Archived Some Suggestions For Helping New Players

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The one, the only, hiddenmonkey!
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
I have a few suggestions that might help some of the newer players out, based on both forum discussions and noticing things in-game.

1. I've been noticing a lot that people have been saying "Well, many noobs don't know about the forums or the website." Perhaps this can be fixed by adding in some signs promoting both the website and the forums? I feel like it would be highly beneficial for people to know where to turn to in order to learn about the server instead of instantly being bashed for being a "noob."

2. Explain to people that, though their super epic awesome modern age teen skin may look cool (and I do admit that some look pretty nice) they are not exactly "right" or "appropriate" for the server's setting. This will, once again, cut down on the amount of bashing due to uninformed players.

3. Possibly set up some "schools," or hotspots for people to go to learn various things about the server, such as how the MCMMO skill work, or how to "properly" RP. These could be set as quests or perhaps someone could show them how to get to the places. (Not exactly sure on how to set that up 100% but I'm certain there is a way.)

4. Tutorial Island- an alternative to setting up schools in Regalia, the tutorial island would spawn new players into an adventure mode island where they learn the basics mentioned above. However, given the amount of work in world creation already, this might be less "easy" to implement than the "schools."

Anyways, let me know what you guys think about these ideas! I largely believe that being kind and considerate to people is better way for them to learn instead of the all too familiar "Omg, ur such a noob! Don't talk to me ever again!" /ignore.
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Indeed, there should be a sign (if there is not already one) somewhere along the path new players must walk to get to the spawn which shows the web address of the website and forums.
That is taken care of with in announcements. They mention the website and forum numerous times at regular intervals
That is taken care of with in announcements. They mention the website and forum numerous times at regular intervals

Sometimes they get that notice at the start, but there is also a lot of people that get something like "Check out Daendroc! I hear there is a cult of creeper worshipers there!" Or something to that affect, and by the time they /do/ get an announcement about the website, they're already likely ignoring the messages all together. To be honest, it's a decent idea to have the announcements like that, but after a while it becomes an annoyance to some and therefore, they ignore the useful advice given. Likewise, they don't give you one of those messages /right/ at the start, it takes a while. Bar the "go vote for us" message, but some people /choose/ to ignore that due to the fact that they don't like the idea of being asked to vote for a server. If you had a sign (or perhaps have them spawn with a book?) telling people where they can access valuable information, more people might be inclined to see it and join.
That is taken care of with in announcements. They mention the website and forum numerous times at regular intervals

There are lots of different announcements. It is not unlikely to go through a session of play and never see one regarding the website or forums. Eventually the message may come up but they may not read it. A simple sign that had to be passed would do a lot more to tell people about the website and forums.
You know, spawning new players with a book with the rules and general information would help greatly. I think it would be easier to do that than spend more of the server's resources on another world.
I will personally take these 4 ideas, add some more of mine to the list, and rewrite and refine all of them to MassiveCraft standards for presentation at (hopefully) the next team meeting. I feel like the new players don't have enough information or knowledge to start playing, especially if they've never really played Minecraft before.
I will personally take these 4 ideas, add some more of mine to the list, and rewrite and refine all of them to MassiveCraft standards for presentation at (hopefully) the next team meeting. I feel like the new players don't have enough information or knowledge to start playing, especially if they've never really played Minecraft before.

Certainly, whenever a new player comes along, I try to help them. I end up searching around the Forums trying to band together some information about all the basics of which, in the end, they can't make head or tail. I hope you have some success.
I will personally take these 4 ideas, add some more of mine to the list, and rewrite and refine all of them to MassiveCraft standards for presentation at (hopefully) the next team meeting. I feel like the new players don't have enough information or knowledge to start playing, especially if they've never really played Minecraft before.

Thanks! Hopefully they will be implemented, I actually had a discussion with someone last night that spawned these ideas. She was a new player that was actually /interested/ in trying to figure out what she should do for the server (she was wearing a hoodie cat-girl skin and asked if she should change it in order to better fit in to the server) she also had no clue that there was a forum or a website, so I directed her to both of them. That's why I think there needs to be something implemented to help the newer players out with finding information.
I have to agree with both of those but the problems with books as that they usually end up as something in a chest. Perhaps when they join for the first time perhaps send a message about the website and forums, unbelievably simple. But if not that then yeah, I think the books would be the next best thing

I never suggested books. People don't have to read a book they are given. Your idea about chat messages sounds the best. Maybe repeat it a few times every 5 minutes or so after they first join.
3. Possibly set up some "schools," or hotspots for people to go to learn various things about the server, such as how the MCMMO skill work, or how to "properly" RP.

As much as I agree with all that you've said, there's one thing I'd like to point out.

It can only be a hotspot if people go there. :P
As much as I agree with all that you've said, there's one thing I'd like to point out.

It can only be a hotspot if people go there. :P

True, which is why the tutorial island thing would be a better idea. However, as I said, that is just more work for the staff, however if they're okay with it, then by all means, that would be the best route out of all of the suggestions.
Why are books a bad idea? Its easier to make every new player spawn with a book rather than making a whole other map just for it(With the potential to not work at all). Books are also not as resource intensive as an island map. If the newb drops the book without reading it, they probably wouldn't visit that tutorial island, thus leading to nothing accomplished. If they end up storing the book and never reading it, the ability to get it is still there in case they need it later. Also, if every newb spawns with a book stating the rules clearly, they can't pull that "I didn't know" or "I'm new" excuse because they had the ability to read the rules the second they joined the server.
Why are books a bad idea? Its easier to make every new player spawn with a book rather than making a whole other map just for it(With the potential to not work at all). Books are also not as resource intensive as an island map. If the newb drops the book without reading it, they probably wouldn't visit that tutorial island, thus leading to nothing accomplished. If they end up storing the book and never reading it, the ability to get it is still there in case they need it later. Also, if every newb spawns with a book stating the rules clearly, they can't pull that "I didn't know" or "I'm new" excuse because they had the ability to read the rules the second they joined the server.

They would visit the spawn island if they initially spawned there...
I guess this is true, it would replace that weird floating staircase you spawn at at the beginning...
I didn't quite understand the point of it.

But it still doesn't seem like a very efficient way to show new players these things, at least not as much as the book.
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