Archived Snow Ball/ice Blast Trait!

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professional at living
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Everyone knows the fireball trait, and almost everyone has it. But what if someone doesn't want to burn their enemies? What about confuse them and weaken them with something similar? I am here to suggest the Snow Ball / Ice Blast trait! It would deal a small amount of damage, maybe about two or three hearts. It would also give them a slowness and nausea or something of that sort. It would use the snowball sprite, if enlarging one is possible, then that. What do you guys think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If we lowly plebs known as non-prems I agree 420% but if it is just for prems I only agree 100%.
I would think that using something more rare than snowballs would be better. Something like Packed Ice, or Ice.
Maybe you need a stack of snowballs for it to work, one blast per stack.
That's not any rarer, but more of an inconvenience as it means your Backpack would be full of stacks of snowballs.. Perhaps if it is an 'Iceball' instead, as someone mentioned above, it might solve the issue.

Anyway...Fire charges are incredibly easy to come buy, so I don't really see the problem, anyway?
Maybe it freezes the enemy for a few seconds, or knocks them back.....
If it were to take 1 piece of ice per shot I think that would be a good way to balance it so that it could be accessible to non-prems as well as prems.