Depends on a lot of things, first and foremost: is it a movie based on MassiveCraft Lore or on MassiveCraft Game?
If Lore, the first movie should be the Chrysant War between Regalia and the Essa Empire, called "Chrysant War". This should be followed by the sequel: "Fall of Ceardia/Rise of the Banshee", following the destruction of Old Ceardia by the Void Creatures lead by the Dark Banshee. The Trilogy would then be concluded with the war between the Regalian Empire and the Qadiriyye Sultanate, "Sands of War". Naturally it would follow heroes from each story, or villains in the case of the Dark Banshee. A Prequel Trilogy, called "Ages Past" would be as follows: "Ages Past: Sereph Rising", "Ages Past: First Void Invasion", and "Ages Past: Elven Might" following events there respectively.
If Game, it would probably be better off as a TV series, each episode showing a different chapter. There would be chapters on the old empires, like Pristina, the Pinkcraftian Empire, Algaron, Argonia, Ser-whateveritwascalled, Magnanimous, Hisoka, and the like. Each episode would follow as either a documentary (think History Channel shows about long-lost civilizations) or a show following the main persons involved in each respective empire/nation/event/age that occurred.