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Forts Of Fire And Stone, A Declaration By The Trouve.


A small wax and ink depiction of the Bastion, created by Ser Côme Ombre.


A declaration from the Ser Côme Elouan Ombre regarding alarming discoveries made this very night, as published by The Trouve.

To the citizens of Regalia - peerage and common alike - I ask, will you truly allow such a terror hold us in its vice grip for any longer? It took only two days for these self-labeled "Dragon Knights" to kidnap the newly made Lord Commander of the Violet Order, the Baron Edmond du Pont. I repeat myself, it was a matter of a few DAYS of the honorable Ser being in office before he was taken and now remains imprisoned within the occupied Fort Bastion.

And what can our law enforcement charters do in retaliation? To enforce the justice that is beyond deserved to these heretics? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are bound to watch, bound by none other than Jared Kade and the preposterous law of his forbidding the possessed to be arrested. Two open Dragon Worshippers donning obviously illegal armor loosed arrows upon not only myself, but a Violet and Vigilant guard as well. Why should these criminals be protected by the laws that they ignore and mock?

I call upon the Assembly to show their support of our law enforcement charters, and further, to finally make real advances towards ending this tyranny of terror Regalia finds itself under. I propose the following:

i. The "Dragon Law" be amended, giving all weapon baring charters the right to arrest and transfer open Dragon Worshippers (those that don illegal armor, strike at Regalian citizens, or publicly praise the Dragon Witch) to the appropriate law enforcement charter.

ii. A united effort be made to rescue the Lord Commander du Pont from the Bastion. Not only has he been the only one to actually slay an Arken - making him an obvious threat to the Dragon cult - but by allowing him to remain imprisoned we expose our own inaptitude.

Will we simply allow these heathens to walk over our laws and those who try to enforce them? Or will we declare them the true criminals and cowards they are and treat them as such? Let it be known House Ombre valiantly fights this Dragon menace to the best of our ability - and hope others of the city will as well.



Ser Knight of the Oakenshield
Knight of Mariposa
Scholar of the Azure Order
[CENTER][IMG]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/657/458/637.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/657/459/e31.gif[/IMG] [spoiler] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/z5wrC6s.gif[/IMG] [/spoiler][/CENTER]
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The half-Daendroquin, Estiñe, swiftly heard of this news- only to crease her brows and grit her teeth with annoyance and hatred towards the so-called Dragon Worshippers.
"Damned heretics!" She spat out in a fury- pacing around on the spot that so found to be the tavern courtyard, mumbling other curses beneath her breath as she shook her head from side to side.
"I will see to it that my Guard will help or my husband if needed- we ought to rescue the good man du Pont. Bloody Dragon."
And, as she took her leave. She mumbled a common nickname for the Dragon, Witch- whatever she were...
"The Lord Commander was kidnapped? What th'fuck?"

Khalid stared at the scribbled declaration, stunned into a sense of disbelief. It had only been days, but the newly appointed head of the Violets had been ransacked.

"Flo, your boyfriend's in trouble!"

@alchemyluvr352 @Fatherland
Theodosia deadpanned at the news, scoffing in Minor annoyance as she tossed her feather pen onto her desk.
"Mm.. Of course. The witnesses themselves never seem to get their thoughts on the case in. They don't know a thing that happened there.. At least my proposals are more grounded."
With a huff, she gathered up her papers, shaking her head as she paced for the door of her room, setting to pinning each sheet to the noticeboard in her kitchen. The papers were assortments of information- Information which would remain hidden in her home for the time being. She paused, brows furrowing in contemplation as she took in all she'd gathered. In a silent hint of inspiration, the woman tapped her fingertips along the tabletop, and muttered,
".. A curfew and night watch could be in order-... Hrm..."
Oskar Ulfmaerr Overlooked the new declaration. After reading it through, the wounded Dragon Warden could only offer an annoyed sigh.
Juliette merely glanced away from her tea to her loyal chambermaid who told of the occurances, "Oh no. How terrible." She paused a moment to take another sip of tea before waving her hand to dismiss the woman, "Inform my cousin of this:"
Edward Jarsdel removed his sigg from his lips to exhale a long, lasting cloud of smoke at the news that reached him. His brows furrowed into an expression of strain and exhaust. One word was all he offered to the news before diving into deep thought; "F**k."
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"That will show them," Marie replied, reading the notice in the safety of her own home. "I wasn't involved for once. Hah!"
Leonzio glanced back to the Wodenstaff who had just stepped foot into his office. He sighed and questioned her appearance this early in the day. The woman made her way forward and handed over the "declaration" as it were. The Dressolini set down his morning kaffee and began to read it over. Not a moment later he let the parchment drop to the floor and plucked up a hand mirror from his desk, beginning to search for something inside.

