Preserved Sheet Solā'nel "Stray" Velsa

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professional meme-lord who does mineman rp
Feb 10, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Solā'nel Velsa (Goes by Stray)
Race: Lanlath, Star of Peace (Starfallen)
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Occult: Exist Mage
Attack/Defense Stat: Magic

Core Concept
Stray is an outcast amongst Lanlath society with a heart of gold, showing empathy for anyone regardless of circumstance, as per his nature. While formally a vigilante upholding a personal sense of justice to protect and help people, he has since given up this cause and now focuses on being a teacher of Magic, as well as giving guidance and wisdom when he can. He bears immense amounts of guilt from actions from his past as well as perceived failures for those he cares for and hopes to redeem himself.

Stray currently follows the faith of Estelley, aligning with Leyon in particular. He seeks to protect and aid whomever he can in honor of the god, but also in honor of his past self for his failures.

Appearance Information
- Stray is 6 feet tall, has unkept blonde hair, and is fairly muscular due to his constant training, though not to the point where it's very visible.
- His outfit often consists of simple coats, pants, and boots. The one constant in his wardrobe is a deep blue cloak, one he has possessed for a good majority of his life.

Proficiency Information
Strength: 1
Technique Parry
Constitution: 3
Shield Wall Pack
Shield Slam
Shield Snare
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 10 (True Mage)

Magic Bolts (Racial Free)
Magic Bolster (Racial Free)
Magic Snare
Magic Cleanse
Magic Warp
Magic Reduce
Magic Shove
Magic Barrier
Magic Smog
Magic Revive
Safeguard Pack (Magic Variant)
Wardrobe Pack (Magic Variant)

Common (Free)
Altalar (Native)
Life Story
- Stray was born to two Lanlath in a village within Maartasil as a simple farm boy, the family adopting a Kathar, Zannokh, into their family.
- At the age of 18, Stray was given knowledge of his heritage, and was inspired to study magic. His now adoptive brother soon joined him in his study. Eventually, they began to test their skills against monsters and bandits, becoming local heroes.
- One day, Stray became mysteriously ill, and had to be taken to Lathan to find a cure. Zannokh carrying his brother in his arms as they pleaded to be allowed in as a non-Lanlath, on the condition that their parents never returned, for they had comitted crimes unforgiveable to them.
- The two continued their magic study and improvement in Lanlath, Stray performing the ritual of Starbirth, revealed to be born under the Star of Peace.
- Zannokh soon became corrupted by his own people of the Kathar and by Void demons, and the two brothers eventually became distant, leading to a dividing conflict that forced the brothers apart. In the process, Stray had violated his Starbirth, and was exiled from Lathan.
- Stray wandered the world, meeting new people and trying to find a purpose now that his birth one was stripped from him, eventually finding Regalia and becoming a vigilante peacekpeer.
- After many trials and failures, Stray set down his darker methods and ways in exchange for a life of a father and mentor, hoping to help build the next generation of heroes- the kind of hero he failed to be.

- Stray was born in a small village in Maartasil to two Lanlath, who had remained outside of Lathan for unknown reasons, and raised as a simple farm boy with no knowledge of his heritage. One day, Stray had come upon a young Kathar boy, Zannokh, who he came to befriend after repeated visits to a nearby port. The two soon became inseparable, with Stray being the victim to Zannokh's occasional mischief, though it was always in good fun. After much convincing, and taking pity on the poor boy, Stray's parents adopted Zannokh into their family, seemingly unphased by the malice associated with his race, and believing good was in him.

- At the age of 18, Stray was finally given the news of his heritage: That he was, in fact, a Lanlath, and destined to be something so much greater than his current circumstance, but that he'd have to wait until his was older and more prepared before he could see Lathan himself. The young adult, excited by the possibilities of such a fate, eagerly wished to know more about his mystical race, but was pressured to keep the knowledge a secret. When informed Lanlath were masters of magic, he took it upon himself to study magic in private, scraping whatever coin he could to buy books and scrolls to train. Zannokh soon caught onto his exploits, and began to train with him- having innate magic potential of his own.

- The two continued to train and better their magic- soon becoming local heroes of their hometown as they defended it from bandits and other creatures, bringing hope and peace to their people. Stray often threw himself into these conflicts, eager to prove and better himself, while Zannokh remained in the backline, helping Stray recover from his wounds. In an odd twist of fate, the two brother's roles had turned, but their friendship and comradery remained the same.

