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Snow And Stone, A Statement By The Trouve


An artistic rendition of the Ruins of Helegen, in Drixagh.


To the citizens of Regalia, the Countess Olivia Désirée Ombre hereby releases an official statement in regards to her recent expedition to the North and work in Ithania, and Regalia.

i. Magic is, as has been seen by many, on the rise. It is with this in mind that Her Ladyship organized and funded an expedition to the settlement of Helgen in Drixagh, after concerning rumors of the town reached her. This expedition was helmed by none other than the Baron Vidarr Ulfurtonn and her own Oakenshield Leon Letiner. They were supported by others of the peerage as well, from the recently wed Garth Viduggla nee Wodenstaff as well as the Consul himself, Vulmar Ravenstad.

What they found was terrifying. The rumors held true, as the settlement was a ghost town with not a soul in sight. Buildings lay toppled over, livestock starved, and the last harvest of the season lay untouched. By Her Clarity the Leader of the Sapphire Sentinel's own words, "To hear of such a place, a settlement in Drixagh that had once been bustling and full of life - not too different from the settlements that I myself once funded - and know now that it is dead and void of any such things, a cemetery of toppled stone and unbothered snow, truly strikes fear in my heart. It is only with the leadership of those like the Consul Vulmar Ravenstad will we be able to stop such a crisis from creeping upon our own Holy City by creating new defenses and legislature."

ii. It should be noted, by the Dame of Oakclyff's own account, that the Krupp ensemble would have been welcomed wholeheartedly to the ruins were she present. Madame Ombre has always treasured her allies to the North; and it is by this friendship that she took it upon herself to investigate Helegen. The officer in question that denied them entry has since been punished accordingly for his actions.

iii. As the war with the despicable Nelfin carries on, the Protectress of Ithania would like to reassure the people of Regalia. With his Imperial Holiness arrival to the shores of Daen, and the efforts of the Swan de Ithania, the Shendar horde have been held off and are now being pursued. The Countess Ombre hopes this astounding victory will only lead to further successes on the side of her peers fighting the good fight throughout Daen.

iv. Her Ladyship would like to commend the efforts made by His Excellency the Proconsul as well Lord Jocelyn von Duerr in seeing that the force that which governs our great city in the name of his Imperial Holiness is fit to do so.

v. The work of the Calemberger Philanthropist Foundation, being spearheaded by the dutiful Chairwoman Eleana Ravenstad, is not to be forgotten either. Her work to protect and better the people of Regalia is paramount as the war carries on. The State needs strong and capable women such as her more now than ever. Her Ladyship the Countess thusly forms Helegen's Avengers, or simply the Avengers, a private army to be at the use and disposal of the Calemberger Philanthropist Foundation.


May we as a people and state find unity and grow strong as oak,


Grand Clarity of the Sapphire Sentinels

Countess de Imperial Court
Swan de Ithanian Court
Protecteur de Avull Island

Protectress de Ithania
Dame de Oakclyff
Maîtresse de la Trouve
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The Baron Úlfurtönn was still resettling after his journey to Helegen, tiredly catching up with some people in the tavern when the notice was brought to his attention; one of his comrades reading it aloud for him. Indulging himself in drink and food he listened, humming at certain spots, nodding at others. Eventually, he spoke to those with him and anyone that may have been listening.
"It was bone chillin', seein' t'e home of so many friends an' family destroyed. Like somet'ing torn straight from a dark fable tha' my ma' would read to me when I was young an' refused ta listen... It was a shame, having found na' survivors or sign o' anyune bein' t'ere recently. All tha' remained was soot, shattered glass, an' crumblin' brick foundations where people use ta live.. I hope tha' whatever magic did t'is will be destroyed, never ta act agains' Aloria again." he cleared his throat, then, possibly choking up some as the memories hit him. Though, he quickly composed himself, offering a booming "Now who is gettin' me my next drink?!", kicking back in his chair to finish the tankard he still held

House Úlfurtönn
The Ulvtænder : The Hule Personale

@A_r_e_s @skullpanda90 @Mortisian @SasuNaru2016 @HeyoBiggums @QueenOfKarma
Avynn looked at the notice after she returned "So thas' wha' happened, interestin'." She mumbled shortly before turning to walk off else where.
"Piss on your defenses and legislature. You know what legislature we got right now? The right to hang 'em. Kill before they kill you, that's what Papa used to say, Spirit bless him." The hefty reverend pulled his weight back and forth as to not fall from his dining chair in the inn he had recently booked, sending looks to the gathered patrons behind beady eyes. "And piss on this ale, not even good enough to teeth a baby." He would hack and cough before taking another reluctant drink before speaking Scripture to those still in the company of the large man.