"Wha...what are you doing?" Darcie questioned, glancing from the window to the baron. "Seeing if I have any gray hairs yet. The peerage, mainly the Ithanians, get more challenged by each growing minute." He stated as he set the mirror back down. "Grab a quill, we have a response this day."
@AtticCat @Walnoodle
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Zasill looked at the notice oddly, blinking a few times before muttering to himself, "I was lead to believe assault and weapons were still illegal.... Yes, I'm sure that is still the case, they executed that one person for it." With his confusion decidedly clear that the message had false information, he would walk away, his nails tapping on the ground as he went.
Idunn Freyr looked soon the declaration and muttered, "'Ell this'll be fun" The dragons had taken everything from her except her skill in battle, it would almost be impossible to keep her from coming and aiding the fight
Darcie surpressed a small snort as she moved to do exactly as she had been instructed to do. The woman's quill moving quickly over the parchment as Leonzio dictated to her. After all was said and done, she offered the now dry address out to the man. "With each kidnapping and toe stepped out of line, we really must consider..." The woman trailed off, before simply smiling at the other occupant of the room, not entirely finishing her statement and simply leaving it there.
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Horace Jarsdel finished up drying the glass he held setting it down atop the counter. He exhaled, sliding his apron off as he'd turn to offer Edward a nod. He seemed to take the news well, all he offered up was a simple, "I'll go sharpen the blades, make sure Frey doesn't come with."

@Yigit @Erzly
Fiske was fuming, "Scholar of the Azure Order, pfahah! Not after this, he isn't. The man is hardly worth the words that spill out of his loud mouth." Though the Isldar was a bit dismayed he would not be able to try and drain resources from the House Ombre going forward, the physician was content with what information he had sucked out of him for now. As they had yet to hire a secretary, the Isldar wrote directly to the man before sending the letter off with a runner, it stated:

To the Sir Come Ombre,

Before placing a title at the end of your name, you should consider the fact that your acceptance was not finished, and now will not even be regarded as something that is possible. Your denouncement of one of our closest allies, the Grand Comissioner Jared Kade, does not sit well on my stomach. You should learn some tact. You are hereby stricken of the charter, and the investigation on you continues.

Doctor Fiske Eberlin

@Posidem @alchemyluvr352
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The only Ombre in the city awoke to a pile of paperwork. A grimace was quick to make its way to his face as he scanned through the various letters and rebuttals from others; though two in particular caught his eye. As Côme readied his quill and azure ink he couldn't help but appreciate the fact that Olivia dealt with such matters and desperately wished she would return to the city soon. With a sigh, he began writing...

To the Doctor Fiske Eberlin,

An unfortunate conclusion, and perhaps a misinterpretation on my part of your words "giving you the title of Scholar" when we last met at the Aletta Keep. Do Isldar have a different meaning for the words they speak? Or like ice, are your words fragile and break with a gust of wind? I denounced Jared Kade's law as it indeed hinders those who try to protect our Holy City. The investigation continues, oui, but if it is truly your intention to not be part of this new discovery of the arcane then you are - essentially - striking resources and aid from the Azure Order. As I've been told, the Azure Order was not needed - and as you have deemed - will not be needed going forward. What information the Black Hand or his Holiness deems worthy to pass unto you is beyond my scope. It may be wise to reconsider this rash decision, as you are the only acting Lesser Vigil, non? What with the ongoing investigation into House Ravenstad...

Spirit guide you in this difficult journey ahead,

Ser Knight of the Oakenshield
Knight of Mariposa
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Avynn looked at the notice, all she got from it was "Poor Lord Commander Du Pont. We must see to it he is saved."

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