- After one battle in particular, Stray suddenly came down with a strange illness, and Zannokh, accustomed to tending to his brother, carried the boy home to investigate with his parents. They revealed that the illness could only be cured by the best of Lanlath medicine, and they'd have to return to the city early if his life were to be saved. So, carrying his brother in his arms, Zannokh set out for the elusive entrance that bordered their region, led by his adoptive parents.

- Upon arriving into Lathan, the family had pleaded to help save the young Lanlath's life, as well as granting Zannokh allowance to remain there with his brother, and barely managed to scrape by with an ultimatum. The parents were to leave Lathan and never return again, for they had become Starfallen prior to Stray's birth, and to leave the brothers there to train their skills, and for Stray himself to finally undergo a Starbith of his own, and gain access to his people's secrets and knowledge. The agreement was reluctantly accepted, and the parents said their final goodbye to their children as they left.

Stray's Starbirth would reveal to him he was born under the Star of Peace. This revelation was hailed as a great blessing, and the expectations of being someone so meaningful pushed the young boy to do more than was asked of him every step of the way. The next years of the two's life from that point on was that of study and training. Together, they continued to better their skills in magic and theory, occasionally exiting Lathan briefly to engage in battle with monsters and vile men alike as a way of testing themselves once more. One day, however, marked a dark turn for the brothers.

- Zannokh, during a trip through a crime ridden city, was lured away by other Kathar and exposed to the more vile and wretched aspects of his own race, as well as given a horrific vision of his fate and death. At first he was hard to convince, bolstered by the good will of his adopted family, his brother, and the other Lanlath, but the seduction of demons and criminals alike chipped away at his psyche. Even after leaving, the knowledge haunted Zannokh, and he began to try and research ways to avoid his grim fate, growing more and more distant from his brother as time went on. The darkness and desperation continued to fester in Zannokh's heart, and he soon, whether by outside pressure, accident, or his own hand, became infected as a Vampire. His obsessions with immortality began as he continued to search for ways to avoid his dark fate, delving deeper and deeper into ritual and curses, appearing less and less within Lathan with his brother.

- When Stray finally confronted Zannokh and discovered the things he was doing, he pleaded with him to stop, and that they could find another way. Zannokh insisted that this was the only way, and fled. Stray pursued his brother across the local area- losing and following him as he tried to get his brother away from himself. When Stray finally caught up to Zannokh, he would only find the burning houses and trees of a Yanar village, witnessing his brother killing innocent Nelfin in an attempt to gain the favor of whatever dark god he now worshiped. A fierce battle ensued in the burning town between the two, with Stray inadvertently using Exist magic in an attempt to nullify the damage of his brother's Void magic, but breaking his Starborn status in the process. After a reluctant imprisoning of Zannokh, he returned to Lathan, where the news of the chaos he and his brother had caused, as well as his breaking of his heritage, were given to the other Lanlath there. Disgraced, and broken, Stray was barred entry from Lathan.

- The years after were that of isolation and loneliness, but of self-reflection as well. He wandered the world, searching for a new purpose and something to give his life meaning, believing his disgrace was unforgivable. Wishing to be redeemed from his failures in any way. His journey's allowed him contact with many different people of many different cultures- Maquixtl, Fin'ullen, Qadir, Allar. He'd meet many upon his travels, all offering their own experiences. Eventually, his journey led him to Regalia, where he became a vigilante peacekeeper in the underbelly of the city, doing what he believed would keep the peace as he had done so many years ago. Recruiting a group of misfits, mages, and fellow outcasts into an organized group, he came to learn the errors of his ways through many difficult trials and failures.

- Stray soon found his heart, hardened and broken by the failures of his past, begin to heal and soften as he took in a young Yanar in one of his patrols, Thalia Yavanna. Having the chance to make a real difference in someone's life, he began teaching his knowledge of magic to her, and soon, teaching grew to become one of the things he truly found joy in.

- Putting down his sword and helm for a cane and tome, he gave up the life of a vigilante for one of a father and mentor, adopting more into his family and acting as a beacon of safety and love for those closest to him. He devotes himself to development and guidance of the next generations of mages, hoping they can be the heroes they want to be;that he once was. Now living a simple life within Regalia, doing whatever he can to help people through peaceful means, while also hoping to find peace with himself as he continues to atone for his failings, and that of his brother.

