemy. Alchemy is merely common for knowledgable reasons so he may still fulfill a magic oriented role.