Quality of Relationship out of 10
(Biological/Birth) Family

Zannokh Velsa| The Darkness to the Light - "What happened to you to lead you down such a path?" (1/10)

Found Family
Thalia Yavanna (@hawkeye1621) Blooming Orchid - "I am the person I am today because of you, my daughter. Thank you." (10/10)

Ana Cervantez (@soggytoenails) Distraught Medic - "I'm sorry I pushed you away.. I can only hope you found what you were looking for. (7/10)

Leon Griffin (@Alikiforever) Passionate Flame - "My brightest student, and bravest daughter. Take care of yourself, and your own family." (9.5/10)

Keldo Artemis - Youthful Creator "A young inventor and ecstatic personality. I won't let them hurt you again, my son." (9/10)

Dathil (@SamThing_) Perennial Flower - "I won't lose you again." (10/10)

Valhona Gloryfern (@Zen_watermelon) New Hope - "I had wished for another chance from the gods to raise my child again... they sent me you. I will guide you as I've done for others. I won't fail you. I promise." (10/10)

Arya (@BlooShrooms) Snowflake - "No one deserves to be alone like that. I'll be here as long as you need it, alright?" (8.5/10)

Lovata (@GingerSprinkle) Spiderling - "Just take a breath for me, ok? I won't let them hurt you. You're safe with me." (7/10)

Abraxas (@Alikiforever) B o i - "I'm glad we saved you." (7/10)

The Shou (@BluKnight10) Honorable Beast - "I may never fully understand the path you have chosen. But I hope you use you continue to use your abilities for good. Even if the rituals you may have to do are... unsavory." (8/10)

Zadicus Luthar (@MidnightRey) Shadowborn Guardian- "I apologize I do not share the same feelings you had for me. Regardless, your friendship is all I could ask for." (9/10)

Barbossa Yaotal (@dimetros) Fierce yet Vulnerable - "I'll always be there for you. I promise." (9/10)

Matzki Maz-Vyzal (@Estocs) Trusted Mutual - "I trust you'll keep Barbossa safe, my friend. You deserve that much for how much you have changed." (8/10)

Argo Dressal (@SuperKamiWarlock) Fellow Outcast - "We will honor her loss. I promise." (8.5/10)

Gehrman Gahan (@TheWonderOfYou) Gravebound Soldier - "I will claim my name as my own, as you have." (7/10)

Ashenvarya Sylfina (@Bellarmina) Reflective Healer - "I will continue to live for my family, and for my friends. Thank you for reminding me of that." (7.5/10)

Anathema (@Birdsfoot_Violet) Strong-willed Leader - "I know how difficult it is to be a leader of a cause... I will do everything I can to help." (7/10)

Petal Court Citizens - "I won't allow what happened before to happen again. The people of this district are under my watch, whenever I can. And I'm glad I'm not doing it alone." (8/10)

The Hexenblood Circle - "My closest allies during the Vampire Crisis. While I may not journey to other regions for discovery and investigation, or involve myself in politics, I always appreciate the company." (7/10)

Harlow Ketch (@fantuinn) Redeemed - "You've changed. I hope you remain on your new path. For Dathil's sake." (5.5/10)

Ailred (@War_pig) Rage Incarnate - "Hatred, is not strategy." (2/10)
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Your magic doc link isn't a sharing link by the way.
Quick peer mention! You might want to label the amount of points going into sanguineology and all those other skills to make it easier for a staff reviewer.
Hey there @Jcboi5! Claiming this app for review. Let's get started!

Skill Info
Total Points: 55+5+10(Will of Ages)= 70
Thin Blade: 10+10 (Will of Ages)=20
Magical Knowledge: 12
Athletic Training: 10
Bodycare Training: 2
Perception: 10
Although you aren't required to spend all your points, you've only spent 54 out of your 70 points here. In addition, you have a further 10 Hobby Points to spend in Arts Proficiencies.

Please include a physical stat calculation here, detailing how you came to this value.

I am unsure why this is here. Please remove this, as magic in Google Docs is only used for those with Special Character Permissions.

With the Altalar being prone to magical abilities, it was only a matter of time until he himself was able to perform the similar spells to that of his grandfather, albeit much weaker and less focused, injuring himself multiple times in the process.
This character does not have any sorcery spells listed on their app, nor do they hold a Special Character Permission to allow them spells through other means. I'd ask that you either include learning sorcery spells or remove this from your Life Story.

Please make these edits in Purple and tag me when complete!
Alright, everything should be good from what I've looked over. The remaining points for my proficiencies were used for the spells as stated in the wiki.
"All Sorcerers must pay 4 Proficiency Points per Sorcery Spells"
I have 4 spells, and that would equal 16 points total, which would use my remaining points. Although I haven't used magic on a character before, so I may have made a mistake on this. Please inform if I have
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@Mollymock Changed character's subrace and backstory a bit due to the news I received that Oberron Altalar won't be a thing anymore soon. Also added some décor and cleaned up the page a little.
@Mollymock Just added some relationships and recent history.
@Mollymock Hello! Reworked my points and such for the new update. Changes made in RED. Please inform me if anything is wrong.
Total Points: 45(age)+5(Bonus)+10(Talent)+10(Hobby)=70
Rapier Combat: 20
Medical Science: 10
Perception Training: 10
Stealth Rogue:5
Affliction and Curing
Please specify where your Talent Points and Hobby Points have been placed. It's hard to see if these proficiencies are all in order without knowing.
@Mollymock Should be a bit more organized. I used the 10 free talent points for the Perception prof, and 5 points from the age-based prof points for Stealth Rogue. All 10 hobby points were used and are in the appropriate category.
@Jcboi5 I'm more meaning place in brackets or something similiar besides where you invested your Hobby and Talent Points. For example:
+10 Stealth Rogue (from Talent Points)
Oh ok. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Total Points: 45(age)+5(Bonus)+10(Talent)+10(Hobby)=70
(Core list)
Rapier Combat: 20
Medical Science: 10
Affliction and Curing
(Talent list)
Perception Training: 10 (from Talent points)
Stealth Rogue: 5
(Hobby List)
Horticulture:5 (from Hobby points)
Needlework:3 (from Hobby points)
Architecture:2 (from Hobby points)
You've spent 3 more points than you have access to. Please remove these somewhere.
@Mollymock Removed 3 points from Rapier Combat, as to stay within the point limit.
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I am taking over this review: Approved.
Heya! Reworked some points in light of the Sorcery update. Other noteworthy changes are made in blue.
Minor updates include some changes to visual info, alias, relationships, etc, as well as general formatting fixes.
Also wrote out the descriptions of both the selected Sorcery abilities and Racial abilities in spoilers for the sake of easy reference.
Did a bit of a rehaul, updating my character's page with new info, including age, a change to his personality section, added more relationships, and clarified a few things such as sorcery, clothing, and aliases.
Did a bit of a rehaul, updating my character's page with new info, including age, a change to his personality section, added more relationships, and clarified a few things such as sorcery, clothing, and aliases.
You may want to re-rehaul your app now friend aha.
@HydraLana I find it almost comedic how I submitted my app re-review earlier, minutes before MonMarty made his announcement about the prof overhaul XD.
Everything else I stated in my last tag remains, though proficiencies and stuff changed for said overhaul.
Heya. The following changes have been made to my app:
- Removed Rogue gift 4.
- Replaced Element Control 6 with True Path 1.
- Added 1 point to rapier combat.
- Added 2 points to new melee combat proficiency, fist combat.
Heya. The following changes have been made to my app:
- Removed Rogue gift 4.
- Replaced Element Control 6 with True Path 1.
- Added 1 point to rapier combat.
- Added 2 points to new melee combat proficiency, fist combat.
My sole point of review is to ask for a line or two at the end of the Life Story mentioning what the character has been up to since April, when I last approved them. Spring and Summer have come and gone, so would be good to know!
My sole point of review is to ask for a line or two at the end of the Life Story mentioning what the character has been up to since April, when I last approved them. Spring and Summer have come and gone, so would be good to know!
All prominent events since April are summarized in the spoiler tab named "Recent" right under his Life Story!
Changed Character app format in accordance with the recent update that dropped.

Additionally, I changed the following things:
Magic Bolt I removed (also part of update), replaced with Element Brand III.
Aged this character down a bit, as to be more reasonable given how I have played him and for backstory reasons.
Just added Progression Talents/Info finally. That's pretty much it.
I'll be picking this character application up for a re-review.
  • Proficiency Information
    • Change "Medical Science" to "Medical Training."
  • Ability Information
    • You don't need to list the Teledden Altalar Racials! Every Teledden Altalar receives the same racial abilities, so it's unnecessary to put on this application.
Besides these two points, the rest of the application looks fine.
Took me a while to do decide on this, but I've decided to remove both Curing knowledge and some medical training, due to IC events and the current state of the character now due to said events. I'm currently aiming for a sorcery master/mentor character going into the future, so I added a couple more sorcery spells given the removal of arcanology/medical training so he can fulfill